2 Corinthians 9
(v.7) Tithing is not easy for us...it goes against our nature to give to someone else than keep for ourselves. This is what Jesus taught us...to put others' needs before our own. Tithing is not that big a deal, if you really think about it. All the money we have came from God's grace. To give at least 10% back to Him via our church or some godly ministry, is nothing.
God wants us to do this so we have a heart for giving, and we switch the focus off of us, and towards others. God wants us to be cheerful givers!
2 Corinthians 10
(v.3) I try to teach my kids that when we face troubles, to look behind the person or situation, and find who is orchestrating the trouble. Satan is our enemy, and he is always trying to trip up those of us who are following God. Satan doesn't want fruitful Christians...he wants ineffective and lukewarm Christians. He uses other people to bring us down, so pray and ask God to fight our battles.
2 Corinthians 11
(v.13) Jesus warned the disciples many times to be careful not to be lead astray. Cults and false religions have added to God's Word in the Bible. If you belong to a church that was started by one man, then ask yourself, "What if he was wrong?" The Bible is written by the Holy Spirit, but through over 40 people, to show that Christianity is not based on man's opinion, but God's Word.
Ever since Satan lost the war at the cross, he battles God daily by trying to have people veer away from God's Word, and following the word of men. Satan infiltrated the Church to break it up...he's been pretty successful, unfortunately. That is why my family reads the Bible and studies it, for other books are only supplementary, and not to replace the Bible.
2 Corinthians 12
(v.2) Scholars believe, and I believe, that one of the times that Paul was beaten and left for dead, that he actually did die. He was taken to the third heaven.
1st heaven ~ the earth's atmosphere
2nd heaven ~ outer space
3rd heaven ~ the dwelling place of God
Paul saw and heard things that were too wonderful to try to explain or describe...that is what heaven is like. We will be in awe for eternity at what God has planned for us!
(v.10) When we are weak, we are strong in Christ. Only when we know that we need Christ, and He can work in our lives, are we strong. When we don't get to that point, we think we can solve our problems and live abundantly without God.
2 Corinthians 13
(v.5) Ask yourself if you hate what God hates, and love what God loves. Do you hate sin? Do you hate evil? Do you long to help the weak and helpless? If you don't answer yes to these things, then pray and ask God to work in your life. Only when we are walking with God can He use us.
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