08 June 2010

8 June (Isaiah 49-50)

Isaiah 49

(v.6) This is one of the key OT verses where God foretells that He will save the Gentiles or His Church. If we remember John 3:16 we know that God so loved the WORLD...not just the people of Israel.

I stress with my kids that God chose Israel to reveal Himself to the world through them. He planned on saving all people, and did that at the cross!

(v.14) It's important to stress to our kids that it's natural to think that God has abandoned us at times in our lives. We all feel that, but as their parents, we need to remind them that God is everywhere, including right there next to them all the days of their lives. He is guiding and protecting us, and the more we call out to Him and walk with Him, we'll feel His presence.

(v.25) As a parent, we know how we would react if someone threatened our children. We have a glimpse of what the Father feels when evil people harm or torment His own. He is a loving God, but He hates evil, and He will fight our battles and win them for us if we let Him!

Isaiah 50

(v.1) There was a comedian in the 1960's who used to say, "The devil made me do it!" Well, the devil does tempt us, but we only sin when we allow ourselves to ignore God's commands. I am guilty of this, as are all of us, and we just have to keep striving to rely on God's power and holiness, for our power is weak. Matt 26:41

(v.6) We get a glimpse of the torture and shame Jesus endured for us...His beard was ripped off His face, and they spit on Him. I ask my kids to imagine that...doing that to the One who created us, and treating Him like a criminal.

(v.10) I am reminded of Prov 3:5-6 and John 9:5 where God tells us to look to Him as the light in the middle of darkness, and to trust in Him.

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