31 August 2010

31 Aug (Matt 15)

The Gospels: Feeding 4,000

Matthew 15

(v.7) Jesus points out the hypocrisy and coldness of the hearts of the Pharisees. He quotes Isaiah to illustrate His point. Isa 29:13

We need to be sure that we aren't just talking a good game, and not living what we are saying. It all starts with each one of us looking in the mirror, and choosing to live more like Christ.

(v.11) Most of what we regret in life, is what we said to someone, and wish we didn't. I teach my kids that God gave us two ears, and one mouth, so we should listen twice as much as we speak!

(v.14) This is where the phrase, "The blind leading the blind" comes from! We can avoid this if we read the Word, and go to a church where the pastor reads the Word in it's entirety...not one verse and tell a story.

(v.22) This was a Gentile woman who knew that Jesus was the descendant from David that was promised! She is like Christians today who learn the Jewish ways, so we can better know Jesus!

(v.24) Jesus came to save Israel, but He also came to save the world. Jesus knew before He created the universe, that the Jews would reject Him, and the whole world would hear of Him.

(v.37) Jesus feeds 4,000 Gentiles and has seven baskets of food left over...He fed 5,000 Jews earlier and had 12 baskets. Remember, numbers mean things in the Bible, and seven represents completion (The Church) and the number twelve represents Israel (12 Sons of Jacob).

30 Aug (John 8)

The Gospels: Jesus is the I AM

John 8

(v.3) One thing I point out to my kids, is that the Pharisees brought this woman (Mary Magdalene) to Jesus. They set her up, and now they are using her to try to set up Jesus!

Of course, Jesus wasn't fooled!!!

(v.8) Scholars believe that Jesus was righting the sins of the Pharisees, from the oldest to the youngest...once they saw that He knew their sins, they dropped their rocks!

(v.11) One thing to keep in mind...no one can go sinless the rest of their lives, but Jesus was talking about the lifestyle Mary Magdalene was in...prostitution. Like other lifestyles of sin (homosexuality, thievery, lying, etc) we must stop letting that be a habit, and let God deliver us from the slavery to sin.

(v.12) Jesus is the light of the world! Psalm 119:105

(v.18) Here again, Jesus declares Himself God!

(v.21) Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees, who were not saved. Jesus was referring to the part of Hades or Sheol, called Abraham's Bosom. Luke 16

(v.28) Jesus is prophesying of His crucifixion and their eventual realization of who He is! You just know they remembered these words when Jesus was on the cross!

(v.32) Becoming a follower of Christ is great, but we do have added pressures and hardships because of it. However, we do have an inner peace that the lost can't understand...the Truth has set us free from the bondage of sin!!!

(v.51) Jesus is speaking of spiritual death here. There is a great saying about being born again:

Born twice, die once...Born once, die twice.

(v.56) Jesus is telling the people that He is God, for Abraham rejoiced to see Jesus conquer sin and death!

(v.58) There is no sugar-coating this one...Jesus says that He was God, for He preceded Abraham!

Also, Jesus uses the words, I AM...that is the name of God...I AM WHO I AM...YHWH. Exo 3:14

29 August 2010

29 Aug (Luke 12)

The Gospels: Wise Servants & Beware Hypocrisy

Luke 12

(v.1) The Pharisees were supposed to be teaching the people, and helping them grow closer to God. But in reality, they were only growing their power, and condemning the people for their sins. They were too focused on the Law and traditions, that they forgot what they were for! Remember, leaven is like yeast, and it puffs up like pride...God hates pride...Satan rebelled because of pride.

(v.2) Isn't this reassuring? God will not keep His wisdom from us, but we need to be seeking and looking for it, in order to attain it.

(v.5) Too often, people fear evil people on earth, and not what happens after death. Our days are numbered, so we need to make the most of them and focus on the One who has the power to cast us into hell, or welcome us into heaven!

(v.8) Christianity is not private...we are to share God's love and what He did for us on the cross to all who will listen. Then, we let the Holy Spirit do the rest!

(v.15) A successful life is not measured by what we attain in material things or financial wealth. Jesus shows us that what is important, is to love others in His name, and reach out to the lost...that is what builds up rewards and treasures in heaven, that NO ONE can take away from us.

(v.31) If we stay focused on what God is leading us to do, He will provide for us.

(v.34) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Amen!!!

(v.48) We need to remember that with God's blessings, comes expectations. If we are given His wisdom and situations for us to be giving, we need to follow through with love and service to others.

(v.51) People who don't know Christ, think that He is love...He is, but He is also the One to bring wrath and justice upon the earth in the last days.

28 Aug (John 7)

The Gospels: The Educated Will Not Believe

John 7

(v.5) Most would read this verse to say that Jesus' followers didn't completely believe in who He was. That is amazing in itself, since they had witnessed many miracles already, that only God could do!

However, in my Chuck Smith NKJV Bible, this verse has a reference to Psalm 69:8

I have become a stranger to my brothers. And an alien to my mother's children.

Scholars believe that Jesus suffered mental hardship as a child growing up...for one, He was conceived before Joseph and Mary consummated the marriage. Also, perhaps Jesus showed signs of His godliness, and was resented by His brothers and sister after Him.

The Roman Catholic Church claims that Mary stayed a virgin all her life, but in Matt 13:55-56 it lists His brothers and sisters from Mary and Joseph.

So, perhaps this verse is speaking about Jesus' actual brothers...Jude and James...who after His resurrection, came to be believers and active in the early church.

(v.7) When we witness and share the LORD with the lost, often we are criticized and accused of hate. Actually, their venom is directed towards Jesus, because His life and death confronts their evil in the face! Like cockroaches, evil hates to be exposed to light...they run for darkness. All of us have sins that we don't want others to know about. But with Christ in our lives, we don't care anymore about our past, and we look forward to a life living for Jesus!

(v.15) Jesus spoke as if He went to university, yet He didn't. What they didn't know, is that the Word of God is Jesus, and He gave the words to the different authors of the books that the Pharisees study!

(v.24) We are told by Christ to discern things and people, but judgment comes from Him. We can choose our friends and associates by their fruit, but only God will judge their lives and destiny to heaven or hell.

(v.29) As the Son of God and part of the Holy Trinity, Jesus tells the Pharisees that He is from the Father. This is another instance where Jesus proclaimed Himself to be God.

