15 April 2010

Apr 12 (Prov 5-7)

Proverbs 5

(v.8) With our kids, this verse reminds us to stay away from temptation...no matter what it is. If we know we can be tempted to sin by something, it's wise to stay away from it! Some people like to "tempt" God, and see how strong-willed they are. They may do fine for a while, but eventually, on our own strength, we will fail. We need to listen to God's commands, since they are there to keep us out of trouble!

(v.18) To all of us Dads, we need to remember this verse. We are fallen, and prone to wander with our eyes. The devil uses this to tempt us to sin. We need to be grateful for our wives, and love them the way God wants us to love them.

(v.21) It is good for us to plan and ask God for direction. He gives us free will to choose our paths and make decisions. However, God will guide us if we're walking with Him, and if He has a purpose to have us act out, it will be done no matter what!

Proverbs 6

(v.17) These seven things the LORD hates:

A proud look ~ pride is what broke Lucifer, and it's what keeps us from God

A lying tongue ~ Often, the truth is bad enough, so why make it worse with a lie that when discovered, will make the problem even bigger?

Shedding of innocent blood ~ This covers many things, but this is also a great verse to remind those who are for abortion...that baby is innocent.

Wicked heart ~ God knows our hearts, so if we say one thing and do another, He will know

Swift feet to evil ~ We are not walking with Him if we're quick to do worldly things

False witness ~ this is lying but usually by omission. If we don't tell the WHOLE truth, then we can mislead and not give the whole picture or information.

Discord among the brethren ~ This is one of the biggest things we Christians have to be cautious of...gossip and dissent among other believers. We are one Body of Christ. If we feel another is not acting godly, then we should approach them privately. Also, if we feel a leader in the church is not acting or speaking godly, then it's not our duty to oust him. Pray and let God do the work!

(v.23) God's Word is a lamp to our feet...it guides us. God gave us the Law to show us how to strive to live like Christ, and to have us realize that we can't do it alone...we need a Savior...Jesus!

Proverbs 7

(v.4) If we treat wisdom and understanding like we treat our loved ones, we will be better off. We will keep them close to us, and cherish them.

(v.27) Temptation leads to death. We will fall occasionally, but if we lead a lifestyle of habitual sin, then we're not saved. Only God can free us from the grip of sin, so pray to Him to help you!

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