2 Corinthians 1
(v.1) Again, saints are living believers...not dead ones that have been immortalized by any church! I say this, because we who are living in faith are His saints...that is because we are holy in the Father's eyes by the blood of His Son.
(v.4) God the Father is a comforter...God the Son is a comforter...and the Holy Spirit is called the Comforter. This is why God allows evil and suffering in the world...to draw us to Him when we finally realize we need His love and comfort. God didn't create evil, but it happened because God allowed free choice. Once Satan, Adam and Eve, and we realized that we can make decisions for ourselves, we can choose against God, or with Him.
(v.7) Our trials are tests on our faith and character...the better we go through it and keep on moving ahead with God, we will see blessings on earth, and even more abundantly in heaven!
(v.22) Once saved, always saved. If we are truly born again, we will have the Holy Spirit working on our lives. Sin will seem less fun, and holiness will be more desirable. That is how we know the Spirit is working in us. For if we still enjoy our fleshly lusts more than the things of God, then we aren't truly born again. Now, to be clear, saved and born again people are still sinners. We will slip and fall from grace, but it's how we react that's illuminating. If we feel bad and hate the sin we experienced, then we are repenting and getting back in tune with God. We can't live a lifestyle of sin if we are born again.
2 Corinthians 2
(v.7) People hurt us, and yes, Christians do as well. Often, being hurt by other believers hurts more. When this happens, we need to lovingly and honestly approach that person, and share with them why we are hurt. We don't go to unbelievers to solve our problems...we go to the person who wronged us. Read Matt 1815-20
(v.14) If we are seeking His wisdom, He will give us some to see what we do with it. If we are faithful servants, then He will bless us with more.
(v.15) Since Christ is a part of God, then those that are washed with the blood of Christ are holy and fragrant to the Father. We are sweet to Him who redeemed us!
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