29 November 2010

30 Nov (2 Tim 3-4)

2 Timothy 3

(v.1-5) Doesn't this describe our society today? The sad thing is, it also describes our churches as a whole! Most churches don't teach the Bible as one book, showing how the Old Testament points to the New Testament, and the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament.

Cults and false religions take only a part of the Bible, and make it their only doctrine, instead of viewing the whole Bible as one book!

(v.12) How is that for a pep talk?!? It is true, however, that as Christians, the world will look at us as the enemy. We will be made fun of, and even persecuted for our faith. We need to know that going in, and by prayer and the support from other believers, we will overcome!

(v.16) This is a very important verse:

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ~ Men physically wrote the Bible, but the words they wrote down were told to them by God in His Spirit. So many authors wrote of things they didn't understand, and even wrote about prophecies that were unfathomable to them, only to be fulfilled centuries later! The only way that could have happened, is that God told them to write those things down, since He knows the end from the beginning! Isaiah 46:10

Scripture benefits us for knowing God's commands to us, for correcting our sins, and for us to know what pure holiness is...and try to attain it!

(v.17) If we know God's Word, we are equipped to share the Gospel, and to help the needy.

2 Timothy 4

(v.3) We need to know the Bible, so we can understand God, and His plan of redemption. We can't be grateful for Jesus dying on the cross for us, unless we know what He saved us from!

(v.4) False prophets and cults lead people away from the holiness of God, using family and traditions to be coveted. Please stick to the Bible, and the Bible only, for doctrine...any other "holy book" is adding or deleting from God's Word.

(v.7) Stay the course, and keep your eyes on the finish line!

29 Nov (2 Tim 1-2)

2 Timothy 1

This is the second letter to Timothy from Paul. This is the last letter that Paul wrote before he was executed in Rome. It seems that Paul knew what was coming, and he wanted his disciple, Timothy, to pastor the church in Ephesus with as much wisdom as possible.

(v.5) I love how Paul makes a point to let us know that Timothy's faith came from the teaching and love from his mom and grandmother.

(v.7) We who are His don't fear death, or what this world threatens us with. Sure, we don't want to go to prison or be killed, but we know what's waiting for us if we do die...eternity with Jesus!

(v.9) God chose us to be His BEFORE He created the universe!

(v.13) If you have a pastor or teacher that sometimes says things that are Scriptural, and sometimes not, then you need to find a new church! The teacher should ALWAYS be reading from God's Word!

2 Timothy 2

(v.3) It's important that our kids know that just because we accept Christ, doesn't mean we won't have hardships and problems in life. God uses those times to draw us closer to Him, and we come out better for it! James 1:2

(v.5) We don't get the crown of salvation by doing good works, or going to a particular church...the rules are that we are to have complete faith and trust in Jesus, then we are saved. John 3:16

(v.15) We need to study the Bible...we need to look at what God is telling us through His Word, so that we can apply it to our lives, and understand God's character more. There is a huge difference between knowing OF Jesus, or knowing Jesus!

(v.23) Kids need us to keep reminding them that the things they think are important are not in the big picture of life! They need to learn to not get so upset over little things, and focus on the goodness of Jesus, which will make them more calm and joyful.

(v.25) We need to be loving and kind when discussing the LORD with unbelievers. We can't get them to listen if they feel they are being attacked or made fun of.

28 Nov (1 Tim 5-6)

1 Timothy 5

(v.1) We are to respect our elders, and to show love and compassion for other believers around the same age as ourselves. Of course, if one is acting ungodly, then Matthew 18 applies.

(v.4) We are to take care of our parents and grandparents ourselves. Our society has pushed them away, for we want to travel and not have the responsibility of caring for them in our way. Our society has gone away from God's Word, and we need to take care of our families. Of course, the church will take care of widows and older people if they don't have family nearby.

(v.8) This hits the father of the house hard! We need to provide for our family...both spiritually and financially. The wife takes care of the daily things, but the husband plans and works on the big things.

(v.19) We are to respect our church leaders. Only when we hear by multiple godly persons that a leader is acting contrary to his post, should we approach that leader. Use Matthew 18 as a model for this.

1 Timothy 6

(v.2) Support and pray for our church leaders, and don't let our pride and jealousy get in the way of the church exhorting the people.

(v.6) This is where I strive to be daily...walking with God, content in Him, and fearless of the world!

(v.8) As we approach the Christmas season, let's remind our kids that we only NEED food and clothing, along with Scripture, to live. What our kids actually WANT is another thing! We need to teach them the difference!

(v.10) Money, itself, is not evil...it's the love and obsession with it that is evil. Make sure your kids know the difference. After all, God uses money to feed the poor, to clothe the naked, and to support godly ministries all around the world!

(v.17) Being rich seems easy, but it's really a snare. When someone becomes rich, they start to think they can run their own lives. As Solomon says in Prov 30:8 that if we are rich, we become proud, and if we are dirt poor, we abandon God and try to steal our way to wealth.

27 Nov (1 Tim 3-4)

1 Timothy 3

(v.1) A Bishop in this instance is what we would call an Assistant Pastor to a church. This person is not the head of that church, but is the right hand of the Head Pastor. As with the Head Pastor, the bishop is not to be given to drinking...being influenced by alcohol or any drug. The most important thing, is that the bishop should have his house in order...for if he can't teach and keep his own house in order, how could he do the same with a church?

(v.6) When we first come to Christ, and learn so much about Him, we want to share and teach it to others. Paul is warning a church from doing that with new believers, for they haven't lived that long walking with God, and they haven't been tested by life and the devil that long. Remember, the devil's pride is what made him fall away from God, and someone who thinks they know it all when seeing God's wisdom, can do the same!

(v.7) Not only should believers have good things to say about a potential bishop or assistant pastor, but non-believers as well. It's one thing to act right with other believers, but if we are truly a light to the world, then non-believers should at least attest to the good character of the candidate.

(v.8) Deacons are also what we would call Assistant Pastors, but they are usually assigned specific ministries in a church (Children's Ministry, Missions Ministry, Men's Ministry, etc.)

