30 April 2010

Apr 30 (1 Kings 15)

1st Kings 15

(v.3) We are going to see this happen a lot with the kings of the Southern Kingdom, Judah. I take this time to remind my kids that the Northern Kingdom is called Israel, and the Southern Kingdom is called Judah. The Northern Kingdom went immediately into idolatry and paganism, and God had the Assyrians conquer them first. Judah, at least, had some good kings to go with most of the bad ones, and they lasted longer. But eventually, as we shall see, God used Babylon to conquer them and bring them to repentance.

(v.11) We will see a pattern here...the kings that followed God will rule longer than the ones who didn't. Asa was a good king, and I make sure to point out his good qualities to my kids.

(v.14) This may not be info you share with young kids, but the "high places" were always places where the pagan altars were set. In fact, most of them were phallic in their appearance! Think of the worst of the porn industry, and you have an idea of what these pagan practices were like.

(v.29) We see God's prophecy come to fruition here...all of Jeroboam's descendants were eliminated by Baasha.

29 April 2010

Apr 29 (1 Kings 13-14)

1st Kings 13

(v.2) How great is it, that an unnamed man of God would come and predict that a man named Josiah would rule and follow God, instead of Jeroboam! As we will see later in this book, Josiah was a great man of God, and one of the few kings after David who followed God.

(v.7) We see this all the time, where people live and love the world and its ways, then when things go wrong, only then, do they cry out to God! That is not faith.

(v.22) We need to be diligent about our reading of the Word, and to study and know it. For there will be many times where people, who seem godly, will fool us if we don't follow God's commands. This man of God abandoned God's command, and trusted another "godly" man. This prompts me to read Matt 7:15 to my kids, to warn them of following anything other than God's Word.

(v.32) We read that the prophet mourned over the dead man of God, so perhaps he meant well, but he should have let the man of God follow God's instructions. He interfered, and it cost his friend his life.

1st Kings 14

Like David before him, Jeroboam's child would suffer because of his pride and disobedience. God still loved David, and David repented, so David still ruled and was blessed by God. But Jeroboam didn't repent, nor did he seek God's forgiveness, thus, he brought calamity upon Israel.

I take this time to remind my kids that we are sinners, but we need to confess our sins, and turn back to God. Then He will forgive us and bless us.

28 April 2010

Apr 28 (1 Kings 11-12)

1st Kings 11

(v.4) What a sad commentary for the wisest man on earth...he let his 700 wives lead him away for the only true God. This should make us all take a moment to think about our own situations, and stay focused on God, instead of things of this world. If the wisest man God created could be led astray from God, then we need to be even more diligent about our walks with God.

(v.11) I teach my kids that there are consequences for disobedience. Some view Christianity as a life of "no" meaning we are shackled, when it's quite the opposite. If we are obeying God, we will have less problems, and enjoy more of His blessings.

(v.14) God disciplines us with other people and by hard times. God used Israel's enemies to bring them back to Him. That is why Rom 8:28 is so true...no matter what we do, God will use bad events to draw us closer to Him. All we have to do, is repent and obey, then we'll enjoy His peace.

(v.36) God doesn't forget His promises. Solomon disobeyed and disgraced his father's name by turning away from God. But God made an unconditional promise to David, that his seed will produce the Messiah, who will save the world from sin. We can take comfort in this, since God has promised us eternal life with Him, if we have faith in His Son. John 3:16

1st Kings 12

When Rehoboam decided to listen to the young men, and ignore the older men's advice regarding Jeroboam, it seems that he was using his free will to decide. But then, it also seems that God steered Rehoboam that way, so the prophecy that He told Jeroboam earlier would come true. So which is it? Did Rehoboam act on his free will, or did God decide for him?

Calvinists believe that no one comes to God, unless God had already preordained them to salvation. After all, God is sovereign, and He can't learn anything. But if He made some to live, and some to be destined to hell, then John 3:16 and 2 Peter 3:9 are not true!

The Arminians believe that we all have free will, and we can accept, and even lose our salvation by our actions. This takes the work on the cross that Jesus did, to be for nothing, if we can earn or lose our own salvation.

So, many good scholars believe that both are true, but not in their extremes. God is sovereign, and He moves us according to His purposes. However, He does allow us free will, to choose to accept Him, and to choose to live for Him.

27 April 2010

Apr 27 (Ecc 10-12)

Ecclesiastes 10

(v.10) Strength and power don't always do the job, and if they are relied upon, we can spend way too much time on things if we don't seek God's wisdom. His wisdom helps us be effective and more powerful with less. This reminds me of Paul's saying in 2 Cor 12:10

For when I am weak, then I am strong.

When we let God guide us, and we rely on His strength, we are stronger than we ever could be on our own!

(v.20) This verse hits me hard, since I am guilty of saying unloving things about our current President, and others who don't rule according to God's laws. I need to respect who God has put into authority, and pray for them. God will fight evil and wickedness, and I need to be light and love to them.

Ecclesiastes 11

(v.5) Modern science can explain a lot about life, but not completely. We still can't create life out of nothing like God did. I remember the amazing things I discovered with the pregnancy and birth of our children...I saw the majesty of God at work!

(v.10) I explain to my kids, that they need to enjoy their childhoods, and listen to me and their pastors regarding God's ways. For when they get older, they will face trials and temptations, and if they're not walking with God, they will endure more hardships than if they were with God.

Ecclesiastes 12

(v.1) Remember our Creator...that is our daily task to keep. He gives us each new day, each new breath, and the experiences we have. He numbers our days, so we should make the most of them...loving and serving those around us.

(v.7) I teach my kids that God thought of each one of us before He made the universe. We were in Him until He put us into earthly bodies. One day, our body will go back to the dust, and our spirits will return to Him! But in the meantime, we are to live for Him, and know that He loves each of us, and each one of us has a purpose!

Apr 26 (Ecc 7-9)

Ecclesiastes 7

(v.1) God's name is so important...YHWH Saves is what it's all about. As His ambassadors, our integrity and our reputation is what matters. If we represent our King righteously, then others will listen and even emulate us.

The second part of this verse is often overlooked in my opinion...the day we die may be sad for those we leave behind, but it's the beginning of eternity with Jesus! How glorious that day will be, but until that day, we need to live for Him and reach the lost.

(v.3) This is a good verse to share with those who are going through a tough time. It's only in times of sorrow and pain, that we truly grow in the LORD. That is why this verse goes so well with Rom 8:28 and James 1:2 because when we're in a storm, we know Who will calm the storm in His own timing!

