The Gospels: Going Fishing And Last Words
John 21
(v.3) All the disciples are scared, saddened and feel lost. They don't know what to do. So Simon Peter decides to do what he knows, and something that might take his mind off his troubles...fishing. We need to do that when we fall upon tough times...do hobbies or tasks that are productive and let us shift our focus off of our troubles, and onto good. Of course, the ultimate good thing we can do is serve the LORD, so I suggest give of yourself to others when you feel lost...God will bless you more than you could ever expect!
(v.7) Here is another verse that my kids and I laugh over...John mentions again that he is the disciple whom Jesus loved.
Again, we see the personalities of both John and Peter...John sees who is talking to them, and Peter reacts without thinking and swims to shore! Both love the LORD, and both show it in their own ways.
(v.12) Again, the disciples see something different in Jesus, but they know it is Him. I believe they are witnessing the heavenly Jesus, and not the One who walked with them before He was crucified. Regardless, they recognize His actions, His words, and like Mary, His voice.
(v.15-17) I think this has significant meaning, the way Jesus talked with Peter. He asked Peter three times if he loved Him, and gave him three commands:
Feed My lambs...feed the babes in Christ...children and those new to the faith with the Word
Tend My sheep...pastor and guide the Body of Christ to grow in the LORD
Feed My sheep...take care of the older ones who need extra care and the poor who need food
(v.18) Jesus prophesies that Peter will be crucified...Peter was, but he didn't want to be killed like his LORD, so he asked that it be done upside down.
(v.22) Peter wonders about the fate of John, and Jesus tells him to mind to his own business, and his own witness...what the LORD wills for one will be different for another.
Matthew 28
(v.18) This is another example of the Deity of Jesus...He has authority on earth, but also in Heaven...if He wasn't part of the Trinity, how would the Father, or Jehovah, allow that?
(v.19) Our job when we become followers of Christ, is to reach out to others and disciple them to come to know, and grow in Christ.
We also see the Trinity in baptism.
(v.20) I am with you always...He is the LORD of all creation, and right there with us if allow Him to work in our lives.
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