They are not the right hand of the Head Pastor like the bishop is, but they are in the inner circle of the church affairs, and need to be sober-minded and godly. Often, these men help in the alms and tithing collection, and they need to be grounded and without temptation to steal.

(v.16) These are great topics to discuss with your kids:

God was manifested in the flesh ~ Why did God have to become man? Our kids need to know that the book of Ruth and other books speak about our Kinsman Redeemer (Goel in Hebrew) in order to die for us.

Justified in the Spirit ~ Jesus had the Holy Spirit in Him as man

Seen by angels ~ This is fascinating to me! Scholars believe that up until that point, the angels NEVER looked upon God, for fear of being consumed by His power. Not until God became man, were they able to see God...Jesus!

Preached among the Gentiles ~ Up until this point, only the Jews were being taught the Law and the teachings of the prophets. Also, since this is after Pentecost, the Holy Spirit was at work collecting the Bride for Jesus.

Believed on in the world ~ Through missionary work, the whole world was being taught the Gospel.

Received up in glory ~ Jesus became man for the sole purpose to redeem us to the Father. Once He died on the cross and was resurrected, He glorified the Father, and the Father glorified the Son!

1 Timothy 4

(v.1) The Church has been saying it's in the Last Days for centuries, but not until this present time in history, can it be deemed near. Prophecy has pointed to powers and alliances that are only now coming into place (Russia and Iran for example), and with the great influence of Islam, Mormonism, Catholicism, Buddhism, Hinduism and even Jehovah's Witness, can we see the apostasy in full form.

For those of you that are reading this, and are of the faiths I just cited, I don't mean to insult you or to judge you. I do, however, ask that you examine those faiths, and see that the teachings of those faiths follow ONE MAN. They have added or deleted from the Bible, and have gone the way of man's wisdom, not God's wisdom.

Paul is speaking about this very thing to Timothy, and with the Church reading this over the centuries, he is speaking to us. We need to go to the original text (in Hebrew and Greek) to find the root of doctrine, and not follow a single man's quest to find Divine Truth and be followed.

Please read Acts 17:11 and take that to heart...even with what I teach on this blog...check it against Scripture and see for yourselves what God says.

(v.3) Scholars believe that this is alluding to the doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church where leaders are not allowed to be married. This is not Scriptural, for even Peter himself was married, and the RCC believes he was the first pope! The first institution established by God was marriage, and I even believe that the New World Order and the Coming World Leader will abolish marriage to try to keep the world population down.

(v.7) The book of Proverbs admonishes us from being given to gossip...it is destructive and not godly.

(v.8) We hear people cite "our body is the Temple of the LORD" and say that means that we are to be physically fit. Of course, taking care of one's health is good, but God is more concerned with the health of our minds and our spirit, for that is what sustains us and what we use to serve God.

(v.13) The Head Pastor is to teach and read the Word daily. The assistant pastors are to serve the body and do the daily church tasks.

26 November 2010

26 Nov (1 Tim 1-2)

Paul wrote three epistles (letters) to his disciple, Timothy, as a guide to pastor the church. The purpose of Paul's letters was to train and guide Timothy to disciple other pastors and church leaders for the growing Church.

1 Timothy 1

(v.3) Paul is warning Timothy of cults that change the doctrine of the Bible to suit their own power and influence.

(v.15) Jesus' name was His mission...YHWH Saves!

(v.17) Jesus is our King, and He is God!

1 Timothy 2

(v.5) In order for the Father to fully comprehend our pains and hardships, He had to become us, and that is what Jesus did for us!
(v.14) Did you ever wonder where was Adam when Satan was deceiving Eve? He was there, but he went along with the sin to be with Eve. Perhaps in some way, Adam knew that God had a plan of redemption for him and his descendants.

25 Nov (Phil 3-4)

Philippians 3

(v.7) Think of all the things that the world cherishes...material things, notoriety, fame, fortune...they are worthless to God. What He cares about is my heart...is it open for Him or not?

(v.9) We are righteous in the Father's eyes, because we have the cleansing blood of His Son on us! The Father sees us through Son-tinted glasses!

(v.12) We are still sinners on this earth, but we must press on, to strive to be more like Christ.

(v.20) We believers have a citizenship that can NEVER be revoked, never taken away, and we will enjoy His presence for eternity! That is a hope worth living for!

Philippians 4

(v.1) Crowns are rewards from God...we receive them for winning others to Christ. Of course, God did all the work, but He rewards us for doing our part, and doing His will.

(v.6) Be anxious for nothing...if we have trust in the LORD, then we won't fret about things we can't change. Leave our problems at the foot of the cross, and let Him lead us.
by prayer and supplication...we need to be prayer warriors! Prayer and reading of His Word are the two best ways to grow closer to God.

with thanksgiving...how fitting that this chapter came on Thanksgiving this year! Every day should be a day of thanksgiving, for every day is a gift from God. The hard part is to do His will every day!
let your requests be made known to God...of course, God knows what we desire and what we need, but He loves for us to talk with Him and snuggle up to Him with our needs.

(v.8) If we focus on good, we are more likely to do good. If we focus on evil, then we are more likely to sin...it's as simple as that!
(v.13) I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. If we are on the side of the Creator of the universe, then how can we fail? Be bold in Christ!!! Rom 8:31

24 November 2010

24 Nov (Phil 1-2)

Paul wrote this book to the people of Philippi while in prison in Rome. If you remember, in Acts 16, Paul and Silas were jailed in Philippi and sang songs of praise while in prison. They were saved by God and converted the jailer and his household because of it.

Paul is in prison once again, but in Rome, and he's writing this last letter to the people of Phillipi to thank them for their prayers and love.

Chuck Smith summarizes this book best in his Bible Commentary:

Philippians is a special book that shows us how to live above the present circumstances, rising above adversity not just by surviving, but by thriving in the joy of the LORD.

Philippians 1

(v.9) We grow in Christ by learning His Word and gaining His wisdom and discernment.

(v.12) We don't always understand why God allows hard times in our lives. Here is another great example for us to see...it took Paul being in prison to write these wonderful epistles to the churches. If Paul wasn't in prison, he would have kept going from church to church, and speaking to them in person. We would not have had the historical documentation of what he wrote unless he was forced to sit still.

