2 Timothy 3
(v.1-5) Doesn't this describe our society today? The sad thing is, it also describes our churches as a whole! Most churches don't teach the Bible as one book, showing how the Old Testament points to the New Testament, and the New Testament fulfills the Old Testament.
Cults and false religions take only a part of the Bible, and make it their only doctrine, instead of viewing the whole Bible as one book!
(v.12) How is that for a pep talk?!? It is true, however, that as Christians, the world will look at us as the enemy. We will be made fun of, and even persecuted for our faith. We need to know that going in, and by prayer and the support from other believers, we will overcome!
(v.16) This is a very important verse:
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God ~ Men physically wrote the Bible, but the words they wrote down were told to them by God in His Spirit. So many authors wrote of things they didn't understand, and even wrote about prophecies that were unfathomable to them, only to be fulfilled centuries later! The only way that could have happened, is that God told them to write those things down, since He knows the end from the beginning! Isaiah 46:10
Scripture benefits us for knowing God's commands to us, for correcting our sins, and for us to know what pure holiness is...and try to attain it!
(v.17) If we know God's Word, we are equipped to share the Gospel, and to help the needy.
2 Timothy 4
(v.3) We need to know the Bible, so we can understand God, and His plan of redemption. We can't be grateful for Jesus dying on the cross for us, unless we know what He saved us from!
(v.4) False prophets and cults lead people away from the holiness of God, using family and traditions to be coveted. Please stick to the Bible, and the Bible only, for doctrine...any other "holy book" is adding or deleting from God's Word.
(v.7) Stay the course, and keep your eyes on the finish line!
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