30 September 2010

30 Sep (Matt 26:47-56)

The Gospels: Arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane

Matthew 26:47-56

(v.47) Judas came with scores of men...they weren't taking any chances!

(v.52) Even though Jesus said for the disciples to have swords to defend themselves, He didn't mean for them to defend Him! Jesus had to do this, and He had to die alone. Jesus didn't want Peter nailed to a cross next to Him...He had plans for Peter.

(v.54) Jesus makes it plain...He must be arrested and killed, for the prophecies must be fulfilled. Besides, if Jesus wanted to, He could have had His angels wipe out the guards, but that would have nullified Scripture.

(v.56) The last sentence is hard to read...the disciples ran away. Of course, it had to be that way, but how sad to be living with Jesus for three years, and when His time comes, you run away. I pray we all think about that, and don't run away when Jesus puts us in a tough spot to work through us!

29 Sep (Matt 26:36-46)

The Gospels: Prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane

Matthew 26:36-46

(v.37) Jesus' inner circle was Peter, James and John. If you look at all the top-level discussions and revelations, those three were always there.

(v.39) In the gospel of Luke, who is a physician, Luke tells that Jesus was sweating blood. Jesus was in extreme sorrow and stress. Most people believe that Jesus was afraid of being beaten and crucified, so He wanted to find another way. This, to me, makes Jesus out to be a coward.

Certainly not! Jesus knew what He had to do before the universe was even created. What Jesus feared, was that He knew that while on the cross, He would be separated from the Father for the only time in eternity!

We must remember that Jesus was sinless, but to be in our place, He had to have the sins of the world upon Him...He was cursed with sin. Gal 3:13

The Father can't abide in the midst of sin, so for that time in eternity, the Father abandoned the Son...that is why Jesus proclaims on the cross, "Why have you forsaken Me?" Jesus knew that this would have to happen, but being one with the Father for eternity, He feared being without the Father for even that short time. Think about that and pray for forgiveness, for all of us brought that fear and shame upon our Savior.

28 Sep (Matt 26:21-35)

The Gospels: The Lord's Supper

Matthew 26:21-35

(v.26) Quite a few religions and denominations have gone astray on this verse...Jesus didn't make the bread His body...He broke the bread and told them to eat it. We have to remember that in those days, the two most common things served at meals, were bread and wine. Jesus wanted them to remember His crucifixion every day they ate their supper...nothing more than that.

For if Jesus made the bread into His body, then the work on the cross was not finished, and He suffers still. We must be careful not to go astray from God's Word, and see the truth, not what churches who seek power say.

(v.29) They were doing the Seder for the Passover, and the fourth cup, is the Redemption cup. That will not be complete until we are all in heaven with Him! We will share that fourth cup with Jesus in heaven at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb! Rev 19:9

(v.35) Peter gets a lot of flack when we talk about him, but his heart was pure. What Peter didn't know was that Jesus had to be alone, and He had to die alone.

27 Sep (Matt 26:1-20)

The Gospels: The Betrayal of Jesus

Matthew 26:1-20

(v.2) When we have times where we think we are dumb and not in tune with Christ, take comfort in the fact that Jesus spoke clearly here that He would be arrested and crucified...yet the disciples didn't believe Him until they saw Him resurrected!

(v.15) Judas betrays Jesus for thirty pieces of silver...why thirty? Well, if we look at Zech 11:12 we see the parable of the potter's field.

This story doesn't make sense until we know what happened to the 30 pieces of silver that was given to Judas...more on that later!

There is an amazing prophecy that comes to life in the midst of this great betrayal...God planned everything!

26 Sep (Matt 25)

The Gospels: Be Ready For His Second Coming!

Matthew 25

(v.5) Picture this as Jesus as the Bridegroom, and the virgins as His Bride. Jesus left the earth with the promise that He would return for His Church...His Bride. But as time went by, the anticipation subsided, and the virgins slept.

(v.6) This is the Rapture! 1 Thes 4:16

(v.10) Just like the unbelievers in the days of Noah, when the water was flooding, and they pounded on the ark to be saved, it was too late. Don't let yourself or your loved ones be on the wrong side of that door!

(v.21) Well done, good and faithful servant...this is what we all should long to hear from Jesus!

(v.31) Jesus will sit on the Throne of David in the new Temple, and rule and reign for 1,000 years! This will start the Millennium.

(v.40) Jesus knows when we love and serve others, and He will reward us in heaven. For loving His children is like loving Him.

25 Sep (Matt 24:32-51)

The Gospels: No One Knows When the Rapture Will Occur

Matthew 24:32-51

(v.35) Jesus uses the imagery of the fig tree to illustrate that things blossom and die. But His Word and His love will never die!

