15 June 2010

15 June (Zephaniah)

Zephaniah was a descendant of King Hezekiah, and wrote about the impending doom of the Southern Kingdom (Judah and Jerusalem). He influenced a young king, named Josiah, and the country walked with God during that time. But after Josiah, the people went back to their sinful ways, and Zephaniah tries to warn them.

Zephaniah 1

(v.5) We all know people who claim to be Christians, and yet live in the world and strive to attain worldly prizes. It's ok to strive to do your best, but we must not focus on this life and what it offers us, for the next life, the one with God, is what we should be seeking.

(v.7) For those people who think they can verbally claim they are followers of Christ, but don't live for Him, they will be surprised and terrified when the LORD returns! Rev 7:5-8 The Day of the LORD will be terrible for those that rejected Him. It's like the turkey looking forward to Thanksgiving!

(v.12) God doesn't want bystanders...He wants us to participate in this life. He wants us to love and serve others, and especially to lead them to Him.

Zephaniah 2

(v.3) God will protect and seal those who love and serve Him when He comes back in that Day of the LORD. That day will be great joy for believers, but great calamity for unbelievers.

(v.9) These are the very places today that plague Israel...don't think that God isn't watching and keeping score!

Zephaniah 3

(v.8) No one will escape God's wrath who have rejected Him. All the earth will burn, and God will make a new heaven and earth after the ones we have today. Rev 21:1

(v.10) This is an interesting verse...many scholars believe that the Ark of the Covenant was taken to Ethiopia for safekeeping, and when the LORD returns, it will be brought to Him by the keepers of the Ark in Ethiopia. I believe that is why the Ethiopian Eunuch came to Jerusalem in Acts 8...to see if it was the time for the Ark to go back.

I strongly recommend you check out this site to learn more:

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