24 September 2010

8 Sep (Matt 21; Mark 11; Luke 19; John 12)

The Gospels: The Coming of the King!

Matt 21:1-11, Mark 11:1-10, Luke 19:29-39, John 12:12-19

This is a very important part of Scripture that our kids need to understand, in order that they understand the WHOLE Bible!

Jesus commands His disciples to do just what Zechariah 5:9:9 prophesied...to find a donkey. This is important to note, that Jesus didn't come on a horse...those are for warriors, and Jesus was our Suffering Servant in His First Coming, so He came on a colt. In Jesus' Second Coming, He will come on a white horse as is written in Rev 19:11

Before Jesus entered Jerusalem on the colt, He wept. Why did He weep? He wept because so many of His chosen people didn't know their Scriptures and didn't listen to their prophets. They should have known that this VERY DAY was prophesied by Daniel 9:25

In 445 BC, King Artaxerxes Longimanus declared that the Jews could go back to Jerusalem after being captive. He declared that they could rebuild the city, the walls, and the Temple...and the King helped pay for it! That was God at work!

If we study Daniel 9, we see that God gave us a timeline for the Messiah to come to His own, and that day was prophesied to be April 6, 32 AD. And guess what day Jesus rode in on the donkey? You guessed it...the exact day that Daniel prophesied! This is one of many examples that our kids need to understand that the Bible isn't just a bunch of stories...it was inspired by a God that is outside the constraints of time...He knew what day He would come as Israel's King! There was no way that Daniel could have predicted that by himself...he had to have the Almighty telling him what to write!

Jesus wept Luke 19:41 because the very people who should have recognized the occasion, only a small percentage of them did. Jesus ended up holding them accountable for it in Luke 19:42 and that is why most of Israel and the Jewish people don't regard Jesus as the Messiah.

The people who did recognize that day, laid out palm branches and declared Jesus King by shouting Hosanna.

Hosanna translated in Greek means God Saves Us...this was a declaration of who Jesus is...His name was His Mission...Jesus means YHWH Saves!

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