1 Corinthians 15
(v.3) In case you don't know, or wish to have your kids understand the Gospel in definition, Paul gives it to us plainly:
1. Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures...I stress that Christ fulfilled prophecy since the Jews of that day and many throughout history don't see that Christ was spoken about in detail all through the Old Testament.
2. ...and that He was buried...Christ actually died and was buried. He didn't get revived in the grave, but was dead and God brought Him back to life.
3. ...and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures. Jesus told the disciples many times He would be killed and rise again in three days. Also, He gave the Pharisees notice that like Jonah, He would die and be alive again in three days. Matt 12:39, 16:4
Verses 5-8 show us that there were eye witnesses, and not just a few, but hundreds...this shows us that this wasn't made up. For if there was any falsehood in these statements, there were people still alive that could refute it...but none did.
(v.12) We often focus on the death of Christ, but not the resurrection. They are both important. Jesus' death on the cross justified us back to the Father. But without His resurrection, we would be lost in death. We needed our Savior to live again so we can follow Him and live again!
(v.22) Adam's sin cursed all of us to be sentenced to hell. But Christ's death and resurrection washes away that curse, and we are alive in Him by faith.
(v.36) Paul uses an illustration that makes sense to the people of that time...farming. A seed is not alive...it is dead. When it is buried in the ground, it will become alive again and bear fruit. Does this sound familiar? When we are born again, we are truly alive, and we bear fruit by our faith and works.
(v.44) Once again, we see why the disciples didn't recognize Jesus after the Resurrection...He was in His heavenly body. God will take one piece of our DNA and make our corruptible bodies into incorruptible. If this is hard to believe, then ask yourself why it's so hard for us to believe that God spoke the universe into existence, and we can't believe He can recreate our bodies?
(v.47) Paul makes a great comparison here...we are born of the earth, since Adam was born of the dust. But when we have a spiritual rebirth, we are born of the Spirit, which is not mortal.
(v.52) Paul gives us a clear and simple picture of the Rapture:
1. Christ will meet all believers in the clouds
2. Those that have already died in faith, will have their DNA raised and given new immortal bodies
3. Those believers who are still on earth, will be lifted up in a twinkling of an eye...that is fast!
(v.58) Memorize this verse...it should motivate us daily!
1 Corinthians 16
Paul gives orders and encouragement to the Church in Corinth, and leaves them with wishes of love and grace!
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