08 April 2010

Apr 8 (1 Kings 2-4)

1st Kings 2

David is dying and gives Solomon one last bit of advice. Most importantly, David tells Solomon to walk with God and he will be blessed. This is true for all of us. We probably won't be kings or be as rich or wise as Solomon, but we will be rich in love, and as wise as the Holy Spirit makes us!

(v.19) The way Solomon treated his mother is interesting...on one hand, he gave her respect. But on the other hand, there is no record of the LORD directing Solomon to give her a throne at his right hand...it seems that Solomon had already begun his walk away from the LORD. It is good to honor your parents, but not to the point of going against God's commandments.

(v.25) It seems cruel that Solomon had his brother and others who rebelled against him killed, but Solomon had to clean house from the treachery and deceit. If he didn't, he would have had problems all during his reign with them.

1st Kings 3

(v.3) What a great thing to read...a king who loves the LORD and is walking in His statutes. We so need that today with our government!

(v.9) Solomon didn't ask God for wealth or power...he asked for understanding and wisdom to lead God's people. This is what I pray for with my own house...that I lead my family to walk with God, and help teach them His ways by His wisdom and understanding.

(v.13) God blessed Solomon with power, riches and fame, even though he didn't ask for it. God gave these things to Solomon because Solomon's heart was good, and didn't desire worldly things, but godly things. God will do the same for us if our hearts are in tune with Him.

(v.28) People like a person who is wise, and uses wisdom for good.

1st Kings 4

Solomon's kingly reign was blessed immensely. I show my girls that Solomon wrote over 3,000 proverbs, 1,500 psalms and wrote about many things of life. We are only aware and blessed to read some of them...the rest we'll hear from God Himself one day in heaven!

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