Acts 10
(v.2) We don't know how, but Cornelius was converted to follow Christ, and it turns out he was a generous giver. That is how we should be as followers of Christ...a cheerful giver since we realize what Christ saved us from...eternal torment in hell. 2 Cor 9:7
(v.4) We can't please God by our works...they are like filthy rags compared to the love and works of God. Isa 64:6 However, when we serve and love with a heart that is grateful to God, we do the work of God. Gal 6:2
(v.9) There are two points to make with our children here...first, God speaks to us when we pray. When we are praying, and mostly listening to God put thoughts and ideas into our minds, then we will see what He wants us to do. Secondly, notice that God is working in Cornelius and Peter at the same time.
This is important, for if you believe that God is speaking to you about someone, then more often than not, God is already speaking to that person as well. So when you talk to that person, they will immediately know it's from God, for He had been speaking to that person already.
(v.15) We Gentiles are clean by the blood of Christ. What God has cleansed, is set apart and not common to this world.
(v.25) Take note that only God allows others to worship at His feet...look up the times that angels and men had this done to them, and they immediately rebuked the person for showing worship to them. Only God has earned the right to be worshiped. We may admire and respect Christian teachers, friends and preachers, but we must never put them on the same level as God.
(v.43) This is Peter's version of John 3:16
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