19 June 2010

18 June (Jeremiah 11-15)

Jeremiah 11

(v.12) God only hears the cries of those He call His own. Israel has always been His, but their disobedience and rebellion has muffled their cries. If we only talk to God when something goes wrong, then don't be surprised if a lot of things go wrong in your life! If that's the only way God can hear you and reach you, then He will grant your wish.

(v.16) God made quite a few covenants, and most of them were unconditional. That is, it didn't depend upon man's obedience. The covenants He made with Abraham and David are unconditional, and they are crucial for our salvation. That is why God didn't make them dependant upon our obedience and righteousness.

However, when God gave the Law to His people, He told them that they would live abundantly and in peace if they followed His Law. They didn't, and even worse, they demanded to be ruled by an earthly king! Our disobedience lifts God's protective hand from us, and we encounter more hardships than necessary because of it.

Jeremiah 12

(v.1) We have all asked this question, "Why do the wicked prosper when we're doing what we should be doing?" In the short term, this seems accurate, but in the long term, our faithfulness will pay off. God's way is the only way and any deviation from that will bring sorrow in the end.

God describes Israel as His heritage. He loves Israel, but their disobedience and sin force Him to move away from them. God will not force Himself upon us...He is a gentleman, and He pleads with us to choose Him...to choose life.

Jeremiah 13

(v.9) Pride is what separates us from God. Lucifer's pride separated him forever from God. Our sins all go back to pride, since it's pride in the truest sense that makes us look out for ourselves instead of others.

(v.16) This is another example of God's patience and kindness...He is pleading with the people to repent. He is not a mean God, but rather, He is a just and loving God that demands respect.

Jeremiah 14

(v.11) I take time to discuss this verse with my kids. The people are so far away from God, that even when they seem like they are reaching out to Him, they really aren't. They were living their lives as they wished, and only when trouble comes upon them, do they think about and cry out to God.

Jeremiah 15

(v.1) Both Moses and Samuel's pleas with God to relent from His wrath upon His people aren't good enough now. Not even these great and pious men could intercede for the wickedness of the people now. I see the same thing today, and it's only by God's grace that we aren't destroyed yet.

(v.15) As ambassadors of Christ, we are bound to suffer ridicule and persecution. Remember, all the Disciples and Apostles of Christ died horrible deaths (except for John) by their witness. The world doesn't like what God has to say about it, so when we speak with God's Words, the world lashes back. Be prepared in prayer when you reach out to others.

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