27 April 2010

Apr 26 (Ecc 7-9)

Ecclesiastes 7

(v.1) God's name is so important...YHWH Saves is what it's all about. As His ambassadors, our integrity and our reputation is what matters. If we represent our King righteously, then others will listen and even emulate us.

The second part of this verse is often overlooked in my opinion...the day we die may be sad for those we leave behind, but it's the beginning of eternity with Jesus! How glorious that day will be, but until that day, we need to live for Him and reach the lost.

(v.3) This is a good verse to share with those who are going through a tough time. It's only in times of sorrow and pain, that we truly grow in the LORD. That is why this verse goes so well with Rom 8:28 and James 1:2 because when we're in a storm, we know Who will calm the storm in His own timing!

(v.5) We need to choose our friends wisely. We don't need "yes-men" who will always agree with us. We need friends with character who know the LORD, and will tell us when we're slipping away from the Way.

(v.12) When we accept Christ, we are given a new heart, that the Holy Spirit works in. He also opens up our minds, to let us see the meanings of Scripture. This is what gives us peace and hope, since when we see life happen in front of us, we see God's plan happening...not random chaos.

(v.20) Every man or woman who has walked the earth has been a sinner...all except One. Jesus became man to die for us...to pay our debt for sin. Only God could do that, and He willingly suffered and died for us because He loves us so much!!!

Ecclesiastes 8

(v.1) I have had people tell me that I'm so positive and happy, and they admire that. I can't take the credit, for God made me this way, and also with the fact that I know where I'm going, I am happy always!

(v.4) Wherever the Word of our King is, we have power! We need to keep His Word in our hearts and minds, and His power will work in us.

(v.11) We often get mad when we see evil people do well and not get punished. We need to pray for them, so that they may repent, for if they don't, they will suffer for eternity.

Ecclesiastes 9

(v.5) This is comforting, since those we wanted to accept Christ in our lives, will not be remembered when we're in heaven. Their memory will be gone. We will only rejoice with those with us in heaven!

(v.17) The pompous and the foolish shout wicked things. We need to pray for them, and keep encouraging each other with kind words of love.

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