God has His purposes!!!

(v.21) What a life it is to be a Christian! If we live on earth, we have the opportunity to serve Him by loving and serving others. If we die, then we are with Him! We know that we will end up with Him someday, so make the most of the opportunities He gives us today!

(v.27) If you put people together that are walking with the LORD, there will be harmony. For our template and instruction manual is the same...the Bible. If we put others' needs before our own, then we will live more joyful and productive lives.

Philippians 2

(v.3) If we put the word, OTHERS, as the focus of our lives, then we will be serving the LORD!

(v.6) We can't fully understand the Trinity, but I try to give my kids something to grasp:

God the Father ~ the mind/brain

God the Son ~ the body

God the Spirit ~ the spirit/soul

As it says in Gen 1:27 that God created us in His own image, having a mind, body and soul. All parts of these are still us, just as the parts of the Trinity are One God.

(v.10) All of us, individually, will bow before Christ and give account for our lives. If we are saved by our faith, then we will have rewards for the works of God that we did. But if we are not saved, then our sins will be judged by the Law, and we will be sent to hell. Start with yourself, and make sure you are saved by a true faith in Christ, then work on witnessing to others.

Some cults try to say that this verse shows that Jesus isn't God, but they fail to see all the many verses throughout the Bible that declare the deity of Jesus. Plus, here it just says that our worship of Jesus is glorifying the Father...that makes sense, since the Father sent His Son to save us!

23 Nov (Eph 5-6)

Ephesians 5

(v.1) Those of us who have children, we see that they imitate us. Whether it be acting like they're on the phone, talking in a certain way (hopefully not badly) or any other imitation. They are watching us, and we need to remember that. Paul here is using that model to have us imitate Christ.

(v.3) Paul lists many sins that we have done over our lifetimes, and the purpose is for us to not be in a habit of these things. We will always be sinners on this earth, but we will sin less with the Holy Spirit working in us. If He is working in us, sinning won't be as fun or as enticing.

(v.7) We as parents need to keep track of who our kids play and hang out with. The ideal is for our kids to be friends with other believing children.

(v.8) I always like to use this illustration of what Paul is saying here, by telling my kids that the sun is the light source, and the moon reflects that light in the darkness. God is the sun, and we are the moon...reflecting God's light in the darkness!

(v.11) So many people say, Don't judge me! This is a self-preservation ploy to take the light off their sin. We are to rebuke our family and friends of their sins, but only God judges. But as Paul says here, we are free to identify and expose bad actions and words for what they are...bad. God wants us to be discerning and act accordingly.

(v.16) Redeeming the time...this is like Carpe Diem, the Latin into English, means Seize the day!

We are here at this time in history for a purpose. We have to make the most of what God puts in our paths. That may be just loving and serving our family and friends, or all the way to doing missionary work abroad. Figure out what God has for us to do, and do it!

(v.17) The more we pray and read the Bible, the more we will know what God's will for us is.

(v.22) This is always a sore subject with women, but if they really understand what God is saying here, it makes sense. Jesus is the Groom, and we are the Bride of Christ. We submit to Him, so God has made that template here in marriage. The wives are vital and equal partners in the marriage, but they are to submit to the authority of the husband...like the Church does with Christ.

(v.25) In order for wives to submit, they need to have a husband who is godly. A godly husband will give up his self interests, and love and serve his wife like Christ did for His Bride.

So what we have here, is a reciprocating order, where the Husband gives His life for the Bride, and the Bride loves and submits to the Husband...both are being loved and served at the same time!

(v.32) Back in the Old Testament times, the Church was not seen by the prophets. They wrote of these things, not knowing fully what it meant. God was laying down the Word to show us that He planned to save the whole world...not just the Jews...from sin.

Ephesians 6

(v.1) My kids laugh and smile when I read this to them! They know that they are to obey their parents, but like us parents, we don't always obey our Heavenly Father either! The key is to keep trying and focusing on obedience. When we are walking with God, we have freedom that we never believed was possible!

(v.4) An abusive or domineering father is evil. We are to be firm with our kids, but loving at the same time. Our kids need to see both sides of us.

(v.11) We are at war...the instruments being fought for by God and the devil. In order for us to stay in step with God, we need to do the following:

Gird your waste with truth ~ Know what the Truth is and focus on it

Put on the breastplate of righteousness ~ We have righteousness in our faith in Christ

Shod your feet with the Gospel ~ We are to witness to others the Good News of Christ's work
Take the shield of faith ~ Our faith wards off the devil's attempts to take us away

Take the helmet of salvation ~ We are saved, and we protect ourselves in Christ's work

The Sword of the Spirit ~ The Word of God is a double edged sword, convicting the soul

Praying always ~ It's near impossible to sin when we are praying

If we are going into battle, we need to do these things daily, BEFORE we enter the battle!

22 November 2010

22 Nov (Eph 3-4)

Ephesians 3

(v.6) God first worked with the Jews to reveal Himself to, and to show them how to worship and obey Him. God planned all along to save Gentiles as well, for by faith we are saved, not by culture or ethnicity.

(v.9) God made the universe through His Son...God in the form of flesh. Jesus is God, and a part of the Holy Trinity. John 1:1

(v.12) Once Jesus died for our sins, we had redemption and access to the Father once again! There had to be a price for sin, and that was God Himself...dying on the cross as our perfect Passover Lamb! Thank you Jesus!!!

(v.18) These are the four dimensions we experience in life, but quantum physicists believe there are at least 10 dimensions in the universe. This makes sense, since Jesus lost practically all of those dimensions when He became man, but regained at least some of them when He appeared and disappeared suddenly after His resurrection.

Ephesians 4

(v.5) This is often cited by people that believe we should baptize our kids in water as newborns. If this were true, then Jesus' words to Nicodemus were a lie...we need to be baptized spiritually in order to be born again...that is what allows us to enter the kingdom of heaven. John 3:5

(v.24) When we are born again, we are a new creation of God! We still have our old habits that we need to abandon, but we are focused on the things of God, and not of Satan!