(v.5) We need to choose our friends wisely. We don't need "yes-men" who will always agree with us. We need friends with character who know the LORD, and will tell us when we're slipping away from the Way.

(v.12) When we accept Christ, we are given a new heart, that the Holy Spirit works in. He also opens up our minds, to let us see the meanings of Scripture. This is what gives us peace and hope, since when we see life happen in front of us, we see God's plan happening...not random chaos.

(v.20) Every man or woman who has walked the earth has been a sinner...all except One. Jesus became man to die for us...to pay our debt for sin. Only God could do that, and He willingly suffered and died for us because He loves us so much!!!

Ecclesiastes 8

(v.1) I have had people tell me that I'm so positive and happy, and they admire that. I can't take the credit, for God made me this way, and also with the fact that I know where I'm going, I am happy always!

(v.4) Wherever the Word of our King is, we have power! We need to keep His Word in our hearts and minds, and His power will work in us.

(v.11) We often get mad when we see evil people do well and not get punished. We need to pray for them, so that they may repent, for if they don't, they will suffer for eternity.

Ecclesiastes 9

(v.5) This is comforting, since those we wanted to accept Christ in our lives, will not be remembered when we're in heaven. Their memory will be gone. We will only rejoice with those with us in heaven!

(v.17) The pompous and the foolish shout wicked things. We need to pray for them, and keep encouraging each other with kind words of love.

25 April 2010

Apr 25 (Ecc 4-6)

Ecclesiastes 4

(v.9) God has it all figured out, and that's why He wants a man and a woman to unite, and raise a family. If we're alone, we will fall to temptation and tire easily. But if we are supported and loved by a spouse, we are strong and focused.

(v.12) The number 3 is very important throughout the Bible, and a marriage with God at the helm is not quickly or easily broken.

Man + Woman + God = A Strong Marriage

Ecclesiastes 5

(v.4) We are not to barter with God, but if we make a vow to Him, He expects us to keep it. We should pray and think hard about what we promise God, for almost every person is certain to disobey that vow sometime in their lives. Only God can keep His promises, so let's just hold onto His, and disregard the thought that we can impress God!

(v.12) A man who works hard has good sleep. If he works honestly and with integrity, he will not stress or fear anything. However, a man who is rich will often think more of himself than he should, and will become obsessed with money. We must put God first in our lives, no matter what our income level.

Ecclesiastes 6

(v.10) This is a great verse to share with atheists...why are they contending with the One who made them? Unfortunately, if one's heart is hard, they can't see the grace and mercy of God...but only their own works.

Apr 24 (Ecc 1-3)

Solomon, the son of David, wrote three books in the Bible. The first, Song of Songs, he wrote as a young man, full of optimism and youth. The second, Proverbs, he wrote as king to his children, after he was given wisdom from God. The third book is Ecclesiastes, was written by Solomon in his old age.

The word, Ecclesiastes, comes from the English translation of the Greek text, and it means gathering. As we saw in Proverbs 30, Solomon was named the Collector, and he collected and gathered over 3,000 proverbs and 1,500 songs.

Ecclesiastes is often used for the Church today, since it is meant to reference the gathering of believers.

Solomon wrote this book after starting with such promise, and looking back at a life with many mistakes and missed opportunities. We all know how he feels, and at the surface, this book can seem depressing. But if we look at it like Solomon wrote it, he is conveying to us, that life is useless and meaningless without God. Everything is vanity and will perish, except our relationship with God!

Ecclesiastes 1

(v.9) If we look at history, it repeats itself. There may be new details and people, but the same things that plague us today, plagued man throughout time. Lust, envy, greed, hatred and malice have been in the world since Adam and Eve sinned. We are in a fallen world, and as Solomon realizes, it's meaningless without God.

Ecclesiastes 2

(v.11) We can have a lifelong dream to make or attain something, and if we get it, we will assuredly find that the taste of it wasn't as great as we imagined it to be. This life is fleeting and unsure, so if we spend our days in gratitude for what and who we have in our lives, we will see more meaning and fulfillment than money, fame or material things.

(v.13) Wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness...wisdom and truth will win over foolishness and evil in the end. We need to hold onto that, and trust that God will see us through.

Ecclesiastes 3

(vv.1-8) There is a time for everything...no one is to think that they aren't allowed to cry, to hate, to make war. Of course, we need to let God lead us in our lives, and on occasion, He will lead us to war on evil, and sadness and empathy for a friend.

So many times, when a friend is sad, we think we need to cheer them up. That can be helpful, but often, that friend just wants to give honor and respect to the fact that he or she is sad and needs to express it. If we keep things bottled up inside, it's unhealthy, and will keep us from moving on and being productive servants of God.

(v.14) The more we hold onto this verse, the less heartaches we will bring upon ourselves. God is in control, and He doesn't need our help!

(v.20) This is another verse in Scripture that shows us that as believers, we will ascend into heaven, unlike the soulless creatures of the earth. Only mankind was made in God's image...Mind, Body and Spirit.

Apr 23 (Song of Songs)

Songs of Solomon

King Solomon wrote three books of the Bible...Proverbs, which he wrote as a king with young children, then the book of Ecclesiastes, which he wrote as an old man reflecting upon his failures and life without God. But first, Solomon wrote this book, and named it the Song of Songs, since this was the most popular out of the over 1,500 he wrote.

There are three ways to view the meaning of this book:

1. The romantic love between a bridegroom and his bride (young love)

2. The relationship between God and Israel

3. The relationship between Jesus and His Bride...the Church

First, there is no doubt that this is a romantic book, that has marvelous imagery and detail. If we all think about it, when we were first in love with our spouses, we noticed every detail of their face, their body, and their personality. We were completely focused on them.

The second view is accurate, but not completely in my opinion. God does cherish Israel, and she is the woman with with child in Rev 12, but that focus is on the child, not the marriage between God and the Bride.

That is why the third view is the most accurate in my view...it's the love we as the Bride of Christ share with the Bridegroom...Jesus! He sees us as white as snow, and we see Him as our Savior and Protector.

I suggest you read parts carefully (depending upon the ages of your kids), but let them put these views into their minds, and let the Holy Spirit speak to them.

