22 September 2010

5 Sep (John 10)

The Gospels: Jesus the True Shepherd

John 10

As we have seen already through the Old Testament, God used shepherds quite a bit to illustrate His points and also to use for His purposes. Moses and David were shepherds, and God used them for multiple reasons.

(v.1) When reading this chapter, I take time to illustrate the way shepherds take care of their sheep. For instance, at night, when the sheep are to sleep, they don't stand in the fields, where wolves can sneak up in darkness and take a sheep. What the shepherd does, is find a cave (or something like it) that only has ONE entrance. Matt 7:17 So the shepherd puts the sheep in the cave and sleeps in the doorway. That way, if a wolf comes up, it will awake the shepherd, and he can keep the wolf from taking his sheep!

(v.3) Sheep aren't the brightest animals in the kingdom, but they are loyal and keen to know their Master's voice...this is also a picture of us with God. For those of us who know what God did for us, and we are walking with Him, we hear His voice in His Word and in prayer. John 10:14

(v.4) Can't you hear Jesus saying "Follow Me" to His disciples, and to us, right here?

(v.9) Jesus explains the illustration He is telling them, and it also alludes to John 14:6 where He says that NO ONE comes to the Father, but through Him!

(v.10) I also share with my kids that being a follower of Christ doesn't mean we will live sinless and problem-free lives...we will have peace and joy, for we know who we belong to, and where we will ultimately be!

(v.11) Jesus again reminds the disciples that He will give His life for the believers.

(v.18) We shall see that Jesus was not a victim...He was a conqueror!!! He came for the sole purpose to die for our sins, then He will return to gather His own. We all are saddened to picture the pain that Jesus suffered for us, but we must look at His love for us with great gratitude, not shame.

(v.28) For those that try to say that we can lose our salvation, they need to read this part of the gospel of John again! If we are truly saved, then we can't fit through God's hands and be lost. We may rebel and sin, but we are still His. When we become saved, we don't become sinless, but we sin less.

(v.30) Here is another instance where Jesus proclaims Himself to be God.

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