15 April 2010

Apr 15 (Prov 14-15)

Proverbs 14

(v.6) Those who mock us for believing in Christ, seek wisdom, but all they get is worldly knowledge. But we believers get knowledge because we understand our God, and see His work in our lives and in the world!

(v.12) Those that wish to be their own god, will find their folly in the end. We need to pray for the lost, and plant the seeds of the Gospel to them, and let the Holy Spirit convict them of their sins. Only then, can they repent and be saved!

(v.15) It's ok to live a simple life, but not to be a simpleton! We need to test the spirit 1 John 4:1 of what we hear and meditate upon what is taught to us. Satan likes to mislead us, and have us stray from God, so we will not be effective ambassadors of Christ. When we are taught the Word, we need to search the Scriptures to see if it is true. Acts 17:11

(v.26) Those of us who love the LORD, have a great sense of joy and boldness. We are on God's side, so what do we have to fear? Rom 8:31

We know where we're going, and who empowers us, so be bold, but with love!

Proverbs 15

(v.1) A soft word of love can extinguish a fight like nothing else. Love conquers all. If we are to be Christ's ambassadors, then we should be peacemakers. Matt 5:9

(v.3) I remind my kids that God knows what the evil are doing just as much as He knows what His children are doing. The wicked will get their rewards in God's timing...not ours. It is not good for us to obsess or wish to see evil come upon our enemies. We must let it go and let God take care of our troubles.

(v.29) Even though God knows what the wicked are doing, it doesn't mean He is close to them. He is close to us believers, and He loves to hear us pray and cry out to Him. The whole reason for our lives is to come to know Him, and to have fellowship with Him, through His Son. He loves us so much, He willingly died and suffered for us, just so we can have fellowship with Him forever!

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