16 June 2010

16 June (Jeremiah 1-5)

Jeremiah wrote this book at the time of the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians in 586 B.C. He witnessed the taking away of Daniel and his friends, and is called the "weeping prophet" since he laments the fall of his country. When we read Jeremiah, we feel his emotions and passion...he writes differently than most prophets in the Bible.

Jeremiah 1

(v.1) Jeremiah was a son of a priest, so he was from the tribe of Levi. As we see in verse 5, God called him to be a prophet from before he was born. I point out to my kids, that God thought of them and had a plan for them before He made the universe! They need to know that God values and loves them, and that they have a purpose in this life.

(v.6) God's Spirit will give us the words to evangelize and witness to others...step out in faith and let the LORD use us for His purposes!

Jeremiah 2

(v.8) The people of Jerusalem had gotten so bad, that even the priests, who were supposed to be in tune with God's Word, didn't know it! Unfortunately, we see many pastors and priests today that don't know nor follow God's Word. That has been Satan's plan since the cross...since he lost the war, he wants to infiltrate the Church and deceive as many as possible. Jesus warned us many times, "Do not be deceived!" Luke 21:8

(v.13) When we sin, we sin against God. But what hurts God the most, is when we push Him away...He is the One who died and suffered for us, so that we could have life...think about how much that hurts Him to have His free gift of salvation denied.

Jeremiah 3

(v.1) Like in Hosea, God likens Israel to an adulterous woman. Loving anyone else is wrong, yet people do it every day, with their careers, their cars, their homes, etc.

(v.10) God wants our whole heart, all our commitment. Moderation in this area is an offense to the Creator of the universe!

(v.22) Who says the God of the OT isn't loving, kind, merciful and patient? He is the same God as the One who died on the cross.

Jeremiah 4

(v.22) Most of us are like this...we are silly and foolish when it comes to the majesty and wisdom of God. Yet, so many think they know more than God, and can run their lives by themselves.

(v.23) This verse is cited by those that believe in the Gap Theory. The "gap" is between Gen 1:1 and 1:2...where the earth was without form and void. Some believe that the earth was inhabited by others, and Satan and his fallen angels fought against God, and in His anger, He destroyed the earth. Thus, He had to reform it and recreate it again. I believe that God created the earth in six literal days, since Exodus 20:11 says just that. However, this makes for good discussion, but it should never cause strife and dissension among believers. We'll see who's right when we all get to heaven!

Jeremiah 5

(v.7) God provides for us, but we often aren't thankful, or sometimes we don't notice. He does get angry when He provides and bless us, and we go on thinking we did something ourselves. He wants us to acknowledge Him in all that we do in life. Prov 3:5-6

(v.10) Israel is likened to an olive tree, and the rebellious ones are likened to branches on the tree. The roots are still there, but the lifeless branches are cut off, and the Church is grafted in. We must remember who are roots are...and remember that our Savior is and was a Jew.

(v.25) We are sinners, but there is a difference between living a life in sin, and a life with sins. Even the most devoted believer will sin, but the key is if we live a lifestyle or habit of sinning. If we are, we must repent and ask God's forgiveness and plead to Him to help us stop our lifestyle of sin. He will help us, and we must be willing to change.

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