18 April 2010

Apr 18 (Prov 20-21)

Proverbs 20

(v.1) This is a good verse to talk about with your teenagers. It's ok for Christians to have a beer, or a glass or two of wine, but if we get drunk, we've gone too far. Drunkenness makes us do things we shouldn't, and we regret what we've done most of the time.

Jesus drank wine, but we never read where He drank too much, or got drunk. If we drink alcohol, we need to do so in moderation. We need to be sober in spirit and body in order to serve our King!

(v.7) As a Daddy, I strive for this verse to be true in my walk. I pray that the Holy Spirit will empower me, and guide me, so I can be a godly example for my kids. They watch what we do and say, so they're more likely to be godly adults, if they have seen their folks act godly all their lives.

(v.12) Evolution is a lie, and even Charles Darwin admits that the eye is an example of an Intelligent Designer!

To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. ~ Charles Darwin

The LORD created everything in the beginning, and did it with unmeasurable detail, that we should see every day His handiwork!

(v.24) There are times in our lives, when we don't know why we made certain decisions, and why things turned out as they did. I like to show my kids the story of Joseph, who was godly and innocent, and thrown into jail for turning away from temptation. He did everything right, and yet, he was in jail for 12 years! It would've been understandable and easy to see if he rejected God, or was mad at him. But we see no evidence of that...only faith and praise! God used that situation to teach and mold Joseph into the important person he became. God will do the same with us if we let Him!

Proverbs 21

(v.3) God wants us to talk about Him to others, but He wants us to live out our faith, not just talk about it. God doesn't want us to do a bunch of rituals and chant prayers...He wants a personal relationship with us, that is free and loving, so He can work in our lives. Focusing on traditions and rituals only pleases man...God wants a pure heart.

(v.13) We need to help the poor and disadvantaged, because that's what Jesus did for us. He came to set the poor and needy free. We need to give food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, water to the thirsty, but most of all, God's Word to the lost!

(v.31) If we prepare ourselves for battle like God teaches us in Ephesians 6 then we can fight the enemy on God's terms. He will fight our battles for us, and make us victorious!

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