15 April 2010

Apr 14 (Prov 11-13)

Proverbs 11

(v.4) The wealthy often get out of trouble because they can buy their way out, but when they face God in the day of Judgment, they will be powerless. Only the blood of God's Son can keep us from the wrath of God on all wickedness. If we aren't with God, then we're with Satan, and God will bring His righteous wrath upon evil.

(v.14) This is a great verse for life. It applies to business, relationships and many other things in life. If we have a big decision to make, we should discuss our options with other believers who trust in God, and hear what God says through them. If they are saying what God has been saying to you, then you know it's the will of God to do it.

(v.30) Those of us who are born again are required to share our joy in the LORD! However, if we are truly saved, it won't be forced upon us to share the LORD...we will be so eager to share the Good News of Christ to others, that we will often need to be told to shut up!

Proverbs 12

(v.4) This is another great verse for us husbands to meditate on...if we are godly, and we're teaching our family the Word, then our wives will be like a crown to us. She will be beautiful on the inside and outside, she will be loving and kind, and other people will gravitate to her because they will want to be around her!

(v.10) We are to treat our animals with respect and love. They are God's creatures, created to serve and love us. Animal cruelty is an abomination to the LORD!

(v.26) I talk to my kids a lot about who they associate with at school. We have the choice of who we call our friends. If we choose friends for what they can give us (popularity, self-esteem, riches) then we will be disappointed in the end. I teach my kids to have friends who value them and don't want anything from them.

Proverbs 13

(v.4) The ungodly desire many things, but they will never be satisfied. But the godly will be grateful for what they have, and be joyful for what God gives them. For the godly, their riches are wisdom and salvation!

(v.20) Who we associate with rubs off on us...if we hang around fools, we will become fools ourselves. If we hang around godly people who have wisdom, then we will be like them as well.

(v.22) This is piercing, since the times we live in today, everyone is all about the present...not the past or future. We need to plan and save for our futures, and if not for our futures, then for our children's futures. It's the right thing to do.

But this is not only about money...it's about what we leave with our kids regarding God. Did we teach them His ways? Did we show them how to live godly lives? If we did, then they will have an inheritance greater than gold.

(v.24) Most of us parents were spanked as children, but we've been taught by society to do "time outs" instead. There is a big difference between punishment and discipline. We should never spank a child when we're still mad. I've been given good advice: tell the child to go to their room and think about what they did. During that time, we parents should pray and let our anger subside. Then, when we go into our child's room, they will already be repentant. We should still give them a spank, but quickly follow it with a hug. If our kids only see the anger, they won't learn...they need to see that we discipline out of love for them.

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