Romans 8
(v.1) This is one of the most reassuring verses in the Bible...if we are truly saved, then we will always be saved! This is true because we didn't save ourselves...Jesus saved us. So if Jesus saved us, then He can't lose us!
(v.2) That is why Jesus said He was making a new covenant with mankind...not of Law, but by faith. Luke 22:20
(v.3) Because we are sinful and can't keep the Law, God had to perform the act of propitiation, and take our place! Thank you Jesus!
(v.8) We can only please God if we are acting in His Spirit...if we are acting as the world does, then we are not pleasing God.
(v.14) In the Old Testament, the phrase, sons of God, is referring to angels. That is because they are direct creations of God. Adam was also a direct creation of God. From Eve, to their descendants, we have been reproductions of the creation (Adam).
So what is Paul saying here? He is saying, that by our rebirth in spirit, we are again direct creations of God! Not only that, but as sons (and daughters) of God, we are given His inheritance...heaven!
(v.15) So when we are born again, we are once again direct creations of God and sons and daughters of God. We can call Him Daddy, which is the equivalent to Abba! We are adopted back into His family!
(v.19) All of creation was in harmony before Adam and Eve sinned...it is waiting for everything to be restored in the Millennium.
(v.25) We know that heaven will be wonderful, but for now, we need to work and serve for God, and we will live for eternity with Him.
(v.26) Have you ever been so sad or distressed that words just wouldn't come out? The Holy Spirit knows what you're thinking and feeling, and He prays to the Father for us! That is really cool that God prays for us!
(v.28) This is a verse that all of us need to know when times become hard...He is always with us, and He will work on us so that we are stronger and better off from the trials.
(v.31) If God is for us, who can be against us? I love this verse, since it gives me complete comfort, knowing that God is on my side. Or rather, I'm on His side!
(v.34) Not only do we have the Holy Spirit making intercession for us, but we have the Son...talk about a sure way for the Father to hear our prayers!
(v.38) Nothing can come between us and Christ if we are saved. We can't be unsaved, and He will always be with us!
Romans 9
(v.8) The Promise is the one that God made to Abraham...who is the Father of the Faithful. Not only the Jews, but all who believe in Christ are the seed of Abraham.
(v.15) Notice that God says He will have mercy and compassion on whomever He wishes...those are good things! We should never be jealous of other people's blessings. We should praise God and work to serve God and see what He does with us!
(v.32) The Jews became fixated on the Law, and forgot the righteousness of Abraham by his faith. We have that knowledge, but it's easy to forget.
Romans 10
(v.2) Paul, like Moses before him, offers up his own salvation if God would save the nation of Israel from their religiosity. That is admirable, but everyone must stand before God individually. Our relationship with God is personal...no one can do anything for us, we need to seek God ourselves.
(v.9) Some people say that their faith is "personal" and not to be shared with others. This is against Scripture. If we realize what Christ did for us, then we should be so grateful, that we want others to be saved as well. That can't happen unless we witness and share with others the Gospel.
We can't be ashamed or scared of being a Christian...we will probably be made fun of and perhaps persecuted, but that's a small price to pay for eternity!
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