(v.38) When we are saved and justified in Christ, our joy overflows, and we can't help sharing with the world! This is what was spoken of by Moses and Isaiah, which shows again how all through the Old Testament, it speaks of Jesus! Deut 18:15 & Isaiah 44:3

(v.39) Jesus' Living Water was a reference to the Holy Spirit, which fills us with everlasting peace and joy because we are God's children!

(v.46) I love the answer the guards give the authorities...No man ever spoke like this Man!

Even those charged with arresting Jesus were in awe of His authority and wisdom...He had to be who He said He was!

27 Aug (Matt 14 & John 6)

The Gospels: Feeding 5,000 & Walking on the Sea

Matthew 14

(v.13) I suspect, that when Jesus went to be alone, He was going to pray about John the Baptist, and ask the Father for guidance.

(v.19) Jesus shows us that God will provide for us, even when it seems impossible. Chuck Smith points out in his commentary, that God has us provide for the Brethren when we are blessed by Him...this is what fellowship and servant hood are all about!

(v.23) Jesus sent the disciples onto the boat, and went to the mountain to pray. There is an important lesson here...Jesus allows us to have storms and troubles in our lives, but He is there, praying and protecting us! Rom 8:34

(v.26) The disciples go from fear to adulation in a moment...much like us. It's our nature to have fear, but once we have Christ, we have peace.

(v.29) Peter was a man who acted impulsively, and didn't always think before he spoke or acted. Here, he does it again, but he is doing it in faith. Jesus allows it, and Peter actually walks on the water!

(v.30) Once Peter took his eyes off of Jesus, he began to sink into the water...this is true with us, when we stop focusing on Christ, we fall away from Him.

Peter says the shortest and most effective prayer: LORD, save me!

We need to remember that storms are important in our lives...we need to be willing to be in a storm in God's will, then out of the storm, but out of God's will for us!

26 Aug (Matt 13)

The Gospels: The Parables of Faith

Matthew 13

Why did Jesus speak in parables?

First of all, Jesus spoke in terms that the Jews would understand, since they were farmers and gatherers. Also, Jesus explained the reason why He spoke in parables in Matt 13:11

God didn't make His Word in sections for Salvation, another section for Living Godly, another section for Creation, etc. He put all topics and doctrines in EVERY BOOK of the Word, so not only will we better remember it by reading it many times, but also, if one book is not read, the whole counsel of God is in the next book!

The Parable of the Four Soils

1. No Soil ~ Birds (typify evil) prevent faith to start. Not in a state to hear the Word and let it convict them. Evil and worldly things prevent them to listen with an open mind.

2. Shallow Soil ~ no place for faith to take root. Quickly fall away and die. Short time of joy and praise for God, but when the first trouble comes along, they fall away and don't trust in God.

3. Soil with Thorny Bushes ~ Cares of the world choke out true ambassadorship. Not fruitful because God is not feared or respected. They care too much about what other people think, or about material things to devote themselves to Christ.

4. Good Soil ~ Faith flourishes and bears fruit. A person who is willing to be used by God for His purposes.

Which one are you? I would suspect, if you're reading this blog, you're at least in soils 3 or 4. If you're in soil 3, then think about your priorities, and make sure that God is most important in your life, and NOTHING takes precedence over Him.

Parable of the Wheat and Tares

Sower ~ Jesus and His Spirit sows seeds that are to bear fruit.

Fields ~ The world...the seeds and weeds live together in the world.

Reapers ~ The angels gather the seeds, and the weeds are burned with the sower of the weeds, the devil. This is like what is described in Matt 25:32

Parable of the Leaven

Leaven is in Hebrew culture, equated with sin. Leaven is like yeast, which puffs up the bread. Pride is puffing oneself up, and God hates pride! This is a prophecy that the Church will become corrupt and sin will be prevalent in the last days.

Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Once someone discovers who God is, and what He did for us, we will give our lives to Him. The treasure (us believers) are hidden in the world (evil). God is searching for us who believe!

Parable of the Pearl of Great Price

Oysters and any shellfish are not kosher, so this parable is describing the Gentile Church. An oyster produces a pearl by great irritation (persecution) and the pearl is removed from it's home (the world) to be adorned and admired (the Bride by her Groom). This is talking about the Church as the Bride of Christ, and the love that the Groom, Jesus, has for her.

Parable of the Dragnet

Much like when the angels reap the wheat and tares, they will separate the good fish from the bad fish. Make sure you and your family are in the right pile of fish!

(v.55) It is so hard for someone to witness to family, since they know all our wrongs we committed. Of course, Jesus was sinless, but He was just a son of a carpenter growing up! They had a hard time thinking that a carpenter's son would be God! Of course, if they knew their Scripture, they would've known who Jesus was!

28 August 2010

25 Aug (Matt 12 & Mark 2-3)

The Gospels: Jesus is Our Sabbath

Matthew 12

(v.6) As we see in John 2:12-21 Jesus is our Sabbath, and when He speaks of the temple being raised in three days, He means His body in the resurrection.

(v.8) The Law was given to convince all mankind, that we are imperfect sinners, and we need a Savior. We would not know how far we fall short of God's holiness, unless we had something to measure it by. Likewise, the Sabbath was consecrated for us to become closer to God. The Jews were instructed to spend that day in worship...getting closer to the Father.

We get closer to the Father, by our faith in His Son. Jesus is the LORD of the Sabbath, for in Him, we worship the Father, and we have peace with the Father. Mark 2:27

(v.12) The Pharisees were so focused on trying to follow the Law, that they forgot what it was for! God did not expect mankind to follow the Law perfectly. In fact, He had James tell us so, and remind us that if we failed at one moment in life on one commandment, we were guilty of all. James 2:10

(v.32) Speaking against the Holy Spirit is the Unpardonable Sin. What this means, is since it's the job of the Spirit to bring souls to the Son, when people reject the Son, they are rejecting the work of the Spirit. The rejection of what God did for us is what seals the fate of the unbeliever...it doesn't matter how "good" a person they were...it's all about Christ in the end.

(v.40) If you look on my study on Jonah a few months back, you'll see that Jonah was a failure at predicting the doom of Nineveh. So why does Jesus call Jonah a prophet? Because Jonah lived the prophesy of Christ, by dying and being brought back to life in three days, and saving souls! Jonah didn't want the people of Nineveh to be saved, but his actions got the same result. The "story" of Jonah is true, for Christ deems it so Himself!