(v.26) You've heard the phrase to not go to sleep mad at your spouse or your friend...this comes from here in the Bible. No matter how upset we are, we need to pause to pray, and talk things out lovingly. Only pride makes us avoid the discussion, and has us push away loved ones.

(v.29) One of the best ways for others to see where your heart is, is to stop cussing and saying mean and dirty things. Prov 8:7

(v.30) The Holy Spirit is a person...a part of the Trinity. We can't grieve a thing or a force, if we say and indulge in evil things.

21 November 2010

21 Nov (Eph 1-2)

Ephesians 1

Ephesians was the first of the Prison Epistles written by Paul. Ephesus was a major trading city in the Roman Empire, and was located in modern day Turkey.

(v.7) Not the Law, our works, nor our good intentions earns our salvation...it is the blood of God Himself...Jesus, that washes away our sins.

(v.11) Christians have a tough time with predestination and free will. Both are true. God has predestined all of us to be with Him, but it all depends on our free will. If we choose God, then we will be saved. If we choose our pride, then we will die in judgment for our sins. It's that simple, and it's that important.

(v.18) When we are born again, we don't become Albert Einstein...but we do start to see God's plan of redemption. This makes us grateful, and we seek God in prayer and in His Word. God is faithful, and He will open our eyes to His character and plans, but only if we are diligent.

Ephesians 2

(v.2) God gave Adam dominion over the earth...Adam was a son of God, for he was a direct creation from God. Another creation of God, the angel called Lucifer, didn't like that Adam was treated the way he was by God, and wanted to be worshiped himself. When he tricked Adam and Eve, they gave up their dominion of the earth to Satan. He is the prince of the power of the air and has been ruling the world ever since then. Not until Jesus comes back to claim His authority and right to the deed of the earth (paid for by His blood on the cross), will Satan not be in control.

Please remember to tell your kids that there is only one God, but He allows Satan to rule over the earth, so the people can choose good or evil.

(v.8) Our faith makes us righteous in the Father's eyes, for we have the blood of His Son to wash us clean.

(v.14) I have incredible peace knowing that God took care of my salvation...all I have to do is let Him direct my paths, and obey Him when He calls me to witness or love others. All the stress and garbage I allow in my life just clouds that out...I need to keep focused on the cross and the empty tomb...as Jesus said Himself, It is finished! John 19:30

(v.18) Jew and Gentile are alike to God...one body of believers in His Son!

(v.19) I am proud to be an American citizen, but I'm even more happy to be a citizen of heaven!

20 November 2010

20 Nov (Col 3-4)

Colossians 3

(v.2) We are to think and desire upon Jesus and heaven...not of this world. If we do that, things that happen on earth won't bother us as much as they used to. We have the hope in Christ of things to come in heaven!

(v.4) When Christ returns at the end of the Tribulation, we will come with Him! He will conquer evil and we will be appointed as rulers during the Millennium.

(v.8) One of the best signs that we are following God, is if we don't curse and say nasty things or dirty jokes...we won't want to engage in those things if we are trying to be more like Christ.

(v.14) Nothing shows our faith better than love does...love others and let our actions witness to them instead of just words.

(v.18) Wives are to let the husbands be the head of the home...like Christ is the head of His Church, the Bride of Christ. This doesn't mean that women are inferior, but God does want order and has given us the model for the best way for a family to grow closer to the LORD. The mother/wife nurtures and provides love and wisdom daily to the family, while the husband/father leads the family spiritually and provides for the family.

(v.19) We husbands are to adore our wives...treat them with love and affection. There is a phrase that fits this verse: A happy wife leads to a happy life!

Colossians 4

(v.1) For anyone that has employees or people that work for them, remember that we all serve a higher boss...God! Be fair and just, like our Father in heaven is fair and just.

(v.2) Prayer is the key to our walk with God...if we do it less, we will see our walk slowing down.

(v.6) When we witness to unbelievers, we need to be confident in God's Word, but to share it with grace and love...like Paul, we need to know who we are talking to so we can present God's Word in truth, but in a way that they understand and will listen to.

With that said, the reference to salt is important...salt makes food taste better like witnessing with love. But it also agitates wounds...much like the truth pierces the darkness and causes some to lash back. Don't be afraid of that, for the truth is the truth, and let the LORD's Spirit do the rest!

19 Nov (Col 1-2)

Colossians 1

This is a letter that Paul wrote from prison in Rome (around 62 A.D.) that along with Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon are called the Prison Epistles.

Colosse was a church that was in decline when Paul wrote this, and the city was wiped out from an earthquake not long after Paul wrote this letter to the Colossians.

The church in Colosse was declining because Gnosticism and Jewish legalism were prevalent at the time. Gnostics, in short, believed Jesus to be a great man, but not God. To them, Jesus was the next step for us to become more like God...the next step up the ladder.

(v.15) It's important to understand the meaning of firstborn over all creation here. Some cults like to say that this means that Jesus was the first thing created by God. First of all, there are scores of verses that refute this one verse, showing that Jesus is God...one example is John 1:1

Secondly, the English translation of the original Greek is misleading here. The word used for firstborn is Arche in Greek. We get the word architect from this Greek word...it means the designer and creator of the creation. Jesus is the Creator, not the first created!

(v.18) Of course, if the cults would read further a few verses, Paul shows us that Jesus is the Creator! He is also the architect of the Resurrection...being the One who did it first, and provided the way for us to be united with Him in heaven.

(v.26) Paul is speaking of the Church and the Rapture...things that Daniel, Ezekiel and Isaiah didn't understand what they were writing, but God's Holy Spirit had them write.

Colossians 2

(v.1) We will see that Jesus rebukes Laodicea in Rev 3:17 the church in Colosse was going down the same path...pride and apathy.

(v.8) This is the problem with much of the "Christian" church today...they have added to God's Word, and created their own traditions and doctrines that are not Scriptural. If you are in a church that doesn't study the Bible, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse, then you will not have a good understanding of the whole Bible.

Topical studies are useful and good, but not by themselves. The Bible is not a manual as to how to live a better life (even though we can live with joy from what we read), the Bible is a love letter from God for us to better know Him. From studying His Word, we come to understand what He did for us, and how much He loves us, and we can then live a joyful and hopeful life in His wisdom.

