10 April 2010

Apr 10 (1 Kings 8-10)

1st Kings 8

(v.9) The ark is a wonderful item to remember and worship God, since in Moses' time, it had the two tablets of the Law, a golden bowl with manna in it from he Wilderness wanderings, and Aaron's staff that had buds grow on it. By this time, only the tablets of the Law were in the ark, so we don't know exactly what happened to the bowl and staff. It is suspected that when the Philistines took the ark from Israel 1 Sam 4 they valued the staff and golden bowl.

Personally, I agree with Chuck Smith in his commentary, that it would be awesome to see the original tablets with God's writing on it!

(v.17) David had a heart for God, and we see that by what God said about David in 2 Chr 6:8 and by what Solomon reminded the people about his father. As we know, God determined that David had been His warrior, so his son must be the one to build His Temple.

(v.27) God commanded the Temple to be built, but not because God needed the Temple to reside on earth. God is greater than the whole universe He created, but He determined that the Temple would be a place for the people to associate and worship Him.

1st Kings 9

(v.3) God has His eyes and heart in places that have His beloved gathered. This is true of the Temple, His Church, and in each of us individually. As long as we are worshipping Him and reading His Word...He is there to bless us and teach us!

(v.4) I point out to my kids that God speaks of David as upright and having integrity...these are key to our lives. David sinned badly quite a few times, but the whole time, God knew David's heart. We sin and will sin the rest of our lives, but if we have a heart for God, He will continue to bless us and guide us.

1st Kings 10

The Queen of Sheba is an interesting woman, and there is more to know about her than what is stated in the Bible. We know that Solomon and the Queen of Sheba met, since Jesus tells about it in Matt 12:42 and Luke 11:31.

The Ethiopians claim that Sheba was from there, and that when she visited Solomon to hear his wisdom, they made a child. The Ethiopians claim that they have a line from Solomon, and some scholars believe them to be truthful. Also, the Ethiopians claim to have the Ark of the Covenant in their possession today. I refer to the Base Institute site for more info.

Solomon was blessed far beyond anything we can imagine today. I think it's because God so loved the nation of Israel, and because Solomon asked for wisdom in his heart. Unfortunately, we'll see that blessings can be taken away if we veer away from God, as Solomon did.

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