(v.43) Here is an interesting point about this verse...demons seek dry places...why? If we go back to Genesis, the Nephilim were killed in the Flood of Noah, but their souls lived on. This is what we call a demon. They seek embodiment, and since they got in their state from the Flood, it seems understandable that they fear water!

24 Aug (Matt 11 & Luke 7)

The Gospels: Is Jesus the Promised One?

Matthew 11

(v.3) Why did John the Baptist ask if Jesus is the Promised One? After all, as a baby in the womb, he jumped when the Messiah was in the belly of Mary when she entered Elizabeth's home. Also, John himself proclaimed Jesus as the Lamb of God...knowing that Jesus was the Passover Lamb for all of us.

So why did John ask this? I think it's quite simple...he was human. Like so many of his contemporaries, they were expecting the Messiah to come and conquer the Romans and set up His kingdom. Like Abraham, Moses, David and others, John the Baptist was human, and prone to mistakes.

Chuck Smith, in his Bible commentary, suggests that since John the Baptist was a loner and not used to being cooped up in a prison cell, he was anxious and impatient with how long the Messiah was taking to do His work. If we look at our own lives, we are the same...we want immediate gratification and results. This is another lesson to us that we need to conform to God's timing, which is perfect, and NEVER LATE!

(v.27) Here is one of many verses where Jesus is pronouncing Himself to be God. As we saw earlier, in the Jewish culture, the son is equated with the father...that is why the Pharisees wanted to kill Jesus...His Son status equates Him with the Father. John 10:30

(v.28) Jesus gives us rest...peace. Being a Christian doesn't mean we live easy lives. Most of the time, we live more troublesome lives with persecution and torment. But through it all, with our faith in Christ, we go through our trials, knowing that He will never forsake us! That is peace which allows us to live a life full of joy! Deut 31:6

23 Aug (Matt 10)

The Gospels: Jesus Chooses the Twelve Disciples

Matthew 10

(v.7) When Jesus was on the earth in His first coming, the kingdom of heaven was there. They were charged with representing their King as ambassadors...we are to do the same today.

(v.20) It's hard sometimes to come up with the right words in certain situations, and we also are fearful that we may misspeak. We need to trust in the Holy Spirit, and He will speak for us.

(v.24) As someone who is learning from my Master, I am His disciple. I am being disciplined in the ways of my Master. We who are His are His disciples, and His ambassadors on earth. We need to always remember this when witnessing.

(v.32) I love this verse! I often hear skeptics say that being a Christian is a personal relationship with Christ, so it is private. I agree with the first part, but here Christ tells us to share His work with the world. How can we be saved and not want others to be saved as well, if we have the love of Christ in us? It's one thing to be a blowhard, but we should share what Christ has done in our lives to all who are seeking Him.

(v.34) Because Jesus is God in the flesh, and He died for our sins...we have a choice to make. This choice will either strengthen or divide families. Jesus wants our hearts, and if that means that those who wish to reject Him are less in our lives, then so be it. Of course, we should always be loving and try to reason with that family member or friend that rejects Christ, but we should never compromise our faith to get along with others.

22 Aug (Matt 9)

The Gospels: The Compassion of Jesus

Matthew 9

(v.5) I love it when Jesus debates with the Pharisees! He answers their questions with His own question! There is so much wisdom in His Word, and they become speechless.

(v.9) We don't know what passed through Matthew's mind when Jesus told him to follow Him, but we do know that he didn't hesitate. Today, we consider lawyers who defend the guilty to be the lowest of the low, since they don't seek to find justice and truth, but they do all that they can to deny truth and justice, in order to free their client. Well, the tax collectors of that day were the lowest of the low, since they were Jews who were helping and profiting off fellow Jews for the Romans.

(v.12) Like the proclaimed traitors, called tax collectors, Jesus came to save all the sick and lost. But before we think we're not in that group, we need to ask if we are sinless, and do we need a Physician to heal us? We do, and He did on the cross for us over 2,000 years ago!

(v.15) We need to remember that Jesus is speaking in terms that Jews will understand Him. Jesus is saying that the disciples have no need to fast, for their God and Messiah is there with them! But when He is gone and in heaven, then they will fast and pray, like we need to do today.

(v.21) I show my kids that this woman displayed great faith. Jesus honors that, and He healed her immediately.

(v.27) Son of David is Messianic...they knew He was the Promised One of David's line!

(v.29) Again, notice that Jesus heals people who have faith, and believe in Him.

(v.37) This is sobering...there are so many people out there lost without Jesus, but we as Christians don't serve enough. I am guilty of this. We get so caught up in our own lives, that we forget to put other people's lives before our own. I am reminded of Gal 6:2

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

21 Aug (Matt 8 & Luke 7)

The Gospels: Jesus Heals the Sick

Matthew 8

(v.2) This is important to stress to our kids...God heals who He wants to heal. He has reasons for what happens in our lives, and we need to trust Him no matter what the outcome. We need to have Rom 8:28 on our minds whenever we don't understand why we're going through a struggle.

(v.4) I point out that Jesus wanted the man to obey the Law, and go to the priests, and follow the Law regarding healings and offerings. Remember, when Jesus came the first time, He came to fulfill the Law for us. Matt 5:17

(v.8) This centurion leader knew who Jesus was...and he knew that Jesus, being the Creator of the universe, could speak a word, and the servant would live. Jesus healed people who believed.

(v.10) Jesus was pleased with the amount of faith this man showed...shouldn't that be our goal?

(v.14) This is one verse that contradicts the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, which insists that all priests, bishops and popes should not marry. If they claim that Peter was the first pope, then why does he have a mother-in-law?

I'm not trying to pick on the RCC, but just as in the Protestant practices of men, over time, the Word has been altered, added to or deleted. This is the curse of religion...trying to earn our way to God, instead of just accepting that He did the work for us, and all we have to do is put our faith in that!

I ask that all my Catholic friends look into this, and just follow the Bible, and not the practices and rules of men.

(v.24) My kids love it when I act out the fear and panic of the disciples, and Jesus is asleep! Remember, these disciples were experienced fishermen, and they knew these waters. This was a demonic storm, and like other times, the demons obey Jesus and the storm subsided.

(v.29) Like the demonic storm we just read about, these demons in these men knew who Jesus was. Notice that they say torment us before the time? They know their ultimate fate...torment in hell for eternity. Hell is real, and those who reject what God did for them in Christ, will suffer eternal torment physically and mentally.

