30 June 2010

30 June (Ezekiel 17-20)

Ezekiel 17

This parable is speaking about how God would take the cream of the crop from Israel and take them to Babylon...Daniel and his friends are among those. The King of Judah was supposed to obey this prophecy, but he called upon Egypt to save him. Because of that, the Egyptians didn't help him, and King Zedekiah was taken by Babylon by force.

(v.22) The good news is that God always has a remnant that He works through for His purposes. Daniel and his friends would obey God's Word and become fruitful servants of God.

Ezekiel 18

I love teaching this to my kids! I show them that God will judge each of us as individuals, and they won't be judged by my sins, or anyone else's sins. This is one of the keys to capitalism and the republic of America. We are individuals that work together for good. Never has a government done good for the individual...only its brought power and wickedness upon the masses instead.

(v.30) The Gospel of Jesus is shown here...if we turn to God and what He did for us to have salvation, then we will indeed live!!! Thank you Jesus!!!

Ezekiel 20

(v.12) God made the Law and the Sabbaths so the Jews would remember what He did for them. Sadly, they go through the motions instead of truly worshipping Him for His faithfulness. We can fall into the same trap if we're not careful. I try to take at least one moment a day and thank God for His many blessings upon me and my family. Most of all, I thank Him for His Son, who died so that I may live! Rom 5:19

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