11 April 2010

Apr 11 (Prov 1-4)

The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that were written by King Solomon. In 1 Kings 4:32 we know that Solomon wrote over 3,000 of these wise sayings, and over 1,500 songs or psalms. This book is a collection of those that the Holy Spirit wants us to study and meditate upon. So let us look at some of the highlights of God's wisdom:

Proverbs 1

(v.7) Many people have book knowledge from universities and scholarly tomes, but true wisdom only comes from God. If we revere God, and are appreciative of what He has done for us, then we have a relationship with Him...this starts the process where we start to understand His wisdom.

Many "scholars" like to call themselves Agnostics...which is a scholarly way of saying you're smart, but don't believe in a Supreme God. In fact, an agnostic thinks he's so smart, that there is no absolute truth...life is an never ending search for truth, but you never get there. So they claim to have a vast collection of information and knowledge, but in reality, they are fools.

The word, Agnostic, comes from the Greek, and it literally means, without knowledge! The Latin version of this word is ignoramus! God speaks of agnostics very bluntly:

Professing to be wise, they became fools. ~Rom 1:22

Proverbs 2

(v.3) A fool is someone who goes with the wind...who believes anything told or written to them at that time. In fact, they may believe contrary views at the same time! Doesn't this sound like the godless elites we see on TV and in politics?

As a Christian who is born again of the Spirit, we are not mindless robots. We are given God's wisdom, and we begin to see the world in a different light. We can look at politics, world wars, terrorism, and the like in a Biblical way. We see that all things come down to the battle between God and Satan, with us as the battleground.

Now that we are God's children, we should seek His wisdom, and with that, be able to discern right from wrong with a clear eye.

(v.8) Isn't this verse comforting? God guards our paths. He gives us free will, and He may allow us to make the wrong decisions, but He will continue to steer us in the way He wants us to go. If we aren't in tune with God, then those wrong decisions will hurt, but when we finally give in, and let Him take control, we see that His way is the right way!

Proverbs 3

This is my life verse (or verses) that always speak to me when I'm sad, lonely or fearful:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. ~ Prov 3:5-6

If we let God be the LORD of our lives, instead of just our Savior, then we will be walking with Him, and He will use us for His purposes. The road may be filled with persecution and trials, but after each one that He's seen us through, we are better off for it, and closer to Him!

(v.9) Tithing is a controversial topic, that if we look at the source, the Bible, can be clear if we follow what it says. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek in Gen 14 and we see other examples of giving to God our valuable possessions. The first fruits concept is a agricultural one, but it also applies to our finances. Tithe means ten, so it's customary to give the first 10% of our income to God, for the use of furthering His kingdom.

Try to look at it this way, God has given us 100% of what we have...our lives, our family, our work, our universe, etc. If all He is asking is we give back the first 10%, then it doesn't seem so tough does it?

This way of thinking applies to church...we spend six days a week in the secular realm, working and associating with the believers and unbelievers alike. But God does want us to spend quality time in communion with other believers...worshipping God, and encouraging one another. One day a week is not asking too much, is it?

One thing I learned about church, is there are times when we don't feel like going...we're tired or have other "important" things to do. We may even think our spiritual life is good, so we don't need to go to church. But I found out firsthand, that there may be other people there, that God wants us to minister to. Church isn't just about us, it's about all of us, so keep going and having fellowship with one another...the world gets six days or five, let's have some good quality time together for at least one day a week!

(v.12) Often times, we come upon a trial, and know it's God correcting us. If we look at it as love from our Heavenly Father, then it's not so bad. Just like when we discipline our own kids, we do it because we love them. We don't want them to be monsters or walk away from God, so we correct them in order to get them back on the path with God. Our Heavenly Father does the same thing with us when we veer of His path!

(v.24) We all have stress and worries, but if we leave them at the foot of the cross at Jesus' feet, then we can go to sleep knowing that the Creator of the universe will handle our problems in His way! There is no better way to have those problems dealt with! Matt 11:28

Proverbs 4

(v.4) The purpose of the Law and the 10 Commandments is twofold:

~ To show us how to live a godly life

~ To show us that we need a Savior

No one can keep the Law Psalm 14:3, so we need God Himself to pay for our sins. 1 John 2:2

(v.13) Hold onto God's Word...the Truth. We are constantly bombarded with Satan's ploys to have us doubt and even act in defiance of God's Word, but God's Word in our hearts and minds will empower us to be victorious over sin!

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