19 August 2010

13 Aug (Matt 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13)

The Gospels: Satan Tempts Jesus

Luke 4

(v.1) We see that Jesus was led by the Spirit...He was subservient to the Father and the Spirit while on earth...just as we are supposed to be. Jesus showed us how to live...not a life with no problems, but a life that has meaning and purpose.

(v.4) When we are faced with temptation, Jesus shows us the way to overcome temptation...the Word of God! If we know verses in the Bible that speak about particular temptations, and if when faced with those temptations, we recite them out loud or in our heads, we are far less likely to fall to temptation.

(v.6) This is an important teaching moment for our kids...notice that Jesus doesn't refute Satan's claim to be in charge of all the kingdoms of the earth. When God created Adam and Eve, He gave them dominion and authority over all the creation. But when they sinned, they lost that authority...it was relinquished to Satan. The devil is the god of this world...he has immense power over the world.

BUT...God is the LORD over all creation, so He allows Satan to work in the world, and God uses the evil in the world to work for good. Rom 8:28

(v.12) When we are His, we are under His protection and guidance. However, we are not to live recklessly and put ourselves in situations that put God's love and protection to the test. We need to let Him put us in situations...for He is in charge of those situations, and puts us in them to refine and strengthen us!

(v.34) Skeptics often say that Jesus never said He was God...well, there are many instances where He did say that, but we also have verses like this that show us that even the demons knew who He is!

(v.38) For my Catholic friends...this is a verse that we all need to think about and understand. Peter was married...we know this because of this verse, for he had a mother-in-law. Now, if Peter is the first pope, then why did the Roman Catholic Church demand that popes be celibate?

Also, there is much evidence that Peter was not the first pope...for he wasn't even in charge of the early Church! In Acts 15, at the Council of Jerusalem, James is the leader! James is the half brother of Jesus, and came to faith after the Resurrection. James was anointed to be the pastor/leader of the Church in Jerusalem...not Peter. James gave the orders...not Peter.

With all that in mind, my wife grew up Catholic, and was saved by her faith in Jesus, not in Mary or the pope. For those of you Catholic friends who read this blog...all I ask is that you compare the teachings of the RCC to the teachings in the Bible, and come to your own conclusions. The Bible is inspired by God and His Spirit...any church is run by men...fallen and imperfect.

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