(v.9) Jesus is God...He is the fullness of the Trinity. There is no way to fully understand God and His attributes, but I like to point out that He created us in His image. With that said, I like to teach my kids that God is like us:

Mind ~ the Father

Body ~ the Son

Spirit ~ Holy Spirit

(v.14) The Law has been fulfilled by Christ...we are to live by faith, not by the Law.

18 Nov (Acts 25-28)

Acts 25

(v.11) As a Roman citizen, Paul had the right to appeal to be heard by Caesar. This was Paul's chance to preach the Gospel to the current ruler of the world!!!

Acts 26

(v.6) Paul beautifully points out the conversion of the Jews who believe in fulfilled prophecy...they lived according to the Law, but found that Jesus did that for them, so they live by faith in Him.

(v.17) This is what happens when we are born again...we are saved from hell and Satan's grip to God and His promises!

(v.28) How many people do we know like Agrippa? They can see the truth and the logic, but their pride keeps them from believing. We need to keep praying for our family and friends who are not believers. I have seen God work miracles in hearts that were once hard towards Him.

(v.32) Paul was destined to speak to Caesar, and ultimately, to die for Christ.

Acts 27

I like to point out to my kids that Paul had faith in Christ all along, and God provided for them the whole trip!

Acts 28

(v.20) Paul knew his mission...to give the hope of Christ to Israel and the Gentiles.

(v.30) This is a great example of God using us for ways we never thought possible. It seems, at first glance, that Paul is limited and made a prisoner. But if we look at all the letters and encouragement that Paul wrote to the churches, we see that God used that time of Paul's imprisonment to strengthen His Church.

I have to remind myself, that even though I don't always feel that I'm being used by God, I really am. It may be preparation for something coming up, or for me to see the chance to witness to a coworker at a job that is not my ultimate choosing. We need to treat our family, friends and community as our mission field!

17 Nov (Acts 22-24)

Acts 22

(v.3) Paul reminds the crowd that he was a Jew like them, and was taught personally by the revered Rabbi Gamaliel. He also gives them some props by telling them that they are zealous for God like he is. Paul starts off speaking in their language, and giving them a compliment...they are ready to listen.

(v.14) Paul was unique to personally hear the voice of the risen LORD, who was also in heaven! This is what we will experience in heaven as well.

Acts 23

(v.8) Paul shows us the great divide among the Jewish scholars:

Pharisees ~ they believe in the resurrection of the dead, angels and the spirit world. They are extreme in their adherence of the Law, and Jesus rebuked them for being more in love with the Law than the One who gave them the Law.

Sadducees ~ The are more liberal than the Pharisees, and they don't believe in the resurrection, angels or the spirit world.

Pastor Chuck Smith likes to joke that they are accurately named, since it's sad, you see, that they don't believe in the resurrection!

(v.11) The LORD stood by Paul...how cool is that!?! When God speaks to us, we need to listen and obey.

Acts 24

Paul defends himself, showing the Romans that he didn't agitate by design, but the crowd was upset with the truth!

I like to compare this chapter with what Jesus went through with the Pharisees and Pilate. Jesus didn't defend Himself, fulfilling Isaiah 53:7, where Paul did.

16 November 2010

16 Nov (Acts 20-21)

Acts 20

(v.7) As we can see, the early church had worship and teaching, then they ate together. This is what we would call communion, but as I said before, it wasn't a piece of cracker and some grape juice! They had a meal together, where bread and wine would be the common items served with other things.

My family gives thanks before we eat every meal...remembering what Jesus did for us. Luke 22:19

(v.9) Here is a little humor in the Bible, because the man is made alive! It seems that Paul must have been going on and on, and the man fell asleep, which made him fall out the window! I don't feel so bad when I get a little groggy at church!

In reality, though, if the teaching is good, and the Word of God is being spoken, then I find it hard to fall asleep...it makes me alive!

(v.24) This is what being dead to the world, and alive in Christ is all about! If we are born again, then the things of this world that used to be important, are not anymore. Also, Paul yearned to be with Christ, so if he was killed, he knew he would be in heaven! Not having our grip on this world allows us to think like Paul.

(v.25) Paul knew that he was going to die soon.

(v.25) Give your family and friends the Gospel, and let the LORD do the rest!

Acts 21

(v.11) Paul's fate is revealed in prophecy.

(v.13) Paul was ready to die for Christ. This is a big distinction from Islam, where they MURDER for Satan...er...allah.

(v.14) Here was Paul, preaching the Gospel, and it seemed that the LORD wanted him in heaven. I bet some in the early church were asking, "Why?" We can relate, when a believer is killed or dies young, and it seemed they had so much to do for the LORD. We don't know God's ways, but if we look at the time after Paul, so many took his lead and preached the Gospel covering more ground and reaching more people. It almost looks like God knew what He was doing!

15 November 2010

15 Nov (Rom 15-16)

Romans 15

(v.2) Our sinful nature impels us to look out for #1...ourselves! But what Christ showed us, and what Paul is stressing here, is that when we are born again, we look to help and serve others' interests before our own. If we have a heart and desire to do that, we know the Spirit is working in us.

(v.3) Of course, not everything Jesus did while on the earth is documented. In fact, most of what He did is not documented...only the things the Spirit wants us to read and learn from. So if we look at the Gospels, we don't see that Jesus spent a day at the spa, or took in a bubble bath! No, He was on a mission, and it was His desire to have His time spent saving souls. We should seek to do the same, by witnessing and praying without ceasing!

(v.4) First of all, what is in the Bible actually happened...ALL OF IT!!! It is there to teach us right and wrong, and to better understand God's character and desires for us. That is why no teaching beats your own time reading the Word, and hearing what God is speaking to you that day.

(v.7) The Hebrew word here in English is like taking someone in...letting them have dinner or staying at your home. We are to offer our home and food to believers...especially if they are traveling or need some help.

Romans 16

(v.4) It wasn't trendy to be a Christian back then, and one day, it will be just as dangerous all around the world. God is preparing us for that time, for we need to be deeply grounded in the Word, and have our faith as strong as possible.