22 April 2010

Apr 22 (Prov 30-31)

Proverbs 30

(v.1) This opening seems normal, but if we look at the meaning of the names (in Hebrew), we see a whole new preface:

Agur ~ The Collector (name for Solomon's collection of wise sayings)

Jakeh ~ The Pious One (David)

Ithiel ~ God With Us

Ucal ~ God Arrives to be Consumed

So if we reread this opening with the meaning of the names, we read:

The words collected by the wise son of the pious father, the prophecy of the mighty oracle: That God arrives to be consumed.

I also read John 6:51-58 where Jesus says He is the Bread of Life, and it all comes together for my kids, and they understand!

(v.4) The Rabbis have a tough time with this verse, since it prophesies that the Messiah, who is the Creator, is the Son of God!

Who has ascended into heaven, or descended? Hosea 5:15

Who has gathered the wind in His fists? Psalm 135:7

Who has bound the waters in a garment? Psalm 104:6

Who has established all the ends of the earth? Psalm 72:8

What is His name, and what is His Son's name. If you dare? Psalm 110:1

These are Old Testament prophecies of the coming Messiah, and Jesus fits the bill in all of them! He is our Creator John 1:1 and our Savior John 3:16 and He is the Son of the Father!

Proverbs 31

Every parent should read this chapter to their kids, to show them what God wants a woman to be like, when serving Him. It's good for both girls and boys to see what their mother does for them when they're not looking.

(v.1) This chapter is written by Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon. If we remember, Solomon's birth name was Jedidiah, but when he became king, it was changed to Solomon. It seems that like many mother's throughout time, Bathsheba had a nickname that she called her son, as a sign of endearment.

Lemuel = Devoted to the LORD

(v.10) This verse is so true...I thank the LORD for my wife, who is loving and virtuous, and she makes me a better man. All young boys and girls need to hear this from their Daddies, and see that their Mommy is loved and appreciated.

It's important for young boys to see their father treat their mother with love and respect, so they will do the same when they are men. Also, it's important for young girls to see their father treat their mother with love and respect, so they demand the same from their boyfriends and eventual husband!

(v.19) The previous verses show how a mother is resourceful, hard-working and diligent. The mother is the boss of the household. Even though the father is the head, the mother is the one who runs the show! The father's duty, traditionally, is to provide and lead the household in the ways of the LORD.

(v.20) Women are more prone to feel empathy for the needy, and they usually lead the way when it's time to give. God made men and women different, and together, we make a bond that is powerful if we're following the LORD!

(v.26) We all remember the wise sayings our mothers told us while growing up. We need to keep that going, and fathers need to make sure that the kids respect and revere their mother.

(v.27) Isn't this verse an understatement! The old saying is true, "A mother's work is never done!" And it's also true that when the kids grow up, the mother is still important and involved in their lives. Once a mother, always a mother!

(v.29) Every girl and woman should hear this from their husbands and fathers!!!

(v.30) Every woman is beautiful...some on the outside, some on the inside. But the blessed man has a wife who is beautiful on the outside and the inside! I am blessed to be one of those men!

21 April 2010

Apr 21 (Prov 28-29)

Proverbs 28

(v.1) Wicked people are paranoid and are cowards. Godly people are brave in Christ, and step up to the plate when times are tough. If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31

(v.5) Ungodly people don't understand justice...they want to understand tolerance, but they don't even know that! I know this seems harsh, but if we think about it, it's true. How can someone defend the act of abortion on demand, while protest the execution of a convicted murderer? Their whole sense right and wrong is off. Only God's Word gives us a good foundation and base for morality and righteousness.

(v.13) We all have tried to cover up our sins, and we think we got away with it. But God sees everything, and He wants us to confess and repent of our wicked ways. God is merciful and just, so if we confess our sins, and turn back to God, He will forgive us and bless us.

(v.20) This is a good lesson for all of us...we need to deny the want for riches and immediate gratification. Instead, let God lead us, and be patient to see His plans for us. It's hard to do, but the best way to live our lives for Him.

(v.27) No matter what is going on in our lives, there are always other people around the world who are suffering. We are incredibly blessed, and God wants us to reach out to the poor and needy, to show them God's love. This doesn't necessarily mean giving money, but often giving of your time is more effective.

Proverbs 29

(v.2) Our Founding Fathers of the USA told us that only a spiritual and moral people can prosper in this Republic. We need godly people to govern themselves, and elect other godly people to represent them in government. We have seen the results of electing ungodly people...they have replaced God with government, and think that the government is the one to grant rights, and to provide for us.

We give of our time and money to those in need because it's right, and what God wants us to do. We don't do it to earn salvation, since that can't be done by any mortal man...only God Himself could have paid the price for our sins...Jesus did that for us, and He wants us to love one another to honor and obey Him.

(v.7) Again, the ungodly think that tax dollars and government programs are the best ways to help the poor and needy. But we see, time and time again, that government only wastes resources and gives shoddy service to the needy. Only godly people, moved by the Spirit, can truly help those who need God's love.

(v.15) If we try to be our kids' best friend, then they will resent us when they're older. We need to do our duty as parents, and guide our kids with loving discipline.

(v.25) If we only care what the LORD thinks about us, then we will not be paralyzed by what we think others think of us. What matters is what God wants for us, not what the Joneses think.

20 April 2010

Apr 20 (Prov 25-27)

Proverbs 25

(v.2) In Jewish tradition, the king was to personally copy the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible by Moses) with his own hand. For anyone who's had to copy a chapter or book, this is a great way to learn what you're writing. That was the idea...to have the kings who ruled over Israel to know the Word of God. I wish our Founders required that our Presidents had to do this!

God has all kinds of wonderful messages and typology in His Word, and for those of us who study and seek His wisdom, He delights to show us His "hidden" treasures! I have been blessed to find some, and I have been taught by those who have found many more!

(v.11) I teach my kids, that when a friend is hurting or confused, it's best to listen and provide a word of love instead of criticism. Love conquers all, so share it, and encourage your friends.

(v.14) When we give to the LORD with our tithes and offerings, we shouldn't make a point to make sure others see us. It's not about us, it's about God, so give cheerfully and in private. He will reward us in His timing. Jesus condemns false boasting Matt 6:4 and sometimes very harshly Acts 5

Proverbs 26

(vv.4-5) This seems like a contradiction, but it really isn't. These two verses tell us not to respond to a foolish question with a foolish reply. And secondly, don't let a fool think his words against the LORD are accurate...retort with Scripture to correct him. Otherwise, other fools will think he's correct, and they won't know the Truth.