(v.36) Jesus is speaking of the Rapture here, and we see that only the Father knows what day that will be. Your kids may ask why the Son doesn't know, well, I don't know either! It seems that in the Trinity, each person has His own purpose and role to play. It seems that the Father is like the brain of God, Jesus is the body, and the Spirit is the soul. Together, they make perfection, and like them, we are made in that image...mind, body and soul.

(v.37) If we look back to Genesis 6 the world had rejected God. The world was a cold and hateful place, where Satan and his fallen angels had corrupted the seed of men. It looks like it will be that way again in the last days, and God will have to intervene one last time to make it right.

(v.40) The Rapture will freak out those who were left behind! They will have neighbors, coworkers, and family members that are suddenly gone. We should be busy about witnessing to them, since like God, we should wish that none will be left behind.

(v.44) Just like the Jewish wedding ceremony, our Groom will come for His Bride at an hour that we can't predict. The Rapture will happen, and then God will focus again on Israel.

24 Sep (Matt 24:1-31)

The Gospels: Jesus Shares the End of Times

Matthew 24:1-31

(v.2) I can't go into all the theories and discussions about the last times, for there are groups of people that think we're in the times Jesus discusses here, ones that think it's already happened, and those that believe it will happen in the future.

This verse is a direct prophecy to the sacking of Jerusalem by the Romans in 70 A.D. They utterly destroyed the Temple and the city.

(v.4) Jesus warns us many times to be wise, and not to let false teachers deceive us. This goes for me as well, so do your homework! However, I have this blog, so I will share what I teach my kids, and you can use that as a springboard to look into these things further.

(v.8) Many good teachers that I respect believe we are in the times Jesus speaks about in this verse...the leading up to the Great Tribulation of Israel. We are getting close, but the Rapture will happen before that...at any time! We could be Raptured while I'm typing this! Wouldn't that be awesome?!?

(v.12) I look back on my childhood, and marvel at how simpler and kinder that time was. With technology and the falling away from God in our society, we have become a colder people. We don't hang out in the neighborhood anymore. We don't picnic all day with our neighbors after church on Sundays...we're too busy and self-absorbed. We are getting close to the LORD's return!

(v.15) Now, Jesus shifts forward in time to the actual Tribulation of Israel, and it will be set into super-size mode when the Antichrist blasphemes God in the Temple.

By the way, some of you may ask, "What Temple?" Well, the plans to build it are ready, and all that has to happen, is for what Daniel prophesied in Dan 9:27 to happen. The Antichrist will make a deal with the Muslims and Israel, and the Jews will be allowed to build their Temple again. The Jews are right now ready to go...they have the old blueprints and directions from the Torah!

(v.21) The Tribulation lasts exactly seven years. The Great Tribulation starts halfway through that time...three and a half years. This is when the Antichrist breaks his promise to the Jews, and literally all hell breaks loose on the earth. Fortunately for us in Christ, we will be in heaven watching and waiting to come back with our King!

(v.29) Now Jesus shifts to His return. The Jews will be at their wits end, and it will look like they will be all killed. But their Messiah will return, and He will save them and bring judgment upon the evil doers of Satan!

23 Sep (John 17)

The Gospels: Jesus Prays For Us

John 17

We read the model prayer that Jesus told the disciples, and it is incorrectly called the Lord's Prayer. This chapter is actually the Lord's Prayer, and He is praying to the Father on our behalf.

(v.4) Jesus starts out praising the Father, and asking the Father to empower and glorify Him for what He is about to do.

(v.5) Jesus gave up power to become flesh and live in the world. He will have that again when He is resurrected and back to heaven. Jesus gave up a lot to love us, by dying for us.

(v.6) Jesus shifts His prayer to the disciples. The Father gave them to Jesus, and He is asking the Father to bless and guide them.

(v.9) This will seem harsh to those who don't believe in Christ, but He only prays for those who love Him and believe in Him. I like to ask my kids if the Son prays and asks the Father to do something, don't you think it will happen every time!

(v.11) Here is another verse that alludes to Jesus being God.

(v.15) We can't lose our salvation...we can lose rewards in heaven, but once we are saved, we're always saved. Some people think they can work the system, and be saved and sin the rest of their lives without consequences.

This is foolish and false. If we are truly saved and believers, we won't want to do the things that we used to do before we were saved. It won't be in our nature!

(v.20) Jesus now shifts His prayer for His Church. We are followers of Christ, who have read and heard the words that the disciples penned in our Bibles.

(v.23) Just like in Gen 2:24 where Adam and Eve became one in marriage, we as the Bride of Christ, will become one with the Groom...Jesus!

22 Sep (John 16:16-33)

The Gospels: Jesus Has Overcome the World

John 16:16-33

(v.20) Jesus' death on the cross was not a tragedy...it was a victory! Jesus is telling the disciples that they will first feel sadness, but then they will understand what God had done, and they will be joyful.

