19 April 2010

Apr 19 (Prov 22-24)

Proverbs 22

(v.1) I try to teach my kids that a good reputation for good character and integrity is far better to be known for, than your talents or riches. Our looks, talents and riches can come and go, but our character and values should be a constant. If we are walking with the LORD, we will show our integrity by our actions and words. People will respect us for our faith.

(v.4) Worldly riches are only good if they are used to further God's kingdom. If we fear and respect the LORD, we will be rewarded on earth, but more importantly, in heaven.

(v.6) This is one of the verses that inspires me to do this blog, and to document what I'm teaching my kids. It is my prayer that the LORD will use this blog to help other parents grow in the LORD, and to have practical ways to teach their kids His ways. Teaching my kids the Word is my first priority as a Daddy.

(v.28) When I read this verse, it makes me think of the land that God gave Israel through Abraham. It is much larger than the borders of Israel today, and I believe Psalm 83 predicts that one day soon, Israel will become larger, and prompt the great Magog invasion described in Ezekiel 38 & 39. Israel is God's land, and NO ONE should mess with it...including the USA!

Proverbs 23

(v.13) As a parent, I don't like to discipline my kids, but God does show us that it's important to discipline them so they don't stray too far from Him. There is a big difference between punishment and discipline. Whenever I discipline my kids (which gratefully, is not often) I tell them why they're being disciplined, and after they are spanked, I hug them and tell them I love them.

This is like what our Heavenly Father does with us...when we mess up, there is usually a hard lesson to learn, but He's always there, and He always lifts us up after we repent.

(v.18) It's hard for adults to fully grasp heaven...so it's even harder for kids. They haven't (for the most part) experienced life's troubles, so they don't seek heaven nearly as much as those of us who've lived quite a few decades. We yearn for Jesus to return, but not so much our kids. However, we still need to assure them that heaven and hell exist, and their choices in life will determine their destination. With that said, I encourage them, that if they understand and accept what God did for us on the cross and His resurrection, then their destination is assured.

(v.33) Those of us who've had too much to drink at times in our lives can identify with this verse! We regret our actions or words after being moved by strong drink. There is no Scriptural command to refrain from wine or alcohol (except for pastors), but we should always be in control and let the Holy Spirit be our intoxication of choice! Remember, Jesus drank wine, but He never drank a lot, so we should do the same.

Proverbs 24

(v.3) If we have God's wisdom being discussed and obeyed in the house, then we will be in a house with less chaos and strife. The more we know God's Word and live it, the more firm our family foundation will be.

(v.4) When we have a home that loves and respects the LORD, we are blessed with children who love and respect their parents, other parents, and all forms of authority. Children who love the LORD are more precious than the most beautiful jewelry stones!

(v.17) This is hard for me to obey, let along kids who endure bullying, mockery and snickering at school. But it's important to instill in our kids the concept of letting God fight our battles for us. If they have a fragile self-esteem, we parents need to routinely tell them that they are beautiful, unique and valuable. God thought of them before He made the universe...I like to let them think on that, and assure them that God specifically designed them, and has great plans for them!

(v.21) The last Presidential election was about "change" but we see that the change wasn't what we really wanted! God's Word should never be changed, and America's Constitution shouldn't either! I teach my kids to pray for President Obama, since God put him in office as He does with all leaders in authority, and also it would be a great witness to the world if Obama was born again while in office! We need to pray for our leaders, and let God work in their lives.

(v.27) This is a farming reference, where the farmer should establish his crop before he spends a lot of time with his house. We need to make sure we dutifully provide for our family before we do our hobbies or less important things.

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