27 April 2010

Apr 27 (Ecc 10-12)

Ecclesiastes 10

(v.10) Strength and power don't always do the job, and if they are relied upon, we can spend way too much time on things if we don't seek God's wisdom. His wisdom helps us be effective and more powerful with less. This reminds me of Paul's saying in 2 Cor 12:10

For when I am weak, then I am strong.

When we let God guide us, and we rely on His strength, we are stronger than we ever could be on our own!

(v.20) This verse hits me hard, since I am guilty of saying unloving things about our current President, and others who don't rule according to God's laws. I need to respect who God has put into authority, and pray for them. God will fight evil and wickedness, and I need to be light and love to them.

Ecclesiastes 11

(v.5) Modern science can explain a lot about life, but not completely. We still can't create life out of nothing like God did. I remember the amazing things I discovered with the pregnancy and birth of our children...I saw the majesty of God at work!

(v.10) I explain to my kids, that they need to enjoy their childhoods, and listen to me and their pastors regarding God's ways. For when they get older, they will face trials and temptations, and if they're not walking with God, they will endure more hardships than if they were with God.

Ecclesiastes 12

(v.1) Remember our Creator...that is our daily task to keep. He gives us each new day, each new breath, and the experiences we have. He numbers our days, so we should make the most of them...loving and serving those around us.

(v.7) I teach my kids that God thought of each one of us before He made the universe. We were in Him until He put us into earthly bodies. One day, our body will go back to the dust, and our spirits will return to Him! But in the meantime, we are to live for Him, and know that He loves each of us, and each one of us has a purpose!

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