This is the same thing that happens to us when we become saved...we are saddened by our sin and filthiness, but when we realize that God made the way for salvation for us, we are grateful and full of joy!

(v.22) Jesus is giving them comfort in the fact that He is telling them that they will be sad, but then joyful when they see Him in His resurrected body!

(v.24) We have joy when we are doing what God wants us to do. So if we ask God for strength to do something for someone else, He will bless that. If we are walking in His will, our lives will be joyful and full of satisfaction.

21 Sep (John 16:1-15)

The Gospels: The Work of the Holy Spirit

John 16:1-15

(v.2) As is the case with Islam, there are groups out there that believe it's their duty to kill unbelievers. That is not from God, rather, it is from the Father of Lies himself...Satan.

Jesus said we should be willing to die for our friends, not to kill for them. There is a big difference.

(v.7) This is important for our kids to understand...unless Jesus went to heaven to be with the Father, He couldn't indwell our hearts by His Spirit! Jesus showed us how to live. His Spirit moves in us to keep us on course and to prepare us for heaven. And finally, we will be with our Heavenly Father in His glory!

(v.8) It is the Holy Spirit who makes us feel rotten when we sin. Not in a mean way, but now that we are saved, we have a clearer picture of sin and what it does to us. When we sin, it doesn't satisfy like it once did before we were saved. The Spirit is sanctifying us to be more like Christ. We grow to hate sin and seek righteousness more and more!

(v.13) The Holy Spirit moves us to be more like Christ...to the glory of the Father. We have His peace, and we have His power when we are allowing Him to work in us!

20 Sep (John 15)

The Gospels: Joy in Christ

John 15

(v.2) Jesus uses an illustration to make His point...He is the root and the trunk, and we are His branches. If we are connected to Him, we will bear fruit by loving and serving others. The more we do this, the more God will empower us and bless us so we can do more.

(v.7) Like before, when we pray, we should pray for what we know to be in His will, and He will answer our prayers.

(v.8) Jesus came to glorify the Father, so if we are loving and serving others, we are giving glory to the Father!

(v.11) Have you been around people, who even in dark moments, seem to have an inner joy that won't let them get depressed or discouraged? That is the joy that Jesus is speaking of here. After all, the Apostle Paul said it best in Rom 8:31

If God is for us, who can be against us?

(v.13) Jesus loved us so much, that while we were filthy sinners, He died for us! This is also illustrated by our soldiers in wars...where they give up their lives for their friends to live. That is love, when we don't care about our own lives, but instead, deeply care about others.

(v.16) If the President of the United States called you and asked you to do a task for him, don't you think you would do it, and with gusto? Then we should do the same and more for God...He chose us to represent Him on earth, and He has plans for us!

(v.18) When we witness to the lost, sometimes they say hurtful and mean things to us...but we must try to remember that if we're only saying what is in God's Word, then they are mad at God, not us. We need to share God's Word, and let the Holy Spirit convict their souls to repentance.

(v.26) The Holy Spirit's job is to point us to Christ. Jesus pointed the Jews to the Father, and He does today, but the Spirit is in us, and reminds us of Christ. The Holy Trinity works as One.

19 Sep (John 14:19-31)

The Gospels: The Gift of God's Peace

John 14:19-31

(v.19) We who are saved see God in all that we do during the day...it may be something that God has another say to us...it may be the way someone serves us...or it may be the better understanding of His creation and the appreciation of it.

Sadly, those that don't know God, may love the environment, but they come to worship the creation instead of the Creator!

(v.21) We who are His will love the faithful, minister to the lost and be salt and light. God doesn't want His players to sit on the sideline...He wants us to get into the game!

(v.23) I take notice to my kids that Jesus says We will come to him and make Our home with him...this is the Holy Spirit...which enables us to have a direct connection with God in heaven.

(v.26) One of the things the Holy Spirit does in us, is help us remember and live God's Word. I'm sure we all have had times when we needed a verse to comfort us, and out of the blue, one comes to our mind...that's the Holy Spirit at work!

Also, sometimes when we're witnessing, we say things that we normally would never have said...and it was so wise! That is the Holy Spirit at work in us!

(v.27) The Aramaic word here for peace doesn't mean a life without strife...that is not promised to us. However, with the Holy Spirit in us, we have that sense of peace and comfort with Him. No matter what happens in our lives, we who are saved, we have the comfort of knowing who is working in us, and where we are ultimately going!

(v.29) Don't let anyone tell you that prophesy is not important...it is one of the most effective tools by God to show us that He wrote and inspired the men who wrote the books of the Bible! The prophesies He had them write are living proof that God is outside our time constraints, because they are all 100% accurate and detailed!

18 Sep (John 14:15-18)

The Gospels: The Promise of the Holy Spirit

John 14:15-18

(v.15) We can't just say we are saved, we must show that by truly following Christ and what He teaches. If we are His, then others should see that difference in us.

