07 September 2010

2 Sep (Matt 17; Mark 9 & Luke 9)

The Gospels: Jesus Glorified

Matthew 17

(v.2) Some of the disciples (Peter, James and John) were given the privilege to see Jesus in His glory...the way He looked before He became man. And if we read other Scripture, we see He will look like this again, but with His scars. 1 John 3:2

In other Scripture, the same description of Him is revealed:

Daniel 7:9

Revelation 1:14

I teach my kids, that the Creator of the universe gave up so much power and reduced Himself to be like us...all so He could save us from our sins!

(v.4) Again, Peter speaks without thinking first, but we do see his thinking here...Peter saw Jesus transfigured, Moses and Elijah with Him, and thought that Jesus was bringing God's Kingdom to earth right then! This was the fulfillment of the Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) where God indwells in us.

So why were Moses and Elijah there for a debriefing of the last days by Jesus? There are two ways to think of this, and I believe both are valid:

1. Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the Prophets. All of the Old Testament is encapsulated by the Law and the Prophets, for they both speak of the Messiah.

2. Moses represents the faithful who have already died. This would include Abraham, David, etc and all of the people over the centuries who died while believing in God's plan of redemption in His Son. Elijah was raptured...he didn't die. This represents the Church, which will be raptured and spared a physical death. Jew or Gentile, dead or raptured, we are all His in our faith!

(v.13) The Jews revere Elijah, and Scripture says that Elijah would prepare the way to the Kingdom of God. As Jesus stated here, John the Baptist was the spirit of Elijah, and he prepared the people for repentance before the Kingdom of God came to earth...in Jesus!

(v.21) Fasting and praying is important, and Jesus points this out by showing that more power comes to believers by doing this. Whenever I have fasted and prayed all day, I have found that He gives me strength to conquer my flesh, and my mind is clearer to see His Word. I must confess, I don't do it as much as I should, but I do recommend it to anyone who wants to grow closer to the LORD.

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