27 June 2010

24 June (Jeremiah 42-46)

Jeremiah 42

(v.6) This is a great example of following God...through good and bad in life. Just because we gave our lives to God, it doesn't mean that life will be rosy and without hardships. In fact, in some cases, it means more hardships are required. But we must keep our focus on God and heaven, and realize that this world is only temporary. Thousands of years is only a blink of an eye in eternity.

(v.13) This is just the example I was speaking of before...God wants us engaged and in the middle of life's issues. He doesn't want us to sit idle or avoid His purposes.

Jeremiah 43

(v.4) Our sinful nature allows us to instinctively look out for ourselves and talk ourselves into anything to save ourselves! However, what we often overlook, is that the road that God takes us on is most likely full of trials, but it's better to be in them with God, then out of them without God!

(v.10) I remind my kids that God uses unbelievers for His purposes just as much as He uses believers. This is hard to grasp at first, but if you remember this throughout the Bible, you'll see that God uses our enemies to whip us into shape!

Jeremiah 44

(v.8) We see the main reason for God's anger...the Jews were given the privilege to be God's people, yet they pushed Him away, and made His name dirty among the other nations. Those of us who are His, we need to represent Him with respect and love, not to say one thing and then act wickedly. I believe that this is what the third Commandment is all about...ambassadorship. Exo 20:7

(v.25) Who is this Queen of Heaven? If you do your research, this goes back to the Tower of Babel, where Nimrod's wife was Semiramis...the Queen of Heaven. Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church has adopted this with their worship of Mary, and they call her the Co-Redeemer with Christ! I only ask that those of you who are in the RCC, that you look this up, and consider who you should pray to...God Himself, or a mortal woman? I grew up Lutheran and my wife grew up Catholic, so we know the wonder and awe of the RCC traditions, but they miss the point when you think about it. The only thing that matters is Jesus...all the saints and the worship of Mary are distractions and ultimately, blasphemous.

Jeremiah 45

If we live our lives for ourselves, or even just the people we know, then we are acting in pride. Jesus showed us Himself, that what He wants us to do is love and serve others...at the cost of our own gain or reward. We are to love and serve others because Jesus showed us to do that, not because we want to gain notoriety or somehow think we can earn our salvation.

Jeremiah 46

(v.27) This whole chapter, God documents the evil of the nations, and the reasons for His anger. But in this verse, we see that God loves His people, and He will preserve Israel. This is prophecy of the future, since Israel did become a nation again, but the rest and fearlessness will only happen in the last days.

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