25 August 2010

20 Aug (Matt 7)

The Gospels: Live The Golden Rule

Matthew 7

(v.1) This verse is used by nonbelievers when we confront them with their sins. We are not judging them...only God can judge and punish. But we can and should be fruit inspectors, in other words, we are to look at our family and friends' actions, and let them know if they are falling short of God's will for them.

(v.5) The word hypocrite in Greek means actor, or two faced. We should always look at ourselves before we try to help another. Of course, all of us are fallen sinners, and we're not perfect, but that is more the reason we should encourage and exhort our loved ones to strive to follow God's will.

I teach my kids that often, bullies who mock or make fun of you, are really insecure themselves. They are hurting and feel the need to feel better about themselves, so they bring you down, to do that. I pray that my kids find it in their heart to reach out to that bully, and give them love and kindness, and perhaps that bully will change their ways.

(v.7) This is a powerful verse, but it's also misapplied quite often. God is not telling us, that if we want a new expensive car, that all we have to do is ask God for it, and He will give it to us. No, we need to pray in His will, which means that we should pray for things in our lives that we know God would want us to do.

(v.13) Life is not easy, and God never said that once we're born again, it would be easier. In fact, in some ways, it will be harder. In sports, in business and in life in general, the easy way is never fulfilling. When we do the hard work, and go on our own path (led by God), we are on the narrow path towards heaven.

(v.14) Being a Christian is not easy, and many don't take the ride because of that. But in the end, it's well worth it!!!

(v.16) We are not to be Faith Inspectors since only God know the heart of everyone. But we are called to be Fruit Inspectors, which means we are to associate and congregate with others who we see are following the LORD. When someone we love is falling short of God's will, it is up to us to tell them in love and compassion, and to encourage them along the way back to that narrow path towards God!

(v.23) This is a sobering part of the chapter...no one wants to hear Jesus say this to them if they love Him. But that is the issue, for if one truly loves and serves Jesus, then He wouldn't say this, because they have a personal relationship with Him. Many people call themselves Christians, but they don't seek a personal relationship with Him...it's all about rituals and works. God wants our hearts, and nothing else.

(v.24) The Rock is Jesus, and we should build our lives and our households upon Him. Jesus uses this metaphor with Peter in Matt 16:16-18 where Jesus is referring to the statement that Peter made, not Peter's name. More on that in Matthew 16!

19 Aug (Matt 6)

The Gospels: Practicing Righteousness

Matthew 6

(v.1) We are not supposed to tithe and show off what we give to God...that is between Him and ourselves. Besides, a person who wishes to have others know how much he/she gave, is only doing it for themselves...not for the worship of God.

In verses 9-13, we see the prayer that Jesus told His disciples to pray. It is often called the Lord's Prayer, but it's not the prayer of our LORD, it's a template for us to think on all the things of God in prayer.

The REAL LORD's Prayer is in John 17

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name
~ I teach my kids to pray TO the Father, IN THE NAME of Jesus. The Father is to be worshiped and hallowed or respected.

Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven
~ This alludes to the two comings of Christ...He will come again and restore the earth to it's rightful owner (Jesus), and the whole creation will be like it was when Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden.

We are also to be mindful that our desires are often not good for us, so we are to trust in Him, to lead us and guide our lives the way He wants us to live for Him.

Give us this day our daily bread
~ God is our Provider, and He will give us all we need in life. Much like the Jews in the Wilderness who were fed by God with manna...they never went hungry.

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors
~ Only if we have forgiving hearts, can God truly forgive our sins. If we are saved, then we have a new heart that is loving and forgiving. Sure, we will have moments of hate and selfishness, but we won't let our lives be driven by hate and resentment.

And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one
~ God doesn't tempt us, for He can't. But He does allow Satan to tempt us, and God pleads with us to rely on His strength, and His Word, to keep us away from falling into temptation for evil.

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.
~ It's all about Him, and the glory and praise goes to Him!

(v.16) Like tithing and giving, we shouldn't proclaim our fasting times as well. We shouldn't seem weak and hurting because we're fasting. In fact, when I have fasted, I have found that God strengthens me, and I don't feel weak. Appearing weak to others only is a ploy to tell them you're fasting!

(v.21) If we seek the approval of mankind, then that's as much as we'll get here on earth. But if we seek God's approval and blessings, then He will deliver and prepare wonderful rewards in heaven for us! It's an easy choice!!!

You cannot serve God and mammon.
~ Mammon is money, and if we place riches and material things as important in our lives, then we aren't following God. There is a phrase that is often misquoted that most of us have heard:

Money is the root of all evil...but the Scripture says the LOVE of money is the root of evil. 1 Timothy 6:10

That is a big difference! God blesses some of us with money, and it's up to us to use that money for His purposes, by donating and supporting ministries that do God's work.

(v.33) If we lay our troubles at the foot of the cross, and let Jesus take care of them, then we won't worry and stress ourselves out. It all comes down to the fact of whether we trust God or not.

18 Aug (Matt 5)

The Gospels: The Sermon on the Mount

Matthew 5

This Sermon that Jesus gave, was not to the multitudes, but to His disciples. He gave this wisdom to His own...those who were already saved and justified by their faith in Him.

Blessed are those who are poor in spirit ~ this doesn't mean those that have weak spirituality...it means those that KNOW that they are wretched sinners, and require a Savior to rescue them from their doom to hell. Again, Jesus is speaking to the saved, not the unsaved here.

Blessed are those who mourn ~ Because we are sinners, and we fail at meeting God's commandments, we mourn our failures. This puts our hearts in the right place for God to comfort us and use us for His purposes!

Blessed are the meek ~ We often associate being meek as being shy and weak. This is not what the Greek word means...to be meek is to be humble and respectful.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ~ When we are saved, we hunger to be nearer to God, and to learn more about Him. As Jesus said, He is the Living Water John 4:10 and the Bread of Life. John 6:35

Blessed are the merciful ~ When we are saved and have the Holy Spirit in us, we love others and put their needs before our own.

Blessed are the pure in heart ~ As saved children of God, we seek to be pure and emulate our King, who showed us how to live and serve others.

Blessed are the peacemakers ~ There are two parts to being peacemakers...the first is to try to settle conflicts, and the other, is to lead others to Christ, for they are at war with their flesh and God until they accept Christ.

Blessed are those who are persecuted ~ We always think of those that died for Christ, but this also includes us who live for Christ, and are mocked and persecuted because of it. God will not forget our faith and service in His name.