(v.5) The Church started out in homes, and I believe, will end up in homes. One day in our lifetimes (I believe), it will be against the law to perform public displays of worship for the LORD. The Church will have to meet in homes in order to worship, pray and read the Word.

(v.17) We need to stay clear from people who teach a different Gospel, and more importantly, a different Jesus. If a church or person teaches that Jesus is not God, part of the Holy Trinity, then they are preaching a different Gospel. If they think that Jesus was just a good man, then they are denying the deity of Christ, and ignoring His own words.

(v.18) Unfortunately, much of the church is teaching "feel good" sermons, and not confronting sin and death without Christ. There are plenty of teachings that give us comfort, but only because we realize what Christ is giving us comfort from...hell. Teach your kids that there is a real Satan, and a real hell. The only way to avoid those things is to accept Christ as your LORD and Savior.

14 November 2010

14 Nov (Rom 13-14)

Romans 13

(v.1) This is a hard concept for many Christians, since we don't like what the U.S. government is doing most of the time. We need to remember that God appoints our nation's leaders for His purposes.

There is an old saying that I believe is true: "You get the leadership you deserve."

I see the USA being like the nation of Israel in the time of the kings and the book of Judges...we are ourselves (as a nation, but not individually) not following the LORD. Therefore, we are reaping what we sow. We allow abortion, we allow blatant sex on our mainstream shows on TV, we allow cursing and rude behavior with our kids, and we allow the normalization of homosexuality in our culture. Once we allow or tolerate something in society that is against God's Word, we will then see the next generation embrace it as common.

With that said, I believe that God puts certain people in power to further His plan. I feel that the USA was asleep and apathetic until the current government started blatantly abandoning the Constitution and the Bible as our founding laws.

So keep Rom 8:28 in mind, and let the LORD work this out. In the meantime, be diligent, be good citizens, and stand up for good. When given bad, respect authority and pray for our leaders.

(v.8) With the world economy in so much debt, and individually we are in debt more than ever as a nation of people, we are slaves to another. Here, Paul is reminding us that we should not be in debt (except for a home) and live to love one another.

(v.10) Jesus is love, and His love of us by dying on the cross fulfilled the Law. He lived sinless and was the perfect Passover Lamb of God for us, so loving others is fulfilling the Law of Christ.

Romans 14

(v.6) There are cults and denominations in Christianity that revere certain days over another as the Sabbath and holy. The Law had sundown Friday to sundown Saturday as the Sabbath. But that was under the Law...we who are under the New Covenant of Christ are under God's grace. We should revere EVERY DAY as holy and worthy to praise and serve God!

It is spiritually uplifting to take at least part of a day, and reserve it for deep prayer and worship to God. Spend a good deal of time in the Word, and converse with God. After all, one day a week dedicated to the LORD out of seven days is not too much to ask, is it?

(v.12) Each of us will face God...whether in judgment or in rewards. In both cases, we will have our lives tested by fire. The big difference is, if we have the blood of Christ washing our sins away, then we will only have rewards leftover. But if we rejected Christ, we will be guilty by the Law in our sins, and we will be destined to hell. We all need to make the choice for Christ individually.

(v.17) Don't let your faith be defined by what day you reserve for worship, or what foods and drinks you imbibe or not...faith is not about what we do...it's about gratitude for what God did for us!

13 November 2010

13 Nov (Rom 11-12)

Romans 11

(v.5) God has NEVER gone back on His promise to Israel. That covenant was unconditional...meaning it didn't depend upon the obedience of Israel. God will once again nurture and protect Israel in the last days...He will remove His Church first in the Rapture.

(v.11) As a Christian, and a student of the Word of God, I understand (still learning) and see how Christ is in the Old Testament. The Jews (as a whole, but not individually) do not. When I see how Christ fulfilled the Spring Feasts of Israel in His first coming, and will fulfill the Fall Feasts in His second coming, I have an awe and joy for God that only the Jews had before Christ. Until Christ, only the Jews knew God personally, but after Christ, all can know Him! This is what Paul means by provoking them to jealousy...when they see Christians worshiping YHWH!!!

(v.17) Paul uses imagery here that the people of that time would understand. Israel is the tree, God is the root, and the Church are the branches grafted in. Because Israel (for the most part) didn't accept Christ, the Church is grafted into the promise to Abraham.

One thing to point out...the Church NEVER...I repeat NEVER...replaces Israel in God's promises. We are only able to partake of the same promise of salvation that God revealed to the Jews. If your church teaches that God is done with Israel, and the Church has replaced Israel, then go to another church...that makes God out to be a liar!!!

(v.23) Because God is merciful and loving, He will graft back in those Jews who realize that Jesus is the Messiah.

(v.25) Remember, there are two phrases in the Bible that are often confused:

The Fullness of the Gentiles ~ This is the gathering of the Church. One glorious day, the Father will have the amount of people He deems to be complete, and He will send His Son to gather them in the Rapture.

The Times of the Gentiles ~ This started with Babylon and King Nebuchednezzar, and continues until the Return of Christ. God's focus on Israel was put on hold from the time of Babylon until He raptures His church, and starts the clock again with Israel.

(v.32) God didn't create robots that obey Him without feeling or love. He allowed sin to enter the world, so that the world would realize what love is, and see His mercy and grace! Only then, can someone make the choice to love God and follow Him.

Romans 12

(v.1) Here is a great contrast between Islam and Christianity...Muslims are taught that the only way to assure their salvation (like they could actually earn it) is to die for allah. This entails killing the unbelievers in the process.

Christianity, on the other hand, teaches us to live for Christ, and love and serve others because we are saved by what He did for us on the cross.

Which one is the REAL peaceful faith?

(v.6) The Body of Christ is the Church...it is made up of the people who believe. Like the human body, every part is designed with importance, and a crucial function for the whole body to live. Not all of us can be teachers, pastors, missionaries, administrators, etc, but with the gifts that God has given us, we need to use them for His Church.

One of the most important things we all need to realize, is what God has gifted us with. We may not find that gift the one we would desire, but it's the one that God wants us to use for His glory. Who are we to tell God that He gave us the wrong gifts?

