Ephesians 3
(v.6) God first worked with the Jews to reveal Himself to, and to show them how to worship and obey Him. God planned all along to save Gentiles as well, for by faith we are saved, not by culture or ethnicity.
(v.9) God made the universe through His Son...God in the form of flesh. Jesus is God, and a part of the Holy Trinity. John 1:1
(v.12) Once Jesus died for our sins, we had redemption and access to the Father once again! There had to be a price for sin, and that was God Himself...dying on the cross as our perfect Passover Lamb! Thank you Jesus!!!
(v.18) These are the four dimensions we experience in life, but quantum physicists believe there are at least 10 dimensions in the universe. This makes sense, since Jesus lost practically all of those dimensions when He became man, but regained at least some of them when He appeared and disappeared suddenly after His resurrection.
Ephesians 4
(v.5) This is often cited by people that believe we should baptize our kids in water as newborns. If this were true, then Jesus' words to Nicodemus were a lie...we need to be baptized spiritually in order to be born again...that is what allows us to enter the kingdom of heaven. John 3:5
(v.24) When we are born again, we are a new creation of God! We still have our old habits that we need to abandon, but we are focused on the things of God, and not of Satan!
(v.26) You've heard the phrase to not go to sleep mad at your spouse or your friend...this comes from here in the Bible. No matter how upset we are, we need to pause to pray, and talk things out lovingly. Only pride makes us avoid the discussion, and has us push away loved ones.
(v.29) One of the best ways for others to see where your heart is, is to stop cussing and saying mean and dirty things. Prov 8:7
(v.30) The Holy Spirit is a person...a part of the Trinity. We can't grieve a thing or a force, if we say and indulge in evil things.
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