25 April 2010

Apr 24 (Ecc 1-3)

Solomon, the son of David, wrote three books in the Bible. The first, Song of Songs, he wrote as a young man, full of optimism and youth. The second, Proverbs, he wrote as king to his children, after he was given wisdom from God. The third book is Ecclesiastes, was written by Solomon in his old age.

The word, Ecclesiastes, comes from the English translation of the Greek text, and it means gathering. As we saw in Proverbs 30, Solomon was named the Collector, and he collected and gathered over 3,000 proverbs and 1,500 songs.

Ecclesiastes is often used for the Church today, since it is meant to reference the gathering of believers.

Solomon wrote this book after starting with such promise, and looking back at a life with many mistakes and missed opportunities. We all know how he feels, and at the surface, this book can seem depressing. But if we look at it like Solomon wrote it, he is conveying to us, that life is useless and meaningless without God. Everything is vanity and will perish, except our relationship with God!

Ecclesiastes 1

(v.9) If we look at history, it repeats itself. There may be new details and people, but the same things that plague us today, plagued man throughout time. Lust, envy, greed, hatred and malice have been in the world since Adam and Eve sinned. We are in a fallen world, and as Solomon realizes, it's meaningless without God.

Ecclesiastes 2

(v.11) We can have a lifelong dream to make or attain something, and if we get it, we will assuredly find that the taste of it wasn't as great as we imagined it to be. This life is fleeting and unsure, so if we spend our days in gratitude for what and who we have in our lives, we will see more meaning and fulfillment than money, fame or material things.

(v.13) Wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness...wisdom and truth will win over foolishness and evil in the end. We need to hold onto that, and trust that God will see us through.

Ecclesiastes 3

(vv.1-8) There is a time for everything...no one is to think that they aren't allowed to cry, to hate, to make war. Of course, we need to let God lead us in our lives, and on occasion, He will lead us to war on evil, and sadness and empathy for a friend.

So many times, when a friend is sad, we think we need to cheer them up. That can be helpful, but often, that friend just wants to give honor and respect to the fact that he or she is sad and needs to express it. If we keep things bottled up inside, it's unhealthy, and will keep us from moving on and being productive servants of God.

(v.14) The more we hold onto this verse, the less heartaches we will bring upon ourselves. God is in control, and He doesn't need our help!

(v.20) This is another verse in Scripture that shows us that as believers, we will ascend into heaven, unlike the soulless creatures of the earth. Only mankind was made in God's image...Mind, Body and Spirit.

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