30 June 2010

29 June (Ezekiel 13-16)

Ezekiel 13

(v.3) Any time we aren't following God, we're following our own pride. Many people can trick themselves into believing they are acting out God's will, when they haven't been directed by God. In fact, they're using God's name to commit sins and hide behind a "vision" that God supposedly gave them. These people will have to answer to God in the end, and it won't be pretty.

(v.10) Everyone wants peace, but to trick people into thinking that everything is great when it's not is wicked. We see our world right now, relying upon the United Nations and their "peace" to keep the world from exploding. But if we know our Bible, we know that there will only be true peace when the Prince of Peace returns!

Ezekiel 14

(v.5) God really cares about our hearts...others may see a "good" and cheerful person, but only God sees that person who has a hard heart. However, if we have a good heart and we're really His, then we will display our joy and peace in the LORD, and it will be powerful to others!

(v.14) God will protect His own...He will keep those of us who have faith in Him. However, there are many who seem righteous in Christ, but they are only righteous in their own minds.

Ezekiel 15

Jesus speaks of a vine in John 15 in the same way, where the vine has lost it's ability to bear fruit. This is what Israel had become, so the Gentiles, the Church, will be grafted into the blessings of Israel. The Church doesn't replace Israel, but it enjoys many of the blessings BECAUSE of Israel.

In the end, God will graft back in the Jews who come to belief in Yeshua, and we'll all be one in Christ!

Ezekiel 16

(v.8) This is incredible imagery here, and God is likening His believers to a bride, and He is the groom. This mirrors the relationship with the Bride of Christ and the Groom...Jesus. However, God here is speaking of Israel, who was once the sparkle of His eye, but they wasted His love for them. Ruth 3:9

(v.15) So because of their unfaithfulness, the Groom has discarded His Bride. Only until the Bride truly loves Him again, will He let her back into His rest.

(v.20) We see one of the many atrocities that the people committed in their worship of pagan gods. God loves life, and we are to cherish all life. This includes the fight against abortion.

(v.60) God will remember His covenant with Israel and accept them back if they only repent. He is forgiving and patient...He wants us to love Him for the wonderful God and Creator He is!!!

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