06 April 2010

Apr 4 (Psa 139, 145, 148, 150)

Songs of Joy and Praise

Psalm 139

(v.2) Who do we think we are kidding when we do things in private and think no one will know? God knows all our actions and our thoughts, so we should remember that, and focus on Him so He can guide our lives.

(v.8) The psalmist makes this point even more clear...God is everywhere...in heaven and He knows who's in hell.

(v.13) This is a great verse to remember when talking with someone who thinks the baby in the womb is a fetus...God is molding that baby the whole time.

(v.14) When my first daughter was in my wife's womb, I came back to Christ realizing the miracle that it is to have a baby! I decided right then, to learn God's Word, and to be led by God's Spirit to help me be the best Daddy to her!

(v.17) We have no idea the wonderful thoughts God has for us, but we can realize many of them if we just let Him guide our lives...He will bless us abundantly!

Psalm 145

(v.5) I have been blessed to sit in my backyard, and observe all the wonderful things in God's creation! From the plants with the pretty flowers, and the birds, and even the insects! The amazing complexity of it all is marvelous and worthy of praise to our Creator!

(v.8) The God of the Old Testament is given a bad rap by those who don't know Him. They think He's a mean and vindictive God who likes to punish. But quite the contrary, He is loving and merciful, and full of compassion.

(v.18) If we are reading His Word, praying and living out His commands, then we are walking with Him. And then we know He is with us...and in us...working in our lives.

(v.19) I love reading this verse to my kids! God loves to bless us, and He will never forsake us!

Psalm 148

What a great summary of the whole creation praising the LORD! We all need to take more time out of our day, and think upon what God has done for us. Some say the phrase, "Smell the roses" but I say "Taste the Grace!"

Psalm 150

One thing I learned about worship in church, is we can often get caught up with the song selections. Sometimes we love the song, and then we'll get bent out of shape if we don't like the next one! We need to remember WHO the worship is for...God...and let the Spirit lead the worship team, and we let the Spirit move us in worship.

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