2 Corinthians 3
(v.6) I like to take notice that Paul mentions the new covenant, and how the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life. This is a direct distinction between the Law and the Gospel. Jesus made a new covenant with mankind, where faith brings life. Matt 26:28 The Law, in itself, shows us our doom to death since we can't keep it perfectly. However, the beauty of the Gospel, is that by faith, we are saved.
(v.14) The veil here has a double meaning...typology is being used again. In Matt 27:51 as Jesus died on the cross, the veil was torn in two, from top to bottom. That veil was the partition that separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the Temple. Only the High Priest was allowed to go in there, and only once a year, to act as intercession for the people. Jesus wiped that all away, by dying in our place, and removing the barrier between us and the Father. Now, we don't need a pastor, or priest, to pray and intercede for us...we can pray and talk directly with the Father ourselves!
2 Corinthians 4
(v.6) This is a great point to make with our kids...God created light out from the darkness, and so are we when we are born again. We believers are light in a dark world. Gen 1:2-3
(v.14) This is another reference to the Rapture.
(v.16) Even though our bodies are dying, our spirits are growing when we walk with the LORD. God is preparing us for eternity with Him!!!
2 Corinthians 5
(v.1) I explain to my kids again, that God will use our DNA to create our heavenly bodies. The body we have today is cursed with sin, and is dying. But the one He creates for us in heaven will be done by His hands, and without sin and death!
(v.8) This verse is often cited at funerals, and rightly so. If a loved one who is a believer dies, they are immediately in heaven with Jesus! That is reason to celebrate and be happy for them. But since we are still here on earth, and we will miss that loved one until we join him/her in heaven, we are sad. We must try to focus on the positive, and realize that to be in heaven is our goal, and our joyful destination!
(v.10) The judgment seat of Christ is called, in Greek, the Bema Seat. This is what we see in the Olympics when the medals are handed out...the athletes stand on this and receive their rewards. We will have the same moment with Christ. He will view our whole life, and the things that weren't done for His glory will burn, but the things we did for His glory, they will be rewarded with crowns. 1 Cor 9:25
(v.20) Our kids (and us adults) need to remember that if we proclaim to be believers and followers of Christ, then we are His ambassadors of His on earth. This comes with great responsibility. I believe this is what the Third Commandment is all about...if we take the name of our King, then we need to represent Him purely and righteously to others! Exo 20:7
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