Proverbs 27

(v.1) It is good to plan and think about the future, but we don't know what tomorrow will bring us, let alone next month or next year! Think of the people who went into the planes on September 11, 2001 who thought they were going to see their loved ones, or do some business.

God has our days numbered, and we need to make the most out of every day He gives us! Psa 90:12

(v.5) It is better for all of us, if a friend tells us the truth instead of what we want to hear.

(v.17) When believers talk together about the LORD, they are strengthened and enlightened. God speaks to us through other believers, and we need to have as much fellowship as we can to be prepared and uplifted by others for things to come.

19 April 2010

Apr 19 (Prov 22-24)

Proverbs 22

(v.1) I try to teach my kids that a good reputation for good character and integrity is far better to be known for, than your talents or riches. Our looks, talents and riches can come and go, but our character and values should be a constant. If we are walking with the LORD, we will show our integrity by our actions and words. People will respect us for our faith.

(v.4) Worldly riches are only good if they are used to further God's kingdom. If we fear and respect the LORD, we will be rewarded on earth, but more importantly, in heaven.

(v.6) This is one of the verses that inspires me to do this blog, and to document what I'm teaching my kids. It is my prayer that the LORD will use this blog to help other parents grow in the LORD, and to have practical ways to teach their kids His ways. Teaching my kids the Word is my first priority as a Daddy.

(v.28) When I read this verse, it makes me think of the land that God gave Israel through Abraham. It is much larger than the borders of Israel today, and I believe Psalm 83 predicts that one day soon, Israel will become larger, and prompt the great Magog invasion described in Ezekiel 38 & 39. Israel is God's land, and NO ONE should mess with it...including the USA!

Proverbs 23

(v.13) As a parent, I don't like to discipline my kids, but God does show us that it's important to discipline them so they don't stray too far from Him. There is a big difference between punishment and discipline. Whenever I discipline my kids (which gratefully, is not often) I tell them why they're being disciplined, and after they are spanked, I hug them and tell them I love them.

This is like what our Heavenly Father does with us...when we mess up, there is usually a hard lesson to learn, but He's always there, and He always lifts us up after we repent.

(v.18) It's hard for adults to fully grasp heaven...so it's even harder for kids. They haven't (for the most part) experienced life's troubles, so they don't seek heaven nearly as much as those of us who've lived quite a few decades. We yearn for Jesus to return, but not so much our kids. However, we still need to assure them that heaven and hell exist, and their choices in life will determine their destination. With that said, I encourage them, that if they understand and accept what God did for us on the cross and His resurrection, then their destination is assured.

(v.33) Those of us who've had too much to drink at times in our lives can identify with this verse! We regret our actions or words after being moved by strong drink. There is no Scriptural command to refrain from wine or alcohol (except for pastors), but we should always be in control and let the Holy Spirit be our intoxication of choice! Remember, Jesus drank wine, but He never drank a lot, so we should do the same.

Proverbs 24

(v.3) If we have God's wisdom being discussed and obeyed in the house, then we will be in a house with less chaos and strife. The more we know God's Word and live it, the more firm our family foundation will be.

(v.4) When we have a home that loves and respects the LORD, we are blessed with children who love and respect their parents, other parents, and all forms of authority. Children who love the LORD are more precious than the most beautiful jewelry stones!

(v.17) This is hard for me to obey, let along kids who endure bullying, mockery and snickering at school. But it's important to instill in our kids the concept of letting God fight our battles for us. If they have a fragile self-esteem, we parents need to routinely tell them that they are beautiful, unique and valuable. God thought of them before He made the universe...I like to let them think on that, and assure them that God specifically designed them, and has great plans for them!

(v.21) The last Presidential election was about "change" but we see that the change wasn't what we really wanted! God's Word should never be changed, and America's Constitution shouldn't either! I teach my kids to pray for President Obama, since God put him in office as He does with all leaders in authority, and also it would be a great witness to the world if Obama was born again while in office! We need to pray for our leaders, and let God work in their lives.

(v.27) This is a farming reference, where the farmer should establish his crop before he spends a lot of time with his house. We need to make sure we dutifully provide for our family before we do our hobbies or less important things.

18 April 2010

Apr 18 (Prov 20-21)

Proverbs 20

(v.1) This is a good verse to talk about with your teenagers. It's ok for Christians to have a beer, or a glass or two of wine, but if we get drunk, we've gone too far. Drunkenness makes us do things we shouldn't, and we regret what we've done most of the time.

Jesus drank wine, but we never read where He drank too much, or got drunk. If we drink alcohol, we need to do so in moderation. We need to be sober in spirit and body in order to serve our King!

(v.7) As a Daddy, I strive for this verse to be true in my walk. I pray that the Holy Spirit will empower me, and guide me, so I can be a godly example for my kids. They watch what we do and say, so they're more likely to be godly adults, if they have seen their folks act godly all their lives.

(v.12) Evolution is a lie, and even Charles Darwin admits that the eye is an example of an Intelligent Designer!

To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree. ~ Charles Darwin

The LORD created everything in the beginning, and did it with unmeasurable detail, that we should see every day His handiwork!

(v.24) There are times in our lives, when we don't know why we made certain decisions, and why things turned out as they did. I like to show my kids the story of Joseph, who was godly and innocent, and thrown into jail for turning away from temptation. He did everything right, and yet, he was in jail for 12 years! It would've been understandable and easy to see if he rejected God, or was mad at him. But we see no evidence of that...only faith and praise! God used that situation to teach and mold Joseph into the important person he became. God will do the same with us if we let Him!

Proverbs 21

(v.3) God wants us to talk about Him to others, but He wants us to live out our faith, not just talk about it. God doesn't want us to do a bunch of rituals and chant prayers...He wants a personal relationship with us, that is free and loving, so He can work in our lives. Focusing on traditions and rituals only pleases man...God wants a pure heart.

(v.13) We need to help the poor and disadvantaged, because that's what Jesus did for us. He came to set the poor and needy free. We need to give food to the hungry, clothes to the naked, water to the thirsty, but most of all, God's Word to the lost!

(v.31) If we prepare ourselves for battle like God teaches us in Ephesians 6 then we can fight the enemy on God's terms. He will fight our battles for us, and make us victorious!

17 April 2010

Apr 17 (Prov 18-19)

Proverbs 18

(v.1) When someone is depressed, he/she goes into isolation. This makes things worse. We need each other, and that's one of the reasons God wants us to go to church or Bible study...to encourage and support one another.