(v.13) Salt either increases pleasure, or it irritates. God wants us to do both. He wants us to irritate in order to wake people up from their apathetic view of life, and He wants us to enhance the quality of life with love and service.

(v.14) Light overpowers darkness. We are a reflection of God's light. I like to tell my kids how the moon reflects the sun's light in darkness. We are to have God's love reflect off of us to the lost.

(v.17) Jesus was a Jew, and He observed the Law and the Feasts of Israel. He did them perfectly, and by doing so, He absolved our sins by being our Passover Lamb on the cross!

(v.22) Jesus took the Law to another level...when we have hatred and resentment, we allow the devil to move us away from love and God. No matter how bad we've been wronged, we need to give those hurts to God, and let Him deal with it. If we don't, it will keep us from being effective ambassadors for Christ.

(v.28) Lust is the gateway to hell. I take time to point out to my kids, that Satan uses our eyes to tempt us, while Jesus always has us use our ears to hear the Word of God. Once we go on the road of our temptations by our sight, we fall away from God.

(v.44) The best way to defeat an enemy is to love him or her. Love conquers all. Bullies and evil doers are often subdued by love and respect, when in reality, that's what they've been missing all along!

However, I do point out to my kids, that Jesus doesn't want us to be pushovers and punching bags! In Luke 22:36 He instructs His disciples to buy a sword for self defense. It is righteous to protect your friends and family, but it's not Christian to bully or conquer for material gain. There lies the difference.

21 August 2010

17 Aug (John 5)

The Gospels: Jesus is the Son of God

John 5

(v.6) We can't make doctrine or assumptions about what isn't in the text, but I find it odd that Jesus asked a man who was immobile for 38 years, if he wanted to be made well...isn't that an obvious answer of yes! Perhaps Jesus knew this man was of faith, or perhaps this man didn't do the one thing that Jesus was waiting for...a cry out to Him for help.

(v.14) Since we are all sinners, and are imperfect, this statement by Jesus would bring great trepidation upon me if He made me well and said Sin no more. What I point out to my kids, is that God doesn't expect us to be perfect (only Jesus is) but He does expect us to abandon our sinful habits and lifestyles that prevent us from growing in the LORD.

Sins of the flesh are temporary pleasures that can become our god. If we don't put God first, then these sins can push Him down on a list. God doesn't just want to be #1 on our lists, but He wants to be the only thing on our lists!

(v.16) The Pharisees keep showing their hypocrasy and obsession with rules. The Sabbath was a day of rest, but not because God needed rest after creating the universe. He established it to spend a day to honor and glorify Him. We spend the whole week, working and doing things with our kids, and God knew that if we don't regularly spend at least one day a week in worship, then we would fall away from Him. The Pharisees didn't know the reason for the Sabbath, for if they did, they would have rejoiced that a man was able to walk on the day they were supposed to honor God!

(v.18) When skeptics claim that Jesus never said He was God, they show their ignorance of not only multiple examples of Him saying it, but they don't understand the Jewish culture of the time either.

In our culture today, if we go to a business called Smith and Son, and we are attended to by the son, then we don't feel like he has the final say on things. However, in Jewish culture, the son has equal authority as the father, so that is why the Jews said that Jesus was calling Himself God. For to be the Son of God is the same in their culture as saying He is God.

(v.24) Jesus reveals God's plan of redemption in one sentence...the Father sent Him to save the world. The Father gave Jesus the authority to own and preside over all the creation...after all, it was Jesus who created everything!

(v.37) This verse gives us a little better understanding of the Holy Trinity. The Father has never been heard nor seen...that includes by Moses and Abraham. Who they saw, was the physical embodiment of God...Jesus. We saw numerous occasions where the Angel of the LORD appeared in the Old Testament...that was Jesus!

It helps me to try to comprehend the Trinity this way:

The Father ~ Mind or Heart

The Son ~ Body or Power

The Holy Spirit ~ Spirit or Soul

If we read the greatest commandment:

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart (Father), with all your soul (Spirit), and with all your strength (Son). Deut 6:5

(v.39) Jesus shows us that if we read the Old Testament, we see that they describe Him, and His purpose to save us from our death in sin.

(v.46) The Jews revered and admired Moses, and Jesus tells them that Moses spoke of Jesus as the Messiah. Deut 18:15

20 August 2010

16 Aug (John 4)

The Gospels: Jesus is Our Living Water

John 4

(v.9) First of all, this is not coincidence...Jesus planned this from the beginning! The Samaritans were despised by the Jews, for they were a mixture of Jew and Gentile. This is similar to the offspring of American Indians and European Settlers...they were called "half breeds" and viewed as lower than pure Indians. We will see later, that Jesus uses a Samaritan as His example of good works. Luke 10

Of course, this thinking is not from God, and is a result of the Jews not following God for centuries. We see this kind of thinking throughout history, where if someone doesn't look like you, you are told that they are not good. This is the work of Satan, for there is only ONE RACE of people...the human race!

(v.13) Jesus is our Living Water...He fills the whole in our heart that thirsts for truth and peace.

(v.17) This woman told the hard truth...she was living in sin...and Jesus rewarded her confession by telling her more of His Truth.

(v.26) Some skeptics say that Jesus never said He was God and the Messiah...here is one verse of many that refute that!

(v.34) Jesus is the Word of God, and the Bread of Life...we need to feast on Jesus in His Word, to gain the strength and spiritual nourishment for living a fruitful life.

(v.38) The people in the Bible we read about, and the prophets and missionaries before us have sown the seeds...we need to reap the harvest by speaking out and letting the Holy Spirit draw the lost to Him. We need to do our part...sitting on the sidelines is not an option!

(v.41) Jesus used this one woman as His springboard to reach the whole city...He does that with us too! Just think if we reach someone in a family, then that whole family may be saved because of it...we need to speak about what Jesus did for us, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest!

(v.44) Many people in Nazareth and nearby cities couldn't get over that Jesus was the son of Joseph, the carpenter. They couldn't see that a carpenter could raise God Himself in the flesh! Many pastors have the same problem themselves, for their families and friends from their youth knew how naughty and imperfect they were! However, when we meet someone at church, who got over drugs and a criminal life due to the power of Jesus, we rejoice and admire them...we need to have the same view of the family member or friend who had the same conversion.

