15 April 2010

Apr 13 (Prov 8-10)

Proverbs 8

(v.11) God's wisdom is greater than anything we can have on earth. If we have God's wisdom, then that means we are saved! And if we're saved, and we seek more wisdom, then He will give it to us!

(v.13) It is godly to hate...but only to hate evil. We should hate how the wicked kill, maim, rob and steal from all of us. We should desire the pure, and detest the filthy. We are to hate evil, but let God take care of evil on His terms. If we have an evil person in our lives, then we should pray and ask God how we can help them with love, and to have God take care of their wickedness.

(v.17) God is not hard to find. He is in the sunshine, the birds in the air, the beautiful trees and flowers. He is in all of us who believe in Him. He has created everything, and all we need to do, is seek Him. He wants all of us to accept what Christ did on the cross John 3:16 and choose to love Him.

(v.23) This verse shows that Jesus, the Word of God, and Wisdom Himself, is God. He was there in the beginning, and He will be there at the end. He is our God who was, who is, and who is to come!

Proverbs 9

(v.5) This is a foreshadowing of the communion that Jesus had with His disciples in the Last Supper. The Passover meal was designed to reveal who Christ is...our Messiah!

(v.8) It's difficult to give advice or wisdom to someone who doesn't value it. However, a brother or sister in Christ should value our advice, since often times God speaks to us believers through other believers.

Proverbs 10

(v.1) A rebellious son or daughter brings grief and shame upon the parents. We parents will torture ourselves with questions about how we brought them up...did we make mistakes? Of course we make mistakes, but if we love our kids and show them through God's Word how to live, then we've done our duty. Then, our kids need to choose to live for Christ, or for themselves. No matter how much we parents would like to affect that, it's ultimately up to each person to decide his or her faith.

(v.12) I remind my kids that love covers up so much hurt. Love is powerful. Not lust or a fleeting affection, but true love is to give of ourselves for another. 1 Cor 13

(v.19) It's sometimes hard to do, but if we think before we speak, we will be less likely to regret our speech. We can all remember or think of someone we respect, who when he or she speaks, we meditate upon it, since they don't speak often, but when they do, it's very wise!

(v.21) If our hearts are pure, then our actions and words will feed the lost. Giving others love, food, and affection is from God, so let's do it cheerfully!

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