1 Corinthians 13
In verses 1-3, Paul shows us that works are no good without love. If we do works without love, they are attempts to please man, not God. Works will never save us, but we do them because of our love and gratitude to Christ. Because we are grateful, we love and serve others to reflect His love.
Verses 4-7 are often read at weddings...they are good reminders for us to keep our marriage strong and loving. What I like to do with my kids, is put the name of Jesus in every spot where the word love is...it fits even better, and shows us what true love really is.
(v.11) Now that we are saved and walking with Christ, we need to grow. We can only do that by consistently studying His Word, daily prayer, and loving others the way Christ wants us to.
(v.13) Paul reiterates this concept of love by stressing it over faith and hope. All things go back to love, which in reality, we wouldn't have faith and hope without the love that Christ showed the world on the cross!
1 Corinthians 14
(v.2) The gift of tongues is both controversial and confusing. Speaking in tongues is not meant for others, so there is no need to do it in public. The Holy Spirit does this for us many times when we can't utter the right words to the Father. Rom 8:26
Prophecy helps the whole Body of Christ. The more we understand what God has shown us will happen, the more we are at peace and can act accordingly.
(v.22) Paul summarizes what the importance of prophecy is...speaking in tongues is for unbelievers and speaking with God. Prophecy is for believers and encouraging them to stay the course!
(v.26) Let all things be done for edification...if we pray, prophesy, speak in tongues, teach, etc, we should be doing it for the growth of the Church as a whole, and for each individual. If that is not the result of one of these gifts, then it's not from God.
(v.33) Some churches have speaking in tongues sessions, and the whole congregation starts yelling, crying, dancing in convulsions...this is not from God. If you witness this, get out of that church! The Holy Spirit does not have us act irrationally or without order.
(v.40) Paul confirms this by saying that all things must be done in order, and with purpose. Barking like dogs, or acting crazy is not of the Holy Spirit, but from another spirit that temporarily rules this world...Satan.
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