21 April 2010

Apr 21 (Prov 28-29)

Proverbs 28

(v.1) Wicked people are paranoid and are cowards. Godly people are brave in Christ, and step up to the plate when times are tough. If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31

(v.5) Ungodly people don't understand justice...they want to understand tolerance, but they don't even know that! I know this seems harsh, but if we think about it, it's true. How can someone defend the act of abortion on demand, while protest the execution of a convicted murderer? Their whole sense right and wrong is off. Only God's Word gives us a good foundation and base for morality and righteousness.

(v.13) We all have tried to cover up our sins, and we think we got away with it. But God sees everything, and He wants us to confess and repent of our wicked ways. God is merciful and just, so if we confess our sins, and turn back to God, He will forgive us and bless us.

(v.20) This is a good lesson for all of us...we need to deny the want for riches and immediate gratification. Instead, let God lead us, and be patient to see His plans for us. It's hard to do, but the best way to live our lives for Him.

(v.27) No matter what is going on in our lives, there are always other people around the world who are suffering. We are incredibly blessed, and God wants us to reach out to the poor and needy, to show them God's love. This doesn't necessarily mean giving money, but often giving of your time is more effective.

Proverbs 29

(v.2) Our Founding Fathers of the USA told us that only a spiritual and moral people can prosper in this Republic. We need godly people to govern themselves, and elect other godly people to represent them in government. We have seen the results of electing ungodly people...they have replaced God with government, and think that the government is the one to grant rights, and to provide for us.

We give of our time and money to those in need because it's right, and what God wants us to do. We don't do it to earn salvation, since that can't be done by any mortal man...only God Himself could have paid the price for our sins...Jesus did that for us, and He wants us to love one another to honor and obey Him.

(v.7) Again, the ungodly think that tax dollars and government programs are the best ways to help the poor and needy. But we see, time and time again, that government only wastes resources and gives shoddy service to the needy. Only godly people, moved by the Spirit, can truly help those who need God's love.

(v.15) If we try to be our kids' best friend, then they will resent us when they're older. We need to do our duty as parents, and guide our kids with loving discipline.

(v.25) If we only care what the LORD thinks about us, then we will not be paralyzed by what we think others think of us. What matters is what God wants for us, not what the Joneses think.

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