(v.16) Once we are born again, we are connected with God. We have the Spirit of God in us, and that will last for eternity!

(v.17) Those that aren't saved don't understand that God is with us that follow Him. As Paul says in 1 Cor 1:18

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

(v.18) God will never forsake us Heb 13:5 and He will come for us before He judges the world!

29 September 2010

17 Sep (John 14:12-14)

The Gospels: Praying in God's Will

John 14:12-14

(v.12) When we read this, we think, "How can I do greater works than Jesus?" But if we think about it, by His power, we can. If we are allowing Him to work in us, we can affect hundreds, and even thousands of people in an instant.

(v.14) I take a lot of time on this verse, so my kids properly understand it. Jesus is not saying that praying in His name is like some secret "abra cadabra" or "hokus pokus" that will allow us to have whatever we want. In fact, that is not praying in His will.

If we are praying for the salvation of a family member or friend, and He wills that to happen, then it will happen.

If we pray for the Spirit to empower us so we can do a ministry or service for others, then He is listening and will empower us.

The key is to take time to listen when we pray, and He will put the thoughts and deeds He wills for us, and we will pray for them to happen.

16 Sep (John 14:1-6)

The Gospels: The Way, the Truth, and the Life

John 14:1-6

(v.1) For those of you that have trouble thinking of verses that proclaim Jesus to be God, this chapter will be great ammo!

It would be blasphemous to equate Himself with God, unless He is God!

(v.2) When Jesus was resurrected and ascended up to heaven, He was back in His glory, preparing the way for us. He gave us His Spirit here on earth, to indwell us, and to guide us. As we live here on earth, we are earning and gathering treasures (rewards) up in heaven. God will bless us here on earth, but only to further His kingdom.

(v.3) This is one of quite a few examples of the Rapture. The word, "rapture" is not in the Bible...but then again, the word "bible" isn't either! Does that mean it doesn't exist? Of course not!

We get the word Rapture from the Latin word translated from the Greek, which is Rapturo. It means a quick snatching up...like in jacks when you grab the jack before the ball bounces again.

Jesus will come and Rapture His Bride before He comes to judge the world...are you and your family ready?

(v.6) Some people like to say, "All roads (religions or faiths) lead to God." This is only true in one sense...all who have lived will face God individually. The faithful will face Jesus and be rewarded for our good works. The unfaithful will be judged by the Law, and be sentenced to eternal torment in hell.

For those of you that are shy about saying that Jesus is the only way to salvation, don't worry, He said it for you!

15 Sep (John 13:31-35)

The Gospels: Jesus' New Commandment

John 13:31-35

(v.34) Jesus is showing us that we are to treat other believers as we would Christ Himself! We are to love, comfort and support one another. We witness to the lost, but we serve the faithful.

(v.35) There is a fine line between calling out heresy, and bringing on division. We must pray and practice prudence when choosing what to do when we are dealing with someone else in God's Church.

If we love Christ, then we will love and serve His own.

14 Sep (John 13:1-17)

The Gospels: Jesus Washes the Feet of the Disciples

John 13:1-17

(v.1) ...He love them to the end...Jesus always loves us, and He showed it by taking our sin and guilt on, and dying on the cross!

(v.5) I like to show my kids that this is like the President of the United States doing the tasks of a janitor, or mailman, or whatever is considered blue collar. Jesus was showing them and us, that in order to love others, we need to serve others.

(v.14) God is showing us to love and serve our brethren. We are to witness to the lost, but we are to care for the faithful.

13 Sep (John 12:42-50)

The Gospels: The Trinity

John 12:42-50

(v.43) We are all guilty of this, but the Pharisees should have known better. They were only thinking of their own power and gain by keeping the people ignorant, instead of leading them to the Light.

(v.44) Jesus gives us some understanding of the Holy Trinity. We can't fully understand it, but in order to at least move on without confusion, I will attempt to give a few examples that may help your kids to see the Trinity more clearly:

The Egg

There are three parts to the egg, each one is distinct, but without it, there is no egg.

The shell, the egg white, and the yoke


Water can be observed in three forms...liquid, steam and ice...all three forms are still water


The Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Chief Operations Officer (COO) and the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) all do a specific job. Yet, the corporation would not exist or sustain itself if one were not there. Also, all three work together as One entity...like the Trinity does.

(v.47) In Jesus' First Coming, He came to save and declare the way to eternal life. From that point on, we have the choice to follow Him or our own desires. When He comes again, He will come in judgment and wrath.

(v.48) We are condemned by the Law...Paul speaks of this in Rom 6:7 where the reason for the Law was to show us that we need a Savior. If we accept that Savior's sacrifice for us, then we are not held to the Law. But if we don't accept that free gift, then we will be judged by the Law, and NO ONE will be found not guilty!