(v.50) I point out to my kids that if we look at all the healings that Jesus did, the people involved were faithful, and they believed who Jesus was, and that He had the power of God. With that said, God does heal the unbeliever as well as the believer, but we are more likely to be heard by God if we are walking with Him and trusting Him.

19 August 2010

15 Aug (John 3)

The Gospels: The Messiah & Being Born Again

John 3

(v.3) Nicodemus was a Pharisee, which were the teachers and authority of the Laws in Israel while the Romans ruled the governmental affairs of the people. Nicodemus was supposed to know the things of God, and teach the people, but here, Jesus confronts him with the fact that he should know what being born again is.

Nicodemus flatters Jesus, yet due to his own pride, comes at night and in secret. Jesus hates pride and hypocrisy, so He doesn't hold back His strong words for Nicodemus. Jesus tells him that he must be born again to enter the kingdom of God. 1 Pet 1:23

(v.5) What is being born again? Some say that this verse speaks of water baptism, and spiritual baptism. Well, I must bring up the fact that the thief on the cross who was pronounced saved by Jesus, wasn't water baptized before he died. So this leaves us with the other option...born again is spiritual.

Being born of water is not water baptism, it is being born of your mother. When a baby is about to be born, the mother's water breaks. However, ever since Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, we all have a sinful nature. We are all doomed to die in our sins and go to hell, to be permanently separated from God.

What Jesus is saying here, is that we must have a spiritual birth, in order to be saved. This spiritual birth is accomplished when we truly accept Christ for what He did for us on the cross, and we let His Spirit into our lives.

(v.13) Jesus is speaking of Himself here, and He hasn't been crucified and resurrected yet! He could be speaking of these future events, or He also could be speaking of the times He appeared to Abraham, Balaam, and all the others in the Old Testament. We call these appearances a theophany, or a Christophany. Jesus is THE Angel of the LORD that is described so many times in the OT, but let's not forget that Jesus is not an actual angel...the term is used for Him only by giving Him the definite article...Jesus is God, not an angel.

(v.14) We discussed this with our kids in Num 21:9 where God had Moses do something that must have seemed crazy, but God tells us here why He had Moses do that.

(v.16) This is one of the most popular and well known verses in the Bible. I believe it's important that our kids understand this verse well, in order to understand God's plan of redemption.

For God so loved the world...God didn't offer His Son for only the Jews or certain Christians...He offered His Son for all of mankind!

...only begotten Son...Jesus was not created, for the word, begotten, means anointed with authority. Jesus is our authority and He created us to live for Him!

...whoever believes in Him...saying a prayer and occasionally praying to God is not what true belief is...we need to include God in ALL parts of our lives, and in all that we do. If we truly recognize Him as our Lord and our Savior, then we must believe He will guide our lives on a daily basis. It's all about a relationship with God, not an acquaintance with Him.

...should not perish...some believe that those who don't accept Christ will not have any consciousness after they die on earth. I don't believe this is biblical. In Luke 16 Jesus Himself tells us what happens to those that reject Him...they spend eternity in torment, knowing their foolish pride has kept them from enjoying God's presence in heaven.

...everlasting life...living with God for eternity is life...living without God for eternity is hell.

(v.17) The purpose of Jesus' First Coming was to make a way for all of us to be saved. When Jesus comes again at the end of the Great Tribulation, He will come as a judge and conqueror over evil and unbelievers.

(v.18) We are condemned in our sins already, so we must be born again in spirit in order to be saved!

(v.36) John the Baptist summarizes all that the prophets before him exclaimed...that if we believe and understand what God did for us in His Son, then we are saved from eternal torment in hell. But for those that reject Christ, they will live forever in torment...make sure your kids know this...we all have to make our choice individually.

14 Aug (John 2)

The Gospels: Jesus' First Miracle

John 2

(v.4) Jesus had a specific mission...to save the world from sin. His name spells out His mission, for Jeshua, means YHWH Saves.

I teach my kids to keep in mind that Jesus dictates everything that happens to Him during His life in the Gospels...except this one. Here, we see Mary showing some stubbornness and determination, and Jesus obeys her. Here is the Creator of the universe, the Creator of Mary, who obeys His earthly mother. Again, Jesus reduced Himself to live as we should live...we need to model this in our lives.

(v.15) Some people say that Jesus is love...He is. They say that Jesus said to love when faced with hatred...we should. However, there is a thing called Righteous Anger. When evil and corruption is apparent, it is right for us to stand up for Truth and Righteousness.

There are many who say that we should never mix politics and religion. Matt 22:21 We are to obey our leaders, but if they demand we go against God's Word to obey them, only then, are we to disobey them and follow God's Word instead.

(v.25) As with me, or anyone you read or listen to for Biblical instruction, our hearts is what matters most to God. If we say one thing, but do another, then our hearts aren't truly God's heart. It all starts with us, then we can change our communities and regions later.

13 Aug (Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13)

The Gospels: Satan Tempts Jesus

Luke 4

(v.1) We see that Jesus was led by the Spirit...He was subservient to the Father and the Spirit while on earth...just as we are supposed to be. Jesus showed us how to live...not a life with no problems, but a life that has meaning and purpose.

(v.4) When we are faced with temptation, Jesus shows us the way to overcome temptation...the Word of God! If we know verses in the Bible that speak about particular temptations, and if when faced with those temptations, we recite them out loud or in our heads, we are far less likely to fall to temptation.

(v.6) This is an important teaching moment for our kids...notice that Jesus doesn't refute Satan's claim to be in charge of all the kingdoms of the earth. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them dominion and authority over all the creation. But when they sinned, they lost that authority...it was relinquished to Satan. The devil is the god of this world...he has immense power over the world.

BUT...God is the LORD over all creation, so He allows Satan to work in the world, and God uses the evil in the world to work for good. Rom 8:28

(v.12) When we are His, we are under His protection and guidance. However, we are not to live recklessly and put ourselves in situations that put God's love and protection to the test. We need to let Him put us in situations...for He is in charge of those situations, and puts us in them to refine and strengthen us!

(v.34) Skeptics often say that Jesus never said He was God...well, there are many instances where He did say that, but we also have verses like this that show us that even the demons knew who He is!

(v.38) For my Catholic friends...this is a verse that we all need to think about and understand. Peter was married...we know this because of this verse, for he had a mother-in-law. Now, if Peter is the first pope, then why did the Roman Catholic Church demand that popes be celibate?

