07 June 2010

7 June (Isaiah 46-48)

Isaiah 46

(v.4) This is a wonderful picture of God creating us, holding us and guiding us! He created each one of us for a purpose...it's up to us to find out our gifts that He gave us, and use them for His glory!

As Pastor Chuck Smith says, there are two times in one's life when you were carried and completely at other's mercy...first, when we're born, and then when we die. Isn't it comforting that God carries us the whole time?

(v.10) Skeptics seek signs and amazing miracles to believe, but God values those who see His work in His creation, and how He wrote of things to happen before they came to be. Prophecy is key to understanding God.

Isaiah 47

(v.10) When we are in darkness, we think no one can see our evil deeds or thoughts...but God can and He does! God wants to build our character, and good character is doing the right thing when no one is looking!

Isaiah 48

(v.12) God again calls Himself the First and the Last. As we see from other Scriptures, it's Jesus who said this, and it was Jesus who spoke to Moses at the burning bush.

(v.16) We see the Holy Trinity in this verse...it is the Son speaking!

And now the Lord GOD (Father) and His Spirit (Holy Spirit) have sent Me (Son).

This is supported by the next verse, where God speaks of Himself as the Redeemer. The only way man could be redeemed back to God, was for God to do it Himself! He did that on the cross!

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