(v.10) Jesus' name means YHWH Saves, and we are wise to run to Him. He is our Protector and Comforter.

(v.14) Our faith sees us through the hardest of times. God works in us when we are troubled, and if we let God guide us through, we will be blessed beyond our expectations!

(v.15) I ask you parents...Are you seeking to know God more? Are you wanting to have a more fulfilling life? Then study His Word and apply it to your life! Please use as many resources as necessary to understand His Word, and to pray for His wisdom.

(v.22) I have been blessed with a wonderful wife. When I read Proverbs 31, I think of her. She loves the LORD, so He makes her the best wife and mother I could ask for!

(v.24) I teach this to my kids, since they live in a new area now. If they wish to have more friends, then they need to be happy and positive. No one wants to hang around people who complain, are depressed or are mean.

Proverbs 19

(v.1) God so often talks about riches on earth, and riches in heaven. It is much better for us to be rich in spirit with God, than to be a millionaire, and not be walking with God.

(v.4) Sometimes, when we come upon hard times, we see who our real friends are. If they only like us for what we can give them, then we know they weren't our true friend.

(v.11) If we are able to forgive and be slow to anger, we will be more effective ambassadors of Christ. Not only that, we will live more fulfilling lives. After all, Jesus was innocent, but died for our sins, and He asked the Father to forgive those persecuting Him!

(v.14) My wife is a safe harbor for me. She is not tempestuous or vindictive...she is solid, and a joy to be around.

(v.17) We are giving or lending to the LORD when we tithe or give offerings. God uses those funds we give our churches and ministries, to help those in need. We should do this because we know it's right to do, not because we want a reward. However, God does reward us with His blessings if we give and serve others.

(v.23) If we are walking with God, we are protected by Him. We are sealed from the enemy. This doesn't mean we won't have trials, but like we see in the book of Job, he was afflicted, but God never allowed Satan to torment Job more than he was able to stand. Our faith in God sees us through.

16 April 2010

Apr 16 (Prov 16-17)

Proverbs 16

(v.3) If we let Jesus be the LORD of our lives, that is the master of our lives, then we can see His plans for us. It is not only relieving to do this, but we see amazing things happen! It's one thing to say that Jesus is our Savior, but another to let Him be our LORD! When we do, we are truly saved and walking with Him.

(v.7) Love conquers all...it is so powerful. Often, we proclaim the gospel by our actions. If we are loving, considerate of others, and truly interested in other people's lives, then we are showing God's love through us. Even the most hardened person is softened by this!

(v.9) This is how I teach my kids to do this...pray and seek His guidance before you act. Then when you've made a decision, watch closely to see if God is blessing it.
(v.20) In the last few years, I've personally had more trials and tragic incidents than the rest of my life combined. But I've never been depressed or felt alone...I knew that God was guiding my life. Like Joseph, I was put into situations that didn't seem fair to me, but I trusted God to see me through...and He did!!! Faith in Him gives us joy and peace!

(v.31) We are taught to respect our elders...this is important to teach our kids. That virtue has been lost on much of today's youth. Let's start with our own kids, and teach them to respect people in authority, and people with grey or white on their heads! Their experiences are invaluable to us, if we only listen to them.

Proverbs 17

(v.6) It is such a joy to be a Daddy, but everyone who is a grandparent tells me it's better to be that! I guess they get the joy of the kids, without having to teach, feed, change diapers, make sure they do their homework, etc all the time! They just get to see their family grow, and praise God for it!!!

(v.9) The original Hebrew here is talking about forgiveness. If someone speaks or finds a way to calm a situation, then it's a blessing. But if they bring things up again to stir up strife, then it's a sin.

(v.22) We are only here for a short time, when you consider we'll live forever, so we might as well smile and enjoy God's blessings. Of course, we'll have to endure hardships and trials, and there is a time for mourning, but the LORD wants us to be cheerful givers and servants!

(v.27) It is wise to keep your tongue in an argument, and to speak only when asked to speak. Then, when we have prayed and sought God's words, we will speak wisdom and help a situation.

15 April 2010

Apr 15 (Prov 14-15)

Proverbs 14

(v.6) Those who mock us for believing in Christ, seek wisdom, but all they get is worldly knowledge. But we believers get knowledge because we understand our God, and see His work in our lives and in the world!

(v.12) Those that wish to be their own god, will find their folly in the end. We need to pray for the lost, and plant the seeds of the Gospel to them, and let the Holy Spirit convict them of their sins. Only then, can they repent and be saved!

(v.15) It's ok to live a simple life, but not to be a simpleton! We need to test the spirit 1 John 4:1 of what we hear and meditate upon what is taught to us. Satan likes to mislead us, and have us stray from God, so we will not be effective ambassadors of Christ. When we are taught the Word, we need to search the Scriptures to see if it is true. Acts 17:11

(v.26) Those of us who love the LORD, have a great sense of joy and boldness. We are on God's side, so what do we have to fear? Rom 8:31

We know where we're going, and who empowers us, so be bold, but with love!

Proverbs 15

(v.1) A soft word of love can extinguish a fight like nothing else. Love conquers all. If we are to be Christ's ambassadors, then we should be peacemakers. Matt 5:9

(v.3) I remind my kids that God knows what the evil are doing just as much as He knows what His children are doing. The wicked will get their rewards in God's timing...not ours. It is not good for us to obsess or wish to see evil come upon our enemies. We must let it go and let God take care of our troubles.

(v.29) Even though God knows what the wicked are doing, it doesn't mean He is close to them. He is close to us believers, and He loves to hear us pray and cry out to Him. The whole reason for our lives is to come to know Him, and to have fellowship with Him, through His Son. He loves us so much, He willingly died and suffered for us, just so we can have fellowship with Him forever!

Apr 14 (Prov 11-13)

Proverbs 11

(v.4) The wealthy often get out of trouble because they can buy their way out, but when they face God in the day of Judgment, they will be powerless. Only the blood of God's Son can keep us from the wrath of God on all wickedness. If we aren't with God, then we're with Satan, and God will bring His righteous wrath upon evil.

(v.14) This is a great verse for life. It applies to business, relationships and many other things in life. If we have a big decision to make, we should discuss our options with other believers who trust in God, and hear what God says through them. If they are saying what God has been saying to you, then you know it's the will of God to do it.

(v.30) Those of us who are born again are required to share our joy in the LORD! However, if we are truly saved, it won't be forced upon us to share the LORD...we will be so eager to share the Good News of Christ to others, that we will often need to be told to shut up!

