Ephesians 1
Ephesians was the first of the Prison Epistles written by Paul. Ephesus was a major trading city in the Roman Empire, and was located in modern day Turkey.
(v.7) Not the Law, our works, nor our good intentions earns our salvation...it is the blood of God Himself...Jesus, that washes away our sins.
(v.11) Christians have a tough time with predestination and free will. Both are true. God has predestined all of us to be with Him, but it all depends on our free will. If we choose God, then we will be saved. If we choose our pride, then we will die in judgment for our sins. It's that simple, and it's that important.
(v.18) When we are born again, we don't become Albert Einstein...but we do start to see God's plan of redemption. This makes us grateful, and we seek God in prayer and in His Word. God is faithful, and He will open our eyes to His character and plans, but only if we are diligent.
Ephesians 2
(v.2) God gave Adam dominion over the earth...Adam was a son of God, for he was a direct creation from God. Another creation of God, the angel called Lucifer, didn't like that Adam was treated the way he was by God, and wanted to be worshiped himself. When he tricked Adam and Eve, they gave up their dominion of the earth to Satan. He is the prince of the power of the air and has been ruling the world ever since then. Not until Jesus comes back to claim His authority and right to the deed of the earth (paid for by His blood on the cross), will Satan not be in control.
Please remember to tell your kids that there is only one God, but He allows Satan to rule over the earth, so the people can choose good or evil.
(v.8) Our faith makes us righteous in the Father's eyes, for we have the blood of His Son to wash us clean.
(v.14) I have incredible peace knowing that God took care of my salvation...all I have to do is let Him direct my paths, and obey Him when He calls me to witness or love others. All the stress and garbage I allow in my life just clouds that out...I need to keep focused on the cross and the empty tomb...as Jesus said Himself, It is finished! John 19:30
(v.18) Jew and Gentile are alike to God...one body of believers in His Son!
(v.19) I am proud to be an American citizen, but I'm even more happy to be a citizen of heaven!
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