1 Timothy 5
(v.1) We are to respect our elders, and to show love and compassion for other believers around the same age as ourselves. Of course, if one is acting ungodly, then Matthew 18 applies.
(v.4) We are to take care of our parents and grandparents ourselves. Our society has pushed them away, for we want to travel and not have the responsibility of caring for them in our way. Our society has gone away from God's Word, and we need to take care of our families. Of course, the church will take care of widows and older people if they don't have family nearby.
(v.8) This hits the father of the house hard! We need to provide for our family...both spiritually and financially. The wife takes care of the daily things, but the husband plans and works on the big things.
(v.19) We are to respect our church leaders. Only when we hear by multiple godly persons that a leader is acting contrary to his post, should we approach that leader. Use Matthew 18 as a model for this.
1 Timothy 6
(v.2) Support and pray for our church leaders, and don't let our pride and jealousy get in the way of the church exhorting the people.
(v.6) This is where I strive to be daily...walking with God, content in Him, and fearless of the world!
(v.8) As we approach the Christmas season, let's remind our kids that we only NEED food and clothing, along with Scripture, to live. What our kids actually WANT is another thing! We need to teach them the difference!
(v.10) Money, itself, is not evil...it's the love and obsession with it that is evil. Make sure your kids know the difference. After all, God uses money to feed the poor, to clothe the naked, and to support godly ministries all around the world!
(v.17) Being rich seems easy, but it's really a snare. When someone becomes rich, they start to think they can run their own lives. As Solomon says in Prov 30:8 that if we are rich, we become proud, and if we are dirt poor, we abandon God and try to steal our way to wealth.
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