Proverbs 12

(v.4) This is another great verse for us husbands to meditate on...if we are godly, and we're teaching our family the Word, then our wives will be like a crown to us. She will be beautiful on the inside and outside, she will be loving and kind, and other people will gravitate to her because they will want to be around her!

(v.10) We are to treat our animals with respect and love. They are God's creatures, created to serve and love us. Animal cruelty is an abomination to the LORD!

(v.26) I talk to my kids a lot about who they associate with at school. We have the choice of who we call our friends. If we choose friends for what they can give us (popularity, self-esteem, riches) then we will be disappointed in the end. I teach my kids to have friends who value them and don't want anything from them.

Proverbs 13

(v.4) The ungodly desire many things, but they will never be satisfied. But the godly will be grateful for what they have, and be joyful for what God gives them. For the godly, their riches are wisdom and salvation!

(v.20) Who we associate with rubs off on us...if we hang around fools, we will become fools ourselves. If we hang around godly people who have wisdom, then we will be like them as well.

(v.22) This is piercing, since the times we live in today, everyone is all about the present...not the past or future. We need to plan and save for our futures, and if not for our futures, then for our children's futures. It's the right thing to do.

But this is not only about money...it's about what we leave with our kids regarding God. Did we teach them His ways? Did we show them how to live godly lives? If we did, then they will have an inheritance greater than gold.

(v.24) Most of us parents were spanked as children, but we've been taught by society to do "time outs" instead. There is a big difference between punishment and discipline. We should never spank a child when we're still mad. I've been given good advice: tell the child to go to their room and think about what they did. During that time, we parents should pray and let our anger subside. Then, when we go into our child's room, they will already be repentant. We should still give them a spank, but quickly follow it with a hug. If our kids only see the anger, they won't learn...they need to see that we discipline out of love for them.

Apr 13 (Prov 8-10)

Proverbs 8

(v.11) God's wisdom is greater than anything we can have on earth. If we have God's wisdom, then that means we are saved! And if we're saved, and we seek more wisdom, then He will give it to us!

(v.13) It is godly to hate...but only to hate evil. We should hate how the wicked kill, maim, rob and steal from all of us. We should desire the pure, and detest the filthy. We are to hate evil, but let God take care of evil on His terms. If we have an evil person in our lives, then we should pray and ask God how we can help them with love, and to have God take care of their wickedness.

(v.17) God is not hard to find. He is in the sunshine, the birds in the air, the beautiful trees and flowers. He is in all of us who believe in Him. He has created everything, and all we need to do, is seek Him. He wants all of us to accept what Christ did on the cross John 3:16 and choose to love Him.

(v.23) This verse shows that Jesus, the Word of God, and Wisdom Himself, is God. He was there in the beginning, and He will be there at the end. He is our God who was, who is, and who is to come!

Proverbs 9

(v.5) This is a foreshadowing of the communion that Jesus had with His disciples in the Last Supper. The Passover meal was designed to reveal who Christ is...our Messiah!

(v.8) It's difficult to give advice or wisdom to someone who doesn't value it. However, a brother or sister in Christ should value our advice, since often times God speaks to us believers through other believers.

Proverbs 10

(v.1) A rebellious son or daughter brings grief and shame upon the parents. We parents will torture ourselves with questions about how we brought them up...did we make mistakes? Of course we make mistakes, but if we love our kids and show them through God's Word how to live, then we've done our duty. Then, our kids need to choose to live for Christ, or for themselves. No matter how much we parents would like to affect that, it's ultimately up to each person to decide his or her faith.

(v.12) I remind my kids that love covers up so much hurt. Love is powerful. Not lust or a fleeting affection, but true love is to give of ourselves for another. 1 Cor 13

(v.19) It's sometimes hard to do, but if we think before we speak, we will be less likely to regret our speech. We can all remember or think of someone we respect, who when he or she speaks, we meditate upon it, since they don't speak often, but when they do, it's very wise!

(v.21) If our hearts are pure, then our actions and words will feed the lost. Giving others love, food, and affection is from God, so let's do it cheerfully!

Apr 12 (Prov 5-7)

Proverbs 5

(v.8) With our kids, this verse reminds us to stay away from temptation...no matter what it is. If we know we can be tempted to sin by something, it's wise to stay away from it! Some people like to "tempt" God, and see how strong-willed they are. They may do fine for a while, but eventually, on our own strength, we will fail. We need to listen to God's commands, since they are there to keep us out of trouble!

(v.18) To all of us Dads, we need to remember this verse. We are fallen, and prone to wander with our eyes. The devil uses this to tempt us to sin. We need to be grateful for our wives, and love them the way God wants us to love them.

(v.21) It is good for us to plan and ask God for direction. He gives us free will to choose our paths and make decisions. However, God will guide us if we're walking with Him, and if He has a purpose to have us act out, it will be done no matter what!

Proverbs 6

(v.17) These seven things the LORD hates:

A proud look ~ pride is what broke Lucifer, and it's what keeps us from God

A lying tongue ~ Often, the truth is bad enough, so why make it worse with a lie that when discovered, will make the problem even bigger?

Shedding of innocent blood ~ This covers many things, but this is also a great verse to remind those who are for abortion...that baby is innocent.

Wicked heart ~ God knows our hearts, so if we say one thing and do another, He will know

Swift feet to evil ~ We are not walking with Him if we're quick to do worldly things

False witness ~ this is lying but usually by omission. If we don't tell the WHOLE truth, then we can mislead and not give the whole picture or information.

Discord among the brethren ~ This is one of the biggest things we Christians have to be cautious of...gossip and dissent among other believers. We are one Body of Christ. If we feel another is not acting godly, then we should approach them privately. Also, if we feel a leader in the church is not acting or speaking godly, then it's not our duty to oust him. Pray and let God do the work!

(v.23) God's Word is a lamp to our feet...it guides us. God gave us the Law to show us how to strive to live like Christ, and to have us realize that we can't do it alone...we need a Savior...Jesus!

Proverbs 7

(v.4) If we treat wisdom and understanding like we treat our loved ones, we will be better off. We will keep them close to us, and cherish them.

(v.27) Temptation leads to death. We will fall occasionally, but if we lead a lifestyle of habitual sin, then we're not saved. Only God can free us from the grip of sin, so pray to Him to help you!