(v.9) There is such a thing as righteous anger. After all, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees with harsh words and turned the tables violently at the Temple. John 2:15

So many people recite the words from Jesus, where He says to turn the other cheek. This is valid up to a point. We are to be loving and kind, where we wouldn't draw violence to us by our actions. If we are combative and harsh with others, we will get hit back with insults and even physical violence.

But if we love and serve others, and we still get hatred, then Jesus says to let Him take care of it, and keep loving and serving.

With that said, we are not to be the pushovers and doormats of the world. We are strong in Christ, and we can protect ourselves and loved ones from harm.

It all comes down to this...if we are His, then we will love what He loves, and we will hate what He hates. God hates evil, for He is good. We are to stand up for the defenseless and for what is good. That is Scriptural.

(v.16) There are scores of Proverbs that repeat this over and over...we are not to believe that we are wise on our own...we are only wise if we use and have God's wisdom. That would be evident if we act in humility, and in a loving and meek manner.

(v.21) We overcome evil by God's power...use prayer and reliance upon Him, and we will prevail in the end!

12 Nov (Rom 8-10)

Romans 8

(v.1) This is one of the most reassuring verses in the Bible...if we are truly saved, then we will always be saved! This is true because we didn't save ourselves...Jesus saved us. So if Jesus saved us, then He can't lose us!

(v.2) That is why Jesus said He was making a new covenant with mankind...not of Law, but by faith. Luke 22:20

(v.3) Because we are sinful and can't keep the Law, God had to perform the act of propitiation, and take our place! Thank you Jesus!

(v.8) We can only please God if we are acting in His Spirit...if we are acting as the world does, then we are not pleasing God.

(v.14) In the Old Testament, the phrase, sons of God, is referring to angels. That is because they are direct creations of God. Adam was also a direct creation of God. From Eve, to their descendants, we have been reproductions of the creation (Adam).

So what is Paul saying here? He is saying, that by our rebirth in spirit, we are again direct creations of God! Not only that, but as sons (and daughters) of God, we are given His inheritance...heaven!

(v.15) So when we are born again, we are once again direct creations of God and sons and daughters of God. We can call Him Daddy, which is the equivalent to Abba! We are adopted back into His family!

(v.19) All of creation was in harmony before Adam and Eve sinned...it is waiting for everything to be restored in the Millennium.

(v.25) We know that heaven will be wonderful, but for now, we need to work and serve for God, and we will live for eternity with Him.

(v.26) Have you ever been so sad or distressed that words just wouldn't come out? The Holy Spirit knows what you're thinking and feeling, and He prays to the Father for us! That is really cool that God prays for us!

(v.28) This is a verse that all of us need to know when times become hard...He is always with us, and He will work on us so that we are stronger and better off from the trials.

(v.31) If God is for us, who can be against us? I love this verse, since it gives me complete comfort, knowing that God is on my side. Or rather, I'm on His side!

(v.34) Not only do we have the Holy Spirit making intercession for us, but we have the Son...talk about a sure way for the Father to hear our prayers!

(v.38) Nothing can come between us and Christ if we are saved. We can't be unsaved, and He will always be with us!

Romans 9

(v.8) The Promise is the one that God made to Abraham...who is the Father of the Faithful. Not only the Jews, but all who believe in Christ are the seed of Abraham.

(v.15) Notice that God says He will have mercy and compassion on whomever He wishes...those are good things! We should never be jealous of other people's blessings. We should praise God and work to serve God and see what He does with us!

(v.32) The Jews became fixated on the Law, and forgot the righteousness of Abraham by his faith. We have that knowledge, but it's easy to forget.

Romans 10

(v.2) Paul, like Moses before him, offers up his own salvation if God would save the nation of Israel from their religiosity. That is admirable, but everyone must stand before God individually. Our relationship with God is personal...no one can do anything for us, we need to seek God ourselves.

(v.9) Some people say that their faith is "personal" and not to be shared with others. This is against Scripture. If we realize what Christ did for us, then we should be so grateful, that we want others to be saved as well. That can't happen unless we witness and share with others the Gospel.

We can't be ashamed or scared of being a Christian...we will probably be made fun of and perhaps persecuted, but that's a small price to pay for eternity!

11 November 2010

11 Nov (Rom 5-7)

Romans 5

(v.3) Do we look forward to problems in our lives? Of course not, but when they come, we should look at them as opportunities to be used by God. We have the honor to be be molded by Him to be more like Christ. And if we look back at our problems we had, and when we let God use us and guide us through them, we are better for it! James 1:2

(v.7) Is there someone you would die for? Probably your kids, your family, and some friends you know. Would you die for a person you just met? Or even someone you never met?

Jesus died for all mankind...that is love! He died for all, but in the end, it will be only the ones who understood that and were grateful for that love, that will it benefit. When we are His, He calls us His friends. John 15:15

Jesus died for His friends...John 15:13

(v.19) This verse summarizes the Bible completely...Since Adam and Eve sinned, mankind was born with a sinful nature. We were doomed to hell in our sins, since none could be holy enough to abide with God in heaven. But that's the reason that God had to provide us the way back to Him...and He did it with Himself...the person named Jesus. By His act of obedience to the Law and the holiness of God, He died sinless, and took on our sin for us. Therefore, we who believe and live in faith with that, are deemed sinless as well by the cleansing blood of His Son.

Romans 6

(v.3) Water baptism does not save us. Baptizing a baby is only a ceremony...it doesn't save that child. All children are saved until they reach an age of accountability...roughly in their early teens. So when we do water baptism, it is a public display of our death to sin, and rebirth in Spirit. The baptism of the Spirit is what counts...and that can only happen when we are older and can readily accept what it means.

(v.7) We who have accepted Christ as our Lord and Savior, have died to sin. We no longer are controlled by sin. Because we have God's Spirit in us, we are able to overcome sin and temptation.

(v.12) Men have the hardest time with this one...we are attracted to things with our eyes. For the most part, women love a man who can communicate and tell them his love and share his life with them in discussion.

(v.14) By the grace of God, we have His Spirit working in us, and we can overcome sin!