26 September 2010

12 Sep (Matthew 23)

The Gospels: Woe to the Hypocrites

Matthew 23

(v.4) Jesus exposes the Pharisees as men who were supposed to be helping the people to grow closer to God, and yet, they were making it more difficult! The Gospel is simple, and there is no need to add to it. God's love for us is more than sufficient...there is NOTHING we can do to earn our salvation, yet, the religious types seek to keep their power over the people by insisting that only through them are we to reach God.

(v.5) Phylactories are leather pouches (like a leather box) that the Pharisees would have strapped on their heads like a headband, and on their right hand as well. In them, they would have small scrolls of the Torah in them. This was commanded by God in Exodus 13:9 so that they would have God near them as a reminder.

However, these proud men would make these phylactories bigger and bigger, to "show" how devoted and holy they were. The talked the talk, but they didn't walk the walk...they gave the people more burdens and hardships when they should have been helping them.

(v.11) God wants us to serve one another. When we put other people's needs before our own, we are walking in God's will.

(v.13) This is an intense verse! I can think of many churches and denominations (not to mention all cults) that lead people away from God. Adding to God's Word only dishonors it. Be careful what church you are in, for if they have another book that is equal or greater than the Bible, you should leave it. Those groups are leading the herd over a cliff of eternal destruction.

(v.39) Jesus wept over Jerusalem before He entered it as its King...they had so many warnings from the prophets over the years, and all they did was ignore them and kill them. Jesus so wanted them to repent and come to Him, but their pride and idolatry in the world prevented them from seeing who He is.

11 Sep (Matthew 22 cont)

The Gospels: Jesus' Authority Questioned

Matthew 22

(v.15) Isn't it funny to read that the Pharisees thought they would trick Jesus? As we see many times, Jesus uses their own tactics against them, and if we study this, we can use His methods when discussing with skeptics.

(v.21) I teach my kids that as citizens of the United States, we are to follow the laws of the land. However, if a law makes us break God's laws, then that's a different story. One good example is some doctors who were sued because they wouldn't perform abortions. They were sued and lost money because of it, but they stood up for their values and for life.

(v.40) If we love God with all our strength, then we will treat our neighbors well. If we treat our friends and family, our neighbors and coworkers well, then we will live a productive life.

(v.43) I love how Jesus turns the tables on the Pharisees here...they can't figure this out because they truly don't understand Scripture!

Jesus is quoting Psalm 110:1 and in Hebrew, it's quite clear who is speaking to who:

The LORD said to my Lord, Sit at My right hand, till I make Your enemies Your footstool.

The first LORD is the Father, and the second Lord is the Son.

What the Pharisees couldn't wrap their minds around, was that God Himself, came into His own creation, as the newborn descendant of David, and died for our sins. Jesus created David, yet He became his successor in the royal line of David.

24 September 2010

10 Sep (Matthew 22)

The Gospels: The Parable of the Wedding Feast

Matthew 22:1-14

There is much debate about the true meaning of this parable. I will give what I believe is true after reading many different (and sometimes contradicting) scholarly interpretations on this. But I must remind everyone to remember Acts 17:11 to read and study God's Word for yourself, and see what God is telling you!

(v.2) The King is the Father, and the Son is Jesus

(v.3) The servants are the Jewish prophets

(v.7) The people are the Jews, and their indifference to heed God's Word angered God, and He used Israel's enemies to bring war and hardship upon them. As we know, they would then repent and come back to God, but the cycle continued to happen.

(v.8) God came first for His chosen people...the Jews. Matt 15:24

However, they rejected Him and crucified Him. So God reached out to the Gentiles and the world.

(v.10) Doesn't this describe God's Church? We are all sinners, and we come from different lands and languages, but together, we are His Bride!

(v.11) This is where good scholars have disagreed. Some say that all here are saved, but only the over-comers and faithful enjoy the feast. Others say that this man was not saved, and part of his eternal torment, will be seeing what he gave up out of his own pride on earth, by refusing to accept the King's Son.

One thing to start with, in Jewish culture, when a man invites guests in those days, he would wash their feet when they came, and he would offer a coat for them to wear. This would be the equivalent to having a backstage pass hanging from our neck...it meant we were invited and welcome.

If we read other Scripture, we see that the wedding garment is white...and that describes the Bride of Christ. Rev 6:11 & 19:14

I believe this parable is speaking of those that aren't saved, who don't have their white garments on as the Bride of Christ does in heaven...he is an unbeliever. The tragedy of all of this, is he could have been welcomed, but his pride on earth prevented him from believing in God's Son.

(v.12) ...and he was speechless...this is the effect upon all who face God at the Great White Throne of Judgment. They will realize their folly and their pride, and know that they chose foolishly.

(v.13) If we read all the parables that Jesus spoke, the outer darkness is not considered a part of heaven. After all, does heaven sound like a place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth? And with God's presence in heaven, will there be any darkness? I don't believe that this man was saved, and part of his eternal torment, was to see what he missed by his pride.