11 April 2010

Apr 11 (Prov 1-4)

The book of Proverbs is a collection of wise sayings that were written by King Solomon. In 1 Kings 4:32 we know that Solomon wrote over 3,000 of these wise sayings, and over 1,500 songs or psalms. This book is a collection of those that the Holy Spirit wants us to study and meditate upon. So let us look at some of the highlights of God's wisdom:

Proverbs 1

(v.7) Many people have book knowledge from universities and scholarly tomes, but true wisdom only comes from God. If we revere God, and are appreciative of what He has done for us, then we have a relationship with Him...this starts the process where we start to understand His wisdom.

Many "scholars" like to call themselves Agnostics...which is a scholarly way of saying you're smart, but don't believe in a Supreme God. In fact, an agnostic thinks he's so smart, that there is no absolute truth...life is an never ending search for truth, but you never get there. So they claim to have a vast collection of information and knowledge, but in reality, they are fools.

The word, Agnostic, comes from the Greek, and it literally means, without knowledge! The Latin version of this word is ignoramus! God speaks of agnostics very bluntly:

Professing to be wise, they became fools. ~Rom 1:22

Proverbs 2

(v.3) A fool is someone who goes with the wind...who believes anything told or written to them at that time. In fact, they may believe contrary views at the same time! Doesn't this sound like the godless elites we see on TV and in politics?

As a Christian who is born again of the Spirit, we are not mindless robots. We are given God's wisdom, and we begin to see the world in a different light. We can look at politics, world wars, terrorism, and the like in a Biblical way. We see that all things come down to the battle between God and Satan, with us as the battleground.

Now that we are God's children, we should seek His wisdom, and with that, be able to discern right from wrong with a clear eye.

(v.8) Isn't this verse comforting? God guards our paths. He gives us free will, and He may allow us to make the wrong decisions, but He will continue to steer us in the way He wants us to go. If we aren't in tune with God, then those wrong decisions will hurt, but when we finally give in, and let Him take control, we see that His way is the right way!

Proverbs 3

This is my life verse (or verses) that always speak to me when I'm sad, lonely or fearful:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths. ~ Prov 3:5-6

If we let God be the LORD of our lives, instead of just our Savior, then we will be walking with Him, and He will use us for His purposes. The road may be filled with persecution and trials, but after each one that He's seen us through, we are better off for it, and closer to Him!

(v.9) Tithing is a controversial topic, that if we look at the source, the Bible, can be clear if we follow what it says. Abraham tithed to Melchizedek in Gen 14 and we see other examples of giving to God our valuable possessions. The first fruits concept is a agricultural one, but it also applies to our finances. Tithe means ten, so it's customary to give the first 10% of our income to God, for the use of furthering His kingdom.

Try to look at it this way, God has given us 100% of what we have...our lives, our family, our work, our universe, etc. If all He is asking is we give back the first 10%, then it doesn't seem so tough does it?

This way of thinking applies to church...we spend six days a week in the secular realm, working and associating with the believers and unbelievers alike. But God does want us to spend quality time in communion with other believers...worshipping God, and encouraging one another. One day a week is not asking too much, is it?

One thing I learned about church, is there are times when we don't feel like going...we're tired or have other "important" things to do. We may even think our spiritual life is good, so we don't need to go to church. But I found out firsthand, that there may be other people there, that God wants us to minister to. Church isn't just about us, it's about all of us, so keep going and having fellowship with one another...the world gets six days or five, let's have some good quality time together for at least one day a week!

(v.12) Often times, we come upon a trial, and know it's God correcting us. If we look at it as love from our Heavenly Father, then it's not so bad. Just like when we discipline our own kids, we do it because we love them. We don't want them to be monsters or walk away from God, so we correct them in order to get them back on the path with God. Our Heavenly Father does the same thing with us when we veer of His path!

(v.24) We all have stress and worries, but if we leave them at the foot of the cross at Jesus' feet, then we can go to sleep knowing that the Creator of the universe will handle our problems in His way! There is no better way to have those problems dealt with! Matt 11:28

Proverbs 4

(v.4) The purpose of the Law and the 10 Commandments is twofold:

~ To show us how to live a godly life

~ To show us that we need a Savior

No one can keep the Law Psalm 14:3, so we need God Himself to pay for our sins. 1 John 2:2

(v.13) Hold onto God's Word...the Truth. We are constantly bombarded with Satan's ploys to have us doubt and even act in defiance of God's Word, but God's Word in our hearts and minds will empower us to be victorious over sin!

10 April 2010

Apr 10 (1 Kings 8-10)

1st Kings 8

(v.9) The ark is a wonderful item to remember and worship God, since in Moses' time, it had the two tablets of the Law, a golden bowl with manna in it from he Wilderness wanderings, and Aaron's staff that had buds grow on it. By this time, only the tablets of the Law were in the ark, so we don't know exactly what happened to the bowl and staff. It is suspected that when the Philistines took the ark from Israel 1 Sam 4 they valued the staff and golden bowl.

Personally, I agree with Chuck Smith in his commentary, that it would be awesome to see the original tablets with God's writing on it!

(v.17) David had a heart for God, and we see that by what God said about David in 2 Chr 6:8 and by what Solomon reminded the people about his father. As we know, God determined that David had been His warrior, so his son must be the one to build His Temple.

(v.27) God commanded the Temple to be built, but not because God needed the Temple to reside on earth. God is greater than the whole universe He created, but He determined that the Temple would be a place for the people to associate and worship Him.

1st Kings 9

(v.3) God has His eyes and heart in places that have His beloved gathered. This is true of the Temple, His Church, and in each of us individually. As long as we are worshipping Him and reading His Word...He is there to bless us and teach us!

(v.4) I point out to my kids that God speaks of David as upright and having integrity...these are key to our lives. David sinned badly quite a few times, but the whole time, God knew David's heart. We sin and will sin the rest of our lives, but if we have a heart for God, He will continue to bless us and guide us.

1st Kings 10

The Queen of Sheba is an interesting woman, and there is more to know about her than what is stated in the Bible. We know that Solomon and the Queen of Sheba met, since Jesus tells about it in Matt 12:42 and Luke 11:31.

The Ethiopians claim that Sheba was from there, and that when she visited Solomon to hear his wisdom, they made a child. The Ethiopians claim that they have a line from Solomon, and some scholars believe them to be truthful. Also, the Ethiopians claim to have the Ark of the Covenant in their possession today. I refer to the Base Institute site for more info.

Solomon was blessed far beyond anything we can imagine today. I think it's because God so loved the nation of Israel, and because Solomon asked for wisdom in his heart. Unfortunately, we'll see that blessings can be taken away if we veer away from God, as Solomon did.