Also, there is much evidence that Peter was not the first pope...for he wasn't even in charge of the early Church! In Acts 15, at the Council of Jerusalem, James is the leader! James is the half brother of Jesus, and came to faith after the Resurrection. James was anointed to be the pastor/leader of the Church in Jerusalem...not Peter. James gave the orders...not Peter.

With all that in mind, my wife grew up Catholic, and was saved by her faith in Jesus, not in Mary or the pope. For those of you Catholic friends who read this blog...all I ask is that you compare the teachings of the RCC to the teachings in the Bible, and come to your own conclusions. The Bible is inspired by God and His Spirit...any church is run by men...fallen and imperfect.

15 August 2010

12 Aug (Luke 3:1-22; Matt 3; John 1:19-34)

The Gospels: John the Baptist Baptizes Jesus

Three of the four gospels document that John the Baptist was the fulfillment of the coming of Elijah, where he was the voice crying out in the Wilderness for all to repent. Isa 40:3

In order for the people to be ready for the Messiah to come, they had to realize their sinful ways. We need to do this as well before we accept Christ into our lives. If one says the sinner's prayer for the sake of having "God on their side" is not proper...we need to come to the point of realization that we are doomed to hell in our sins, unless we have a way out. That way out was God Himself, coming to earth in the flesh, living a sinless life and fulfilling the Law, and being our payment for sin.

Once people realize that they can't earn their salvation...God had to do it for us...then we are ready to accept Christ and His Spirit to guide our lives.

I stress to my kids that John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God...this is very Jewish! If we know our Old Testament, then we understand our New Testament better. Jesus was our Passover Lamb, that was sacrificed for our sins. John knew this from the start, and called Jesus the Lamb of God. John 1:29

We know that Jesus is the Lamb of God, for in Revelation 5 we see Him as He was slain. Rev 5:6

We see one of many instances of the Trinity here...Jesus is baptized...the Holy Spirit descends from heaven in the form of a dove...and the Father speaks from heaven. God is one, but He has three aspects or persons to Him. We often use the example of water, where it can be observed in three ways: liquid, ice or steam. Any one of those is still water, but in a different form. The one thing we need to try to make clear, is that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three distinct beings, but together they are complete...YHWH...Yahweh...Elohim...God!

Baptism is sometimes a great source of debate amongst certain Christian denominations. Some see it as essential towards our salvation. On the other extreme, some see it as just a ritual that Christians do. I believe the truth is in the middle...Baptism DOES NOT SAVE US, for the thief on the cross was saved by the testimony of Jesus Himself, and that thief was never baptized. Luke 23:39-43

But, baptism should never be taken lightly. I believe if we look at the early Church, we see that when someone accepted Christ, they were baptized to show their faith and allegiance to Christ. They were already justified and saved, but by doing the act of baptism, they show publicly their faith.

I have been baptised three times...as a newborn infant, when I accepted Christ as a teenager, and when my oldest daughter was baptized a few years ago...I did it with her to support her, and renew my faith in Christ.

14 August 2010

11 Aug (Luke 2)

Luke 2

(v.4) I teach my kids that all things in life happen for a reason. Some of them are obvious, and others we see as a chain of events that lead to an understanding of their importance.

Joseph had to go back to the place where his family was from...the Tribe of Judah...which was in Bethlehem. This fulfilled Micah 5:2 and set the stage for God to become flesh and die for our sins.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us... John 1:1, 14

(v.11) Again, God loves shepherds, and gives them the honor of being the first to see the LORD of all Creation, and the Savior of the world!

(v.21) Like John the Baptist before Him, Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day, where the prothrombin is at its peak to keep the young boys from bleeding too much. This is the first instance where we see Jesus following the Law...He had to follow the Law FOR us, since none of us can do it perfectly. Only God Himself can be sinless and perfect in the Law. Luke 24:44

(v.25) We see again that the Holy Spirit was upon Simeon...the Holy Spirit helps us see the workings of God. John 14:26

(v.34) This one Man...Jesus...is the reason for the rise or fall of every human. All who believe and trust in Him will live eternally with Him...all those who reject Him will live eternally in torment knowing their foolishness and separation from Him.

Jesus is the one thing in all history that everything can be pointed to...He is the most important person and event in all of history!

(v.49) Here is another clue to Mary that Jesus is God...He spoke about His Father's business, but it definitely wasn't Joseph's business. Jesus is God...the physical form of God in the flesh. John 1:1, 14

10 Aug (Luke 1)

Luke 1

The Gospel according to Luke is the only gospel that was written by a Gentile. Luke never met Jesus, but was a close friend of the Apostle Paul and Peter. Since Luke was believed to be a physician, he was meticulous in detail, and the Holy Spirit saw it fit to have the humanity of Jesus be documented by him.

(v.3) God had given Luke complete understanding of the life of Jesus...we as believers, as we learn and grow in Christ, acquire the same wisdom.

(v.6) John the Baptist was from the tribe of Levi, since his father was a priest. It was a priest's duty to bring the people closer to the LORD...John did just that! We see that this was another situation where the LORD had a barren woman have a child to defy nature.

(v.15) The Holy Spirit was with John the Baptist from the womb...we will see evidence of this when Mary meets Elizabeth later.

(v.17) This is what most of the Jews missed...John the Baptist made the way for the LORD by preaching repentance...they believed that Elijah would be resurrected, but his spirit was with John the Baptist!

(v.31) The name, Jesus, is important. We must teach our kids that it's not an ordinary name like John or Steve. Jesus is the Greek version of the Hebrew name, Joshua. We would pronounce the name as Yeshua, which in Hebrew, means Yahweh Saves.

This is why He was named Jesus...His name defined His mission on earth!

(v.33) It's hard to imagine what Mary must have thought when Gabriel told her that her child would reign over Israel forever...not 40 years, but FOREVER!

This was the first of many clues given to Mary that the Son of God was in her womb.

(v.41) The Holy Spirit was in John the Baptist when he was in the womb, and he leaped when his cousin was in the womb. But this wasn't any ordinary cousin...this was the Creator of the universe, the Alpha and the Omega...the Son of God...God in the flesh!

(v.59) Most of us skip over this without seeing another amazing work of God...the eighth day of a young boy's life is the BEST day to perform circumcision. There is a clotting agent in the blood that is called prothrombin, and it is produced to a level above 100% on the eighth day, then drops down on the ninth day. Science didn't discover this until the 20th century!