9 Sep (Matt 21)

The Gospels: Jesus Shows Righteous Anger

Matthew 21

(v.12) Jesus came the first time to save John 3:17 but in two occasions in this chapter, He judges the hypocrisy of Israel. The Temple had become a retail outlet...not a revered place to get closer to God. There is such a thing as righteous anger, and that is allowed by God. If we are angered at sin and evil, then our anger is in alignment with God. If we are angry because of something personal, then we are not in alignment with God. In any case, we are instructed to let God fight our battles.

(v.19) The fig tree was used by Jesus as an illustration of Israel, and their hypocrisy that didn't bear fruit. Just like the fig tree, Israel should have been bearing fruit by showing the world who the only true God was. But instead, they were acting like the rest of the world.

God is love, but He is also Just. He demands we make a choice...either we choose Him, or we choose our own pride.

(v.31) Jesus shows the disciples by telling the Pharisees a parable, that those who say they have faith, but don't show it, are not going to enter into heaven.

(v.43) I can't help but feel that Jesus was alluding to America in this verse! After the Jews rejected their King and Messiah, God reached out to the Gentiles. America was established by Christians, and they used the Bible as their main source to form the Constitution and its laws.

There has been no other country or nation in history that comes close to spreading the Gospel like America! It is our job today to make sure we don't turn away from God, for if we do, we will lose His blessings for us.

8 Sep (Matt 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)

The Gospels: The Coming of the King!

Matt 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:29-39, John 12:12-19

This is a very important part of Scripture that our kids need to understand, in order that they understand the WHOLE Bible!

Jesus commands His disciples to do just what Zechariah 5:9:9 prophesied...to find a donkey. This is important to note, that Jesus didn't come on a horse...those are for warriors, and Jesus was our Suffering Servant in His First Coming, so He came on a colt. In Jesus' Second Coming, He will come on a white horse as is written in Rev 19:11

Before Jesus entered Jerusalem on the colt, He wept. Why did He weep? He wept because so many of His chosen people didn't know their Scriptures and didn't listen to their prophets. They should have known that this VERY DAY was prophesied by Daniel 9:25

In 445 BC, King Artaxerxes Longimanus declared that the Jews could go back to Jerusalem after being captive. He declared that they could rebuild the city, the walls, and the Temple...and the King helped pay for it! That was God at work!

If we study Daniel 9, we see that God gave us a timeline for the Messiah to come to His own, and that day was prophesied to be April 6, 32 AD. And guess what day Jesus rode in on the donkey? You guessed it...the exact day that Daniel prophesied! This is one of many examples that our kids need to understand that the Bible isn't just a bunch of stories...it was inspired by a God that is outside the constraints of time...He knew what day He would come as Israel's King! There was no way that Daniel could have predicted that by himself...he had to have the Almighty telling him what to write!

Jesus wept Luke 19:41 because the very people who should have recognized the occasion, only a small percentage of them did. Jesus ended up holding them accountable for it in Luke 19:42 and that is why most of Israel and the Jewish people don't regard Jesus as the Messiah.

The people who did recognize that day, laid out palm branches and declared Jesus King by shouting Hosanna.

Hosanna translated in Greek means God Saves Us...this was a declaration of who Jesus is...His name was His Mission...Jesus means YHWH Saves!

22 September 2010

7 Sep (John 11)

The Gospels: The Resurrection of Lazarus

John 11

(v.5) We see Mary and Martha here again, because their brother, Lazarus, is dying. Jesus knew this, and stayed an extra two days in another town, before He went to Bethany. Why did Jesus wait? Was He mean and wanted Lazarus to die and his family suffer? Yes and no.

Jesus used this situation for good...it makes me think of Romans 8:28

(v.15) Jesus tells the disciples the reason for His tardiness to get to Bethany...to show them that He is God who can resurrect the body.

(v.27) When we last saw Martha, she was being told by Jesus that she had the wrong motives for her anger. Now, she is the first to run out to Jesus! Martha was always a believer, and she proves that here by her proclamation who He is!

(v.32) Once again, Mary is at Jesus' feet...the right place for all of us!

(v.35) This is the shortest verse in the Bible! Although it is short, it tells us much about God. Here is the Creator of the universe, who knew all this would happen, yet He is moved by our tears. He is that way now with us, and He longs for us to call out to Him for everything we do!

(v.43) My kids love it when I do this part, since I note that Jesus didn't just say "Come forth"...if He did, ALL the dead would have been raised!!! Jesus wisely said, "Lazarus, come forth!"

(v.48) Like then, and like today, many people who take on authority (whether spiritual or political) can become consumed with the desire for power. The Pharisees were supposed to be helping the people walk with God...instead, they created all these rules that prevented the people from focusing on God.

