10 June 2010

10 June (Isaiah 53)

Isaiah 53

This chapter is what was discovered, unblemished in the Dead Sea Scrolls, found in 1947. I find it interesting that only one year later, Israel became a nation again!

The traditional Rabbis have trouble with this chapter, since it clearly speaks of the Messiah being the Suffering Servant, who had to die for our sins. Jesus is described here as the Meshiach ben Joseph, which in English means the Messiah of Joseph. As we know, in Genesis, Joseph suffered much before he was finally exalted. Here are some similarities between Joseph and Jesus:

~ Betrayed by his brothers
~ Unjustly accused
~ In one day, went from sorrow to exaltation
~ Their suffering saved Israel and the world

(v.2) I point out to my kids that Jesus is described here as a tender plant. If we remember in the book of Jonah, God brings up a tender plant that provides comfort to Jonah, but dies. This is typology of Jesus.

If you've seen the Shroud of Turin, it seems that Jesus looked quite ordinary. His beauty was inside, and after His beatings, He looked repulsive to many. He was despised because His words made people face their fears and their sins. Some repented and followed Jesus, but others hated Him for pointing out their sins, and they conspired to kill Him.

(v.3) At Jesus' trial, he was despised and ridiculed...He was rejected by His own.

(v.5) By His suffering, we are given peace. Jesus knew He had to endure the crucifixion in order to pay for our sins. Take time to stress that with your kids...it means everything.

(v.6) All of our sins were put upon God...Jesus, the Son...part of the Holy Trinity, willingly died so that we could be reconciled back to God.

(v.7) Jesus didn't state His case and try to defend Himself...in fact, He orchestrated and directed the whole arrest and conviction! He had to fulfill prophecy and die for us. Matt 26:63

I remind my kids that John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God...He was our perfect Passover Lamb, and the holy sacrifice for our sins. John 1:29

(v.8) God stated hundreds of years before, that the Messiah had to die for our sins, and it was supported by the prophecy of Daniel. Dan 9:26

(v.10) Make sure you explain this verse...the Father didn't enjoy striking His Son, but it did please Him to have His Word fulfilled. Also, that meant that His creation could be reconciled back to Him, and enjoy fellowship with Him forever in heaven.

(v.11) Jesus purchased us on the cross...we are His. All we have to do is accept and embrace that, and love Him with all our heart!

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