(v.18) This is why Paul talked so directly in the first chapter of this book...homosexuals live a lifestyle and life of sin. We all sin, but homosexuals live under the power of sin. Of course, heterosexuals do as well, if we let money or fame have control over us. Any lifestyle or passion that is put above the love for God is sin.

(v.23) Repeat this verse to yourself and your kids...it summarizes this whole chapter!

Romans 7

(v.7) We don't know good unless we know bad first. We can't know if something tastes good, unless we are used to eating bad things. That is why God allowed evil to enter the world...to show us what we don't want, and for us to go to Him to have good.

(v.23) Our flesh keeps fighting our spirit that is trying to be more Christ-like. It is a constant battle that will endure until we are with Jesus in heaven. After we are justified to the Father by the faith in His Son, we go through the rest of our lives being sanctified, or molded, to be more like Christ. This process is an ebb and flow, but it must be a constant one-way journey. If we are born again, then we won't take time out and sin like we did for a season. Sure, we will slip and fall on occasion, but our path must be forward. Matt 7:13-14

10 Nov (Rom 3-4)

Romans 3

(v.2) The Jews were blessed to have God start His relationship with mankind through them. Through them, He gave the world the Bible. But with that came responsibility, and as we read in the Bible, they squandered that. But before we get too judgmental, we do the same thing now.

(v.19) Just as in the parable of the Wedding Feast that Jesus tells the disciples in Matt 22:12 the ones who rejected the free gift of salvation in Jesus, will be speechless when confronted with their sin.

(v.20) Ask your kids why God gave the Jews in the OT the Law...this is important. Did God do that to condemn them to hell, since no one can keep the law? Psalm 14:3 No one can, so why did God give them the Law?

God gave them the Law to point them to Himself!!! If we realize that we can't run our lives on our own, and we are doomed to hell in our sins, then we need a Savior to help us! The Law was given to point us to God...Jesus!

(v.21) After Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected, He gave us His Spirit...we no longer need the Law to show us our sin and our need for a Savior...we have His Spirit to guide us and convict us of sin.

(v.23) Since God is perfect and holy, there has never been a human who has attained that holiness...it took God Himself...Jesus, to come and take our punishment for sin. That was the only way for our sins to be washed away...the Holy Lamb of God had to be our Passover Lamb in our place! John 1:29

(v.28) This is the difference of Christianity from any other religion...works doesn't earn salvation, but only the faith in the works of God does!

Romans 4

(v.3) God isn't sitting in heaven with a big calculator, counting out our good works and our bad works. The calculator that matters is our faith! Abraham is our example...he obeyed God because he had faith in God. This was counted or tabulated as salvation in the Father's eyes. The word used in Hebrew means imputed, credited or counted...it's an accounting term. Gen 15:6

(v.13) This is why Abraham is called the Father of the Faithful...and why God said that his descendants would be like the stars in number. God wasn't talking about only Jews from Abraham's family tree, rather, God was talking about all the faithful...Jews and Gentiles!

(v.24) We are heirs of the Father's blessings and love, like Christ, since we died to sin and are born again...just like Jesus did for us!

10 November 2010

9 Nov (Rom 1-2)

Paul wrote the book of Romans to the church in Rome, and addressed the Jewish believers mostly. Paul had not been to Rome yet, but he knew he would go, and ultimately die there.

Romans 1

(v.1) The name, Paul, means little one in Greek. Paul counted himself little in comparison to God, and knew that he was saved from hell by the grace of Christ. He was an apostle, which means that he was sent forth with authority from God to preach the Gospel.

(v.19) Everyone has a spirit, and that spirit seeks God. He has revealed Himself, in one way or another, to everyone. What we do from there is the most fateful decision in our lives. If we accept and seek God, He will save us and work in us. But if we push Him away, and want to be our own god, then we will die in our sins.

(v.20) You may have heard someone ask, "Does God send people who have never heard of Jesus to hell?" The answer is, "It depends." The reason it's not a simple answer, is everyone has a understanding that there was a Designer to this universe. We see examples of that daily by seeing the human body, the seasons change, the incredible beauty and complexity of life. No matter if a person is in a dense jungle and never heard of Jesus, they are faced with the same decision we all have...there must be a Designer to all this! If a person believes and accepts that, then they are saved. But if a person refuses to believe the obvious evidence of God, then they are doomed to hell...by their own choice!

(v.22) Whenever I read this verse, it makes me think of the "intellectuals" in academia and the ruling elite. They have man's wisdom, which is utterly foolish compared to God's Wisdom. It also makes me think of this verse:

The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. ~ Psalm 14:1

(v.25) So many Environmentalists have done what is described in this verse...they have come to worship the creation, instead of the Creator. Don't get me wrong, as Christians, we are to treat the earth and all God's creation well, but we are NEVER to put the creation ahead of the Creator in importance!

(v.27) Homosexuals and Heterosexuals are sinners alike. Unless we have Jesus, we are all doomed to hell in our sins. However, God ordained and blessed marriage between one man, and one woman...in order to make babies that will grow up to praise God. Homosexuality is an abomination to God, for it betrays the purpose of marriage and sex.

With that said, we Christians are to love and respect homosexuals, but we are never to tolerate or equate their lifestyle with heterosexual marriage. To tolerate is to accept, and that is sinning against God. We need to love the sinner, but hate the sin.

(v.32) President Bush rightly said that we are at war with terrorists and regimes that support them. This is the same concept as this verse...if we allow sin to be common and acceptable, then we are as guilty as the ones doing the sinning.

Romans 2

(v.3) We are to discern and discriminate in our decisions in life, but only God condemns and judges the guilty. It is our job to love and encourage those lost in sin, and try to show them the love of Christ.

(v.11) God doesn't love anyone or any group of people more than another. The Jews are God's chosen people, only in the sense that He chose to reveal Himself to the world through them. They are not any more holy, righteous or good than the rest of mankind. With that said, they are His chosen people, and they deserve respect and our support. Gen 12:3

(v.24) God is tough on the Jews, for by their disobedience and idolatry has caused the Gentiles through time to resist God and call Him names by their terrible ambassadorship. This is why the Third Commandment is so important...people are watching us who are called His.