This relates to Mary and Martha...Mary was doing the right thing by being still when God speaks, and Martha was too worried about doing things...her focus was blurred.

6 Sep (Luke 10)

The Gospels: The Good Samaritan and Servanthood

Luke 10

(v.2) Jesus sent out seventy disciples two-by-two Ecc 4:9 to reach the lost. Jesus tells them:

The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few...

There is so much to do for the LORD, but we all only do a little. I teach my kids that I am guilty of this, and it's my prayer that we all try to love and serve others in the name of Jesus more!

(v.3) We must always remember that while we are in the world, we are amongst evil. We need to pray and be equipped in the Word in order to fend off the wiles of the devil. Eph 6:13

Also, remember that Jesus commanded us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Matt 10:16

(v.18) This could be when Satan and his fallen angels were kicked out of heaven for good!

(v.24) We are even more blessed today, since we have the Bible, and the prophecies from the prophets that are coming to life right in front of our eyes daily!

(v.33) The Good Samaritan parable is self-explanatory, but I also like to point out that the good person in this parable is a Gentile...quite shocking to the disciples and the Jews who heard it! The Church needs to act in this manner today!

(v.39) We will read more of Mary and Martha in the next post, for they are the sisters of Lazarus, who Jesus raised from the dead in John 11 & Luke 16

Martha can be easily seen as the selfish one in this event, but let's remember that she was a believer, and she was gladly serving the LORD. She was frustrated that her sister wouldn't do the same. This is an important lesson for us...we can get too tied up in serving that we forget the true reason we serve...Jesus! Mary was doing the best thing...listening to Jesus when He is speaking!

5 Sep (John 10)

The Gospels: Jesus the True Shepherd

John 10

As we have seen already through the Old Testament, God used shepherds quite a bit to illustrate His points and also to use for His purposes. Moses and David were shepherds, and God used them for multiple reasons.

(v.1) When reading this chapter, I take time to illustrate the way shepherds take care of their sheep. For instance, at night, when the sheep are to sleep, they don't stand in the fields, where wolves can sneak up in darkness and take a sheep. What the shepherd does, is find a cave (or something like it) that only has ONE entrance. Matt 7:17 So the shepherd puts the sheep in the cave and sleeps in the doorway. That way, if a wolf comes up, it will awake the shepherd, and he can keep the wolf from taking his sheep!

(v.3) Sheep aren't the brightest animals in the kingdom, but they are loyal and keen to know their Master's voice...this is also a picture of us with God. For those of us who know what God did for us, and we are walking with Him, we hear His voice in His Word and in prayer. John 10:14

(v.4) Can't you hear Jesus saying "Follow Me" to His disciples, and to us, right here?

(v.9) Jesus explains the illustration He is telling them, and it also alludes to John 14:6 where He says that NO ONE comes to the Father, but through Him!

(v.10) I also share with my kids that being a follower of Christ doesn't mean we will live sinless and problem-free lives...we will have peace and joy, for we know who we belong to, and where we will ultimately be!

(v.11) Jesus again reminds the disciples that He will give His life for the believers.

(v.18) We shall see that Jesus was not a victim...He was a conqueror!!! He came for the sole purpose to die for our sins, then He will return to gather His own. We all are saddened to picture the pain that Jesus suffered for us, but we must look at His love for us with great gratitude, not shame.

(v.28) For those that try to say that we can lose our salvation, they need to read this part of the gospel of John again! If we are truly saved, then we can't fit through God's hands and be lost. We may rebel and sin, but we are still His. When we become saved, we don't become sinless, but we sin less.

(v.30) Here is another instance where Jesus proclaims Himself to be God.

18 September 2010

4 Sep (Matthew 19)

The Gospels: Holiness and Purity

Matthew 19

(v.6) God does not like divorce. He doesn't list divorce as one of the abominations, but marriage was the first institution He established...one man with one woman.

This can lead us to discuss marriage, homosexuality and divorce with our kids, depending upon their ages.

One thing is clear by what Jesus is saying, is that God never established men and women to divorce, but He allowed it to keep the Jews in their infancy of a nation going.

(v.14) Jesus loves children, and despite what some churches and cults teach, a child who dies is not destined to hell if he or she wasn't baptized. There is a time in life where a child becomes a young adult, and is accountable for themselves. Usually, this age is around 13. Up until then, if a child dies, they are in heaven with the LORD, waiting for us to join them.

(v.21) Jesus knew that this young rich man's god was his wealth and power...he needed to give that up in order to be saved. God doesn't want nor deserve any other things to be above Him!

(v.26) I try to stress to our kids that whatever their situation, all things are possible if we are trusting and walking with God!

3 Sep (Matt 18 & Luke 15)

The Gospels: The Parable of the Lost Sheep

Matthew 18

(v.4) As we teach our kids the Word, they listen and take in all that we teach them. God wants us to be like that, where we seek God's wisdom, and check the Scriptures to make sure they are so. We are not to act childish, but to act like a child...eager to learn and obedient to authority.