09 April 2010

Apr 9 (1 Kings 5-7)

1st Kings 5

(v.3) David was God's warrior, so he had too much blood on his hands to build God's Temple. This duty fell upon David's son, Solomon. It just so happened, that Israel was in a great period of peace and prosperity under Solomon.

(v.7) King Hiram loved David, and he also loved God. It's amazing to see how God worked in the lives of the Gentiles during this time. It's just like today, where God will save anyone who asks Him to save them.

1st Kings 6

(v.11) God reminds Solomon of the Davidic Covenant. This is unlike the Abrahamic Covenant, where God promised Abraham blessings that Abraham didn't need to work for. The Davidic Covenant is conditional...it requires the obedience and devotion of David and his sons to keep the throne. We will see that they were unable to keep it.

The building of the Temple is very interesting, but I like to tell my kids this old Jewish story. It is said that the stones from the quarry were to be used for the Temple, and no hammer or chisel was to be used on them...they had to fit exactly into place just as they were. One of the stones was thrown aside and left neglected for the seven years the Temple was being built. But in the end, they found that piece, and made it the cornerstone of the Temple...the most important piece that keeps everything erect and secure.

In Psalm 118:22, the chief cornerstone was rejected and tossed aside...this is like what happened to Jesus! He, the Chief Cornerstone, was tossed aside and rejected by His people, but later, in the end, they discover Him and place Him where He belongs...the most important part of the Temple!

1st Kings 7

Solomon built a lavish house, but at least he built God's House first!

(v.21) One of the pillars was named Boaz...which means strength in Hebrew! I remind my kids that Boaz was the Kinsman Redeemer in the book of Ruth, and is a type of Christ.

God has his house to be the most wonderful ever made. Even the most beautiful buildings we see in Europe can't compare. It's also worth noting that Solomon's Temple was the only time that God resided in it. It is also the only time that the Ark of the Covenant was there.

08 April 2010

Apr 8 (1 Kings 2-4)

1st Kings 2

David is dying and gives Solomon one last bit of advice. Most importantly, David tells Solomon to walk with God and he will be blessed. This is true for all of us. We probably won't be kings or be as rich or wise as Solomon, but we will be rich in love, and as wise as the Holy Spirit makes us!

(v.19) The way Solomon treated his mother is interesting...on one hand, he gave her respect. But on the other hand, there is no record of the LORD directing Solomon to give her a throne at his right hand...it seems that Solomon had already begun his walk away from the LORD. It is good to honor your parents, but not to the point of going against God's commandments.

(v.25) It seems cruel that Solomon had his brother and others who rebelled against him killed, but Solomon had to clean house from the treachery and deceit. If he didn't, he would have had problems all during his reign with them.

1st Kings 3

(v.3) What a great thing to read...a king who loves the LORD and is walking in His statutes. We so need that today with our government!

(v.9) Solomon didn't ask God for wealth or power...he asked for understanding and wisdom to lead God's people. This is what I pray for with my own house...that I lead my family to walk with God, and help teach them His ways by His wisdom and understanding.

(v.13) God blessed Solomon with power, riches and fame, even though he didn't ask for it. God gave these things to Solomon because Solomon's heart was good, and didn't desire worldly things, but godly things. God will do the same for us if our hearts are in tune with Him.

(v.28) People like a person who is wise, and uses wisdom for good.

1st Kings 4

Solomon's kingly reign was blessed immensely. I show my girls that Solomon wrote over 3,000 proverbs, 1,500 psalms and wrote about many things of life. We are only aware and blessed to read some of them...the rest we'll hear from God Himself one day in heaven!

07 April 2010

Apr 7 (1 Kings 1)

1st Kings 1

David is about to die, and he has neglected to show the people who the next king will be. He had anointed Solomon some time before, but now, David was bedridden and not ruling on his throne. One of David's sons, Adonijah, wanted to be the king, so he acted like it. I tell my kids that sometimes people assume things or believe someone because they seem to be correct. But we must always seek God's guidance, and test the events in our lives with Scripture.

(v.5) Adonijah's pride reminds me of Lucifer's in Isaiah 14

(v.6) As parents, we can relate to David's fault here...he was tired, and he didn't have the strength to keep correcting his son. However, we Daddies are supposed to keep order in our households, so even though David was old and tired, he still needed to keep his sons in line if they acted up!

(v.29) David looked back on his life, and he saw that God was always there for him, and protecting him. David gives praise to God, and uses the prophets to anoint Solomon. This makes the kingship official for Solomon.

(v.53) Solomon shows mercy to his rebellious brother. I believe that he did so since Adonijah worshipped God when he heard the news of Solomon's anointing, and when he bowed to Solomon at the throne. Solomon was like his father with Abigail, and showed mercy.

Apr 6 (Psa 45, 47, 111, 130, 131, 146)

Songs of Joy and Praise

Psalm 45

(v.3) Jesus is love, but He's also the Avenger of Blood, and will return to bring justice and judgment upon the unbelieving world. Jude 25

(v.4, 9) Jesus is the right hand

(v. 11) This is another OT reference to the Messiah who is God, otherwise, we wouldn't worship Him.

Psalm 47

(v. 5) Jesus has ascended, and He will come back again in the same spot. Acts 1:11

(v.7) God is our King, and we should turn our allegiance to Him, not man.

Psalm 111

(v.1) Praise the LORD = Hallelujah!

(v.4) The LORD is full of grace and compassion...we just have to look and see that He was incredibly patient with His people, even though they were rebellious.

(v.10) The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. If we are in awe of Him and what He's done for us, then we praise and study His Word...so we gather His wisdom!

Psalm 130

(v.4) The God of the OT is the same as the NT...He forgives if we repent.

(v.7) This is a prophecy of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross for us!

Psalm 131

The picture here is a young baby suckling on Momma's breast...peaceful and contented. That is how we are when we are walking with Christ. We don't worry about things we can't control, and we lay those problems at the foot of the cross...He knows what to do with them.

Psalm 146

(v.3) It's ok to admire a person and try to emulate their good deeds and work ethic, but we must not idolize anyone. God is the ONLY being that should be worshipped and praised. When we lift up our leaders, we need to pray for them, that they follow God and rule righteously.

(v.5) If we are His, we are joyful and at peace. We know where our final destination is, so while we're here on earth, we need to serve and love others like Christ did.