Romans 11
(v.5) God has NEVER gone back on His promise to Israel. That covenant was unconditional...meaning it didn't depend upon the obedience of Israel. God will once again nurture and protect Israel in the last days...He will remove His Church first in the Rapture.
(v.11) As a Christian, and a student of the Word of God, I understand (still learning) and see how Christ is in the Old Testament. The Jews (as a whole, but not individually) do not. When I see how Christ fulfilled the Spring Feasts of Israel in His first coming, and will fulfill the Fall Feasts in His second coming, I have an awe and joy for God that only the Jews had before Christ. Until Christ, only the Jews knew God personally, but after Christ, all can know Him! This is what Paul means by provoking them to jealousy...when they see Christians worshiping YHWH!!!
(v.17) Paul uses imagery here that the people of that time would understand. Israel is the tree, God is the root, and the Church are the branches grafted in. Because Israel (for the most part) didn't accept Christ, the Church is grafted into the promise to Abraham.
One thing to point out...the Church NEVER...I repeat NEVER...replaces Israel in God's promises. We are only able to partake of the same promise of salvation that God revealed to the Jews. If your church teaches that God is done with Israel, and the Church has replaced Israel, then go to another church...that makes God out to be a liar!!!
(v.23) Because God is merciful and loving, He will graft back in those Jews who realize that Jesus is the Messiah.
(v.25) Remember, there are two phrases in the Bible that are often confused:
The Fullness of the Gentiles ~ This is the gathering of the Church. One glorious day, the Father will have the amount of people He deems to be complete, and He will send His Son to gather them in the Rapture.
The Times of the Gentiles ~ This started with Babylon and King Nebuchednezzar, and continues until the Return of Christ. God's focus on Israel was put on hold from the time of Babylon until He raptures His church, and starts the clock again with Israel.
(v.32) God didn't create robots that obey Him without feeling or love. He allowed sin to enter the world, so that the world would realize what love is, and see His mercy and grace! Only then, can someone make the choice to love God and follow Him.
Romans 12
(v.1) Here is a great contrast between Islam and Christianity...Muslims are taught that the only way to assure their salvation (like they could actually earn it) is to die for allah. This entails killing the unbelievers in the process.
Christianity, on the other hand, teaches us to live for Christ, and love and serve others because we are saved by what He did for us on the cross.
Which one is the REAL peaceful faith?
(v.6) The Body of Christ is the Church...it is made up of the people who believe. Like the human body, every part is designed with importance, and a crucial function for the whole body to live. Not all of us can be teachers, pastors, missionaries, administrators, etc, but with the gifts that God has given us, we need to use them for His Church.
One of the most important things we all need to realize, is what God has gifted us with. We may not find that gift the one we would desire, but it's the one that God wants us to use for His glory. Who are we to tell God that He gave us the wrong gifts?
(v.9) There is such a thing as righteous anger. After all, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees with harsh words and turned the tables violently at the Temple. John 2:15
So many people recite the words from Jesus, where He says to turn the other cheek. This is valid up to a point. We are to be loving and kind, where we wouldn't draw violence to us by our actions. If we are combative and harsh with others, we will get hit back with insults and even physical violence.
But if we love and serve others, and we still get hatred, then Jesus says to let Him take care of it, and keep loving and serving.
With that said, we are not to be the pushovers and doormats of the world. We are strong in Christ, and we can protect ourselves and loved ones from harm.
It all comes down to this...if we are His, then we will love what He loves, and we will hate what He hates. God hates evil, for He is good. We are to stand up for the defenseless and for what is good. That is Scriptural.
(v.16) There are scores of Proverbs that repeat this over and over...we are not to believe that we are wise on our own...we are only wise if we use and have God's wisdom. That would be evident if we act in humility, and in a loving and meek manner.
(v.21) We overcome evil by God's power...use prayer and reliance upon Him, and we will prevail in the end!
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