Acts 7
Steven, a common man of the Church, was filled with the Spirit, and gave a detailed and inspiring recount of the Old Testament! This should be something all Christians should be able to do. In order to understand WHY Jesus came, we need to know the Old Testament first.
(v.51) Steven sounds like John the Baptist and Jesus, where he confronts the hypocrisy and hard hearts of the Pharisees. When we witness, we need to know our audience. Love conquers all, but there are times when we need to confront non-believers with their selfish pride. This will either make them recoil and push you away, or God's Word will pierce their heart, and they will repent. It's not our job to save people, it's our job to share the Good News of Jesus, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest!
(v.54) In this case, the Pharisees were hard of heart, and not walking with God. Therefore, they lashed out at Steven, and he became the first martyr of the Church.
(v.56) What a day that will be for all of us, when we see Jesus at the right hand of the Father in heaven!!!
(v.60) In the end, Steven showed love, and called on God to forgive them of their sins. This was like Jesus on the cross, and we need to have the same attitude and heart. We may fight evil here on earth, but ultimately, all people are God's children, and we should wish for them to be saved.
Acts 8
(v.1) Saul of Tarsus (later to be known as Paul the Apostle) was a high-ranking Pharisee who managed the stoning of Steven.
One thing I point out to my kids, is that once Satan lost at the cross, he shifted his work from trying to prevent the Messiah from redeeming mankind to God, to trying to keep as many people from salvation as possible. Satan is still doing that today.
At first, Satan tried to scare and persecute the Church to give up. But what we see here is that the more Satan had the Jews, then the Romans, then the Roman Catholic Church, and then Islam persecute the Church, the more it grew!
Satan is wise, though, and once he saw this, he took another tactic...infiltrate the Church and make it and it's people ineffective for God's work. That is what we are dealing with today in most churches...they are dead.
(v.20) Like Simon here, many churches and "preachers" today use wealth and prosperity as a sign of salvation. They don't talk about sin and the need for a Savior, they focus on living a wealthy life here on earth. This is dangerous!
Jesus said He would give us His rest when we accepted His gift of salvation. Exodus 33:14 & Matt 11:29 However, Jesus didn't promise us a life of prosperity and wealth in this life if we are His...He promised us rest and joy. Those come from the knowledge of His Word, that we are saved and will be with Him in heaven for eternity. In the meantime, we are to endure hardships and work to love and serve others while on this earth.
Do you see the difference?
(v.27) Why was this Ethiopian eunuch in Jerusalem at that time? Many Bible scholars believe the Ark of the Covenant is in Ethiopia today, and it's their duty, when the Messiah returns, to present the Ark to Jesus...for He is to sit on the Mercy Seat (the lid of the Ark) as His throne to rule for the Millennium. For more on this, check out this website for some interesting info:
It is my belief, that this eunuch was sent to present the Ark, but they didn't know that the Messiah had to die first...then come back as the Conquering King. That is why Philip was spirited to the eunuch to show him Isaiah 53 which details the Suffering Servant and the reason for Jesus to die on the cross.
I believe, one great day, the Ethiopians will present the Ark to Jesus, and we'll be praising God the whole time!
This is one of those subjects that brings up much debate, so please look into this yourself, and see what God speaks to you. Acts 17:11
(v.37) This is why infant baptism is ineffective...the baby doesn't know what is going on. It takes a mind and a heart that knows what baptism proclaims...the death of our old life to sin, and the resurrection of our new life to salvation. That is why my kids have come to wish to be baptized about the ages of 7 or 8, when they understand what it means, and they believe with all their heart.
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