Acts 22
(v.3) Paul reminds the crowd that he was a Jew like them, and was taught personally by the revered Rabbi Gamaliel. He also gives them some props by telling them that they are zealous for God like he is. Paul starts off speaking in their language, and giving them a compliment...they are ready to listen.
(v.14) Paul was unique to personally hear the voice of the risen LORD, who was also in heaven! This is what we will experience in heaven as well.
Acts 23
(v.8) Paul shows us the great divide among the Jewish scholars:
Pharisees ~ they believe in the resurrection of the dead, angels and the spirit world. They are extreme in their adherence of the Law, and Jesus rebuked them for being more in love with the Law than the One who gave them the Law.
Sadducees ~ The are more liberal than the Pharisees, and they don't believe in the resurrection, angels or the spirit world.
Pastor Chuck Smith likes to joke that they are accurately named, since it's sad, you see, that they don't believe in the resurrection!
(v.11) The LORD stood by Paul...how cool is that!?! When God speaks to us, we need to listen and obey.
Acts 24
Paul defends himself, showing the Romans that he didn't agitate by design, but the crowd was upset with the truth!
I like to compare this chapter with what Jesus went through with the Pharisees and Pilate. Jesus didn't defend Himself, fulfilling Isaiah 53:7, where Paul did.
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