(v.6) Teaching our kids is a big responsibility...we need to make sure we are teaching from the Bible, and not some other version or addition to the Bible. Satan has deceived many to trick them into thinking that the Bible is not the complete Word of God. 1 John 4:1

(v.10) Here we have a verse that alludes to Guardian Angels...angels assigned to each of us, to watch over us and report to God. We don't know to what extent they affect our lives, but it's still nice to know that besides an all-knowing God, we have His angels looking out for us as well.

(v.13) Like the story of the Prodigal Son, this doesn't mean that we should act sinful all our lives and repent in old age...first, we may die before old age, and also, we really won't be joyful and at peace unless we're following God. This just shows us to what lengths God will go to bring us back to Him!

(v.15) God hates gossip and the ways of the world. Nowadays, when someone feels wronged, they post it on the internet and seek a lawyer. God wants us to be honest and truthful to our brothers and sisters in Christ. If they won't listen, then we bring trusted brothers and sisters into the discussion in order to get a consensus.

(v.35) We need to have a forgiving heart like our Heavenly Father does, or we won't be like His Son.

07 September 2010

2 Sep (Matt 17; Mark 9 & Luke 9)

The Gospels: Jesus Glorified

Matthew 17

(v.2) Some of the disciples (Peter, James and John) were given the privilege to see Jesus in His glory...the way He looked before He became man. And if we read other Scripture, we see He will look like this again, but with His scars. 1 John 3:2

In other Scripture, the same description of Him is revealed:

Daniel 7:9

Revelation 1:14

I teach my kids, that the Creator of the universe gave up so much power and reduced Himself to be like us...all so He could save us from our sins!

(v.4) Again, Peter speaks without thinking first, but we do see his thinking here...Peter saw Jesus transfigured, Moses and Elijah with Him, and thought that Jesus was bringing God's Kingdom to earth right then! This was the fulfillment of the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) where God indwells in us.

So why were Moses and Elijah there for a debriefing of the last days by Jesus? There are two ways to think of this, and I believe both are valid:

1. Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the Prophets. All of the Old Testament is encapsulated by the Law and the Prophets, for they both speak of the Messiah.

2. Moses represents the faithful who have already died. This would include Abraham, David, etc and all of the people over the centuries who died while believing in God's plan of redemption in His Son. Elijah was raptured...he didn't die. This represents the Church, which will be raptured and spared a physical death. Jew or Gentile, dead or raptured, we are all His in our faith!

(v.13) The Jews revere Elijah, and Scripture says that Elijah would prepare the way to the Kingdom of God. As Jesus stated here, John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah, and he prepared the people for repentance before the Kingdom of God came to earth...in Jesus!

(v.21) Fasting and praying is important, and Jesus points this out by showing that more power comes to believers by doing this. Whenever I have fasted and prayed all day, I have found that He gives me strength to conquer my flesh, and my mind is clearer to see His Word. I must confess, I don't do it as much as I should, but I do recommend it to anyone who wants to grow closer to the LORD.

06 September 2010

1 Sep (Matt 16)

The Gospels: Jesus' Decree of the Church

Matthew 16

(v.1) I clarify with my kids, the difference between the Pharisees and the Sadducees:

Pharisees ~ They are the extreme religionists...dependent upon the Law and man-made rules to "experience" God.

Sadducees ~ They are what we would call today, the Liberal religionists. They didn't believe in the supernatural or the resurrection of the body.

These two uncommon groups united to hate and plot to kill Jesus! This is similar to the Muslim sects (Hezzbolah, Hamas, Fatah, etc) who fight each other, but they unite in the hatred of Israel. All this is from Satan, who drives their thoughts and actions.

(v.4) Again, read my post on Jonah, since his life is the actual prophecy. He dies and is resurrected in three days, and the lost are saved!

(v.16) This is Peter's finest moment...he accurately declares Jesus to be the Son of the living God.

(v.18) This is where the Roman Catholic Church went wrong...they declared this verse to mean that Jesus was saying He would build His Church on Peter. Why would Jesus build His Church on any mortal man? Besides, the Greek word for Peter is petra...which means pebble.

No, Jesus was referring to what Peter said, not what his new name was. Peter declared Jesus as the Son of the living God, and that is what Jesus would build His Church with. Those who believe that declaration are saved by grace, through faith...and the gates of hell can't prevail over our faith in Christ!

(v.22) Peter went from extreme wisdom to extreme folly in only a minute! My kids love how I describe Peter as like the phrase: Ready, Fire, Aim...Peter doesn't think before he speaks!

(v.25) This is the key for salvation...we need to give up being our own god, and let God direct our lives. This is what Jesus is speaking about here.