1 Corinthians 9
(v.5) Here is where the early church was discussing tithes, and how to support the teacher/pastor. Some said they should only support teachers that weren't married, so they wouldn't have to support a whole family. Paul is citing Peter and other disciples who teach and are married.
Unfortunately, the Roman Catholic Church argued about the same thing, but chose to say that only pastors or priests can be celibate and unmarried. This way, they didn't have to take care of the family and his descendants. There was no Scriptural reason to do this, but it was about money and power.
(v.10) This is like a business...the owner should work for the bulk of the profit, but the helpers get a piece as well.
(v.17) Teach your kids not to be ashamed of the Gospel, and to share it with their friends. God will reward them, even though some kids might make fun of them, it will be worth it!
(v.19) This part can be summed up in one sentence...know your audience when you're sharing Christ, and try to relate to them by what they are comfortable with and what they understand.
1 Corinthians 10
(v.4) The Rock is Jesus and we know this by many references to the Rock in Scripture. Your kids might find it fun to look up all the references to rock in the Bible...Jesus will be in all of them!
I also take notice to stress to my kids that Peter is not the Rock...Jesus is the Rock...and what Peter said in Matt 16:18 was that Jesus is the Son of God. That is what the Church is built upon...not Peter.
(v.11) Why do we read the Bible? We do to learn from what others did, and to come to know God better. When we see what God said, and what He did with the people in the Word, we get a better idea of what He wants for us.
(v.13) This is a key verse for young kids...especially teenagers! We are not powerless over sin. God had been tempted in every way like us, and He lived without sin. He will provide a way for us to escape sin and temptation, but we have to be willing to escape. That is the key.
(v.31) We should not get drunk or eat things given to idols, otherwise, we are to be moderate in food and drink, and give thanks to God for His provision. That is why Jesus blessed the bread and wine, since the Jews had those two things for every supper. We are to give thanks to He who provides for us when we sit down as a family to eat.
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