Here is a link for more information: http://www.apologeticspress.org/articles/2204

God instructed Abraham to do this to all newborn Jewish sons in Genesis 17.

(v.69) Remember that the use of a horn in Scripture represents authority...we will see a lot more of the use of horns in Revelation, as we saw quite a bit of them in Daniel as well.

(v.76) John the Baptist's mission was to get the people to repent, and ready for the salvation of the LORD!

10 August 2010

9 Aug (Matt 1:1-17 & Luke 3:23-38)

Why are there four gospels? Why not one? The Holy Spirit wished to reveal four different aspects to Jesus.

Matthew ~ Matthew wrote specifically for the Jews, and his emphasis on the Feasts of Israel point them to Christ...the Messiah! Matthew wrote his gospel with Jesus as the King of the Jews.

Mark ~ Mark focused on Jesus' servant hood. Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, and showed all of us, that to live godly, we need to serve others.

Luke ~ Since Luke was a doctor, he focused on the humanity of Jesus. Luke is very precise in his descriptions of Jesus, as a doctor who dissects things.

John ~ John focuses on the deity of Jesus...the Son of God. It all starts with John 1:1 and throughout his account, we see that Jesus wasn't just a prophet or great teacher...He was and is God in the flesh.

As with the camp of Israel in the Wilderness and the four faces of the cherubim, these four aspects of Christ are revealed:

Lion ~ Jesus is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah...the King of Kings, and the LORD of Lords!

Ox ~ The Ox is used for work...servant hood.

Man ~ God became man in order to save mankind from eternal doom in hell

Eagle ~ The eagle is associated with deity, and Jesus is the Son of God, part of the Holy Trinity!

Matthew 1

(v.1) Since Matthew is writing for the Jews, he starts his genealogy with the first Jew...Abraham.

(v.16) Notice that Joseph is listed as the husband of Mary...this will be key when we look at Luke.

(v.20) The Holy Spirit made Mary pregnant, so none of Joseph's DNA was in Jesus...again, this will make sense when we look at Luke.

(v.23) Matthew quotes the Old Testament the most out of all the gospels, which makes sense, since he is preaching to the Jews who hold the Torah and Tenach as the Scriptures.

Luke 3

(v.31) When we compare Luke's genealogy of Jesus against Matthew's, we see an interesting difference...Matthew shows Jesus' bloodline through David's son Solomon...the next king in the Tribe of Judah. But in Luke's account, David's other son, Nathan is listed...why?

In Jeremiah 22:30 God proclaimed a curse on the royal line of kings...this seemed like God just nullified the only way the Messiah could come and save mankind. After all, Joseph was a direct descendant of Jeconiah, so Joseph's blood was cursed...no son of his could rule on the Throne of David.

However, in the book of Luke, we see how God got around that...He used the bloodline from David through his other son, Nathan. Mary is a direct descendant of Nathan, so Jesus has the royal kingly blood of David in Him, but not the curse!

That is the reason for the Virgin Birth...Jesus had to be both man and God at the same time, so without tainted blood, He fulfilled the Scriptures and the Law for all of us, and His death and resurrection made the way back to the Father possible!

08 August 2010

8 Aug (Nehemiah 5-13)

Nehemiah 5

(v.14) Like Daniel, Nehemiah refused to eat of the Persian cuisine. Instead, he grew and provided for himself. Even though we have grocery stores today, it's wise for all of us to have gardens where we can eat vegetables and fruits of our own.

Nehemiah 6

(v.9) When we are feeling weak or doubtful, we need to call upon God to carry our burden. Matt 11:28

(v.12) It doesn't say why, but Nehemiah sensed that he was being lied to. We have a fail-safe way to know if we are being deceived...the Word of God! Compare it to what you're being taught (especially from here) and make sure it's true. Acts 17:11

(v.16) Often, when great things are accomplished, it was because of God. The speed and efficiency of the wall being built was a tribute to the people's faith, and God's provision.

Nehemiah 7

We often skim over the genealogies, but they are there for a reason...God put those people there to document His work and His people in history. We hear today that the Jews "stole" the land from the Arabs and Palestinians...when they weren't there until after the Jews were spread out to all the nations.

Nehemiah 8

(v.6) For Christians, it's common to bow our heads when in corporate prayer. But it's not common to raise hands during song, or to get on our knees in public. I personally am doing more of that, not to gain attention, but to show God my stature to Him...lowly. Worship should come from the heart, and if one is moved to raise hands, then that is good. However, one shouldn't make such a commotion to draw attention to himself, for that is not the reason for worship...it should be all directed to God.

(v.17) I make a point to show my kids that the Jews had forgotten to celebrate the Feasts. This was mandated by God, yet all it took was one generation to not pass this along to their children, and the Feasts were forgotten.

Nehemiah 9

(v.3) We have it so easy nowadays...we go to church for a couple of hours on Sunday, and we think we're giving God a great amount of time! Here we see that they worshiped God for 8 hours!

After repenting, confessing their sins, and hearing the Word of God, the people were really growing in the LORD. This is what we must do. We don't have to spend 8 hours on Sunday, but we should try to pray more, read His Word daily, and sing to Him numerous times during the week. After all, He gave us life, so we should spend a substantial part of our day acknowledging what God has done for us!

Nehemiah 10

(v.28) We keep seeing the phrase, everyone with knowledge and understanding...these are people who have repented and are studying the Word. When we make the effort to seek Him, He rewards us with wisdom and blessings. Acts 17:27

(v.36) The concept of the first fruits is crucial. This goes with tithing, and in the case of children, we are to consecrate the firstborn son of the family to be dedicated to the LORD. I have daughters, but all three of them are learning God's Word, and I expect them to give their lives to God. My oldest has already been baptized at the age of seven, and I expect when she is a teenager, she will do it again...to proclaim her dedication to the LORD.

Nehemiah 11

The Jews welcomed and blessed the foreigners who wished to dwell with them...this is following God's commandments.

Nehemiah 12

(v.43) I have felt such great joy when around others who love and worship God! When we get together and when we collectively worship God, we can feel God's presence there!

Nehemiah 13

(v.2) God turns curses and trials into blessings. The outcome may not appear a blessing at the time, but we're always better off, and in a better state to be used by God because of them. James 1:2

(v.19) On Sundays, after we've gone to church, my family either spends the day with other families who are believers, or we stay at home to be together. During the week, our kids and ourselves are mixed among the secular world, at school and at work, so it's important to have a day where you spend time with only believers.