03 April 2010

Apr 3 (Psa 122, 124, 138)

Songs of Joy and Praise

Psalm 122

This psalm is focused on Israel, as is the majority of the Bible. God views all time and events with Israel as His focus. Only now, during the time of the gentiles, has God focused on putting together and bringing home His Church. Once the Church is raptured, God will once again focus on Israel, and save them from their enemies.

(v.8) The Bible tells us that Israel will not have complete peace, until the Prince of Peace comes. However, we are still to pray for the peace for Jersusalem and Israel. This is the same as God knowing what we need and desire, but He still wants us to pray and call out to Him.

The USA has been blessed because it's the nation that God established to evangelize the world, but also because it's been a friend and ally to Israel. Currently, in 2010, that has changed. If we don't change our mistreatment of Israel, then Gen 12:3 will be our epitaph. We are on a dangerous path.

Psalm 124

(v.1) This phrase is similar to "But by the grace of God, go I" since if we acknowledge that we are guided and protected by God. If we didn't have God, then we would be susceptible to evil and even more problems.

(v.8) We need to always remember that God created everything...He is all-powerful and mighty, and this is what is referenced when we see the fear of the Lord...His ability to destroy us, but He loves us, and wants to have fellowship with us.

Psalm 138

(v.1) We need to worship without fear of what people will think or say about us. We need to sing to Him like when we are alone and no one is there but God.

I also like how the psalmist says to sing to the LORD before the gods, or the worldly idols that many people worship. We need to be bold and open in our faith, not reserved, ashamed or fearful of what others will think.

(v.4) This is a reference to the Millenium, where all the leaders of the earth will worship and praise Jesus as He sits on the Throne of David in Jerusalem!

(v.6) Even though God is almighty and powerful, He cares about the lowly, poor and needy. He actually focuses on us, and rebukes the rich and prideful in their folly.

(v.7) God's right hand is Jesus, and He will guide us and protect us if we're walking with Him.

(v.8) After we have been saved and justified in Christ, the Holy Spirit works in us to perfect us. We will not be perfect until we're in heaven, when we're glorified in Christ. Until then, the Spirit will sanctify and purify us, through trials and God's Word.

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