1 Thessalonians 5
(v.2) This is important to make clear with our kids...there is a difference between the Rapture and the Day of the Lord.
The Rapture can happen at any moment, and will precede the Tribulation of Israel. The time of the Tribulation is spelled out in Daniel 9:27 where it will last for exactly seven years. Halfway through it, the Antichrist will reveal himself, and the last half of the tribulation will be so bad, that Jesus calls it the Great Tribulation.
The Tribulation is accurate and we are given actual days and things to look for. The Rapture, however, will come suddenly, and catch the whole world by surprise...even the devil. If we are truly followers of Christ, then we will know when the Rapture is near, and act and serve accordingly for there is little time. I believe we are getting real close to the Rapture.
(v.3) The world wants peace, and it will give up anything to attain it. Unfortunately for them, there will NEVER be true peace until the Prince of Peace comes to reign for 1,000 years. Those that don't know God will be fooled by a false peace by the Antichrist.
(v.9) The Day of the LORD is a day of terrible wrath and misery. God has given the world plenty of warning, and wished for them to choose to love and serve Him. But on that fateful day, God will bring His Holy Wrath upon the unbelievers, and us believers will not experience that...for we will be Raptured and in heaven!
2 Thessalonians 1
(v.5) Because we are ambassadors of Christ on earth as His Church, we will undoubtedly experience persecution. This should be a barometer to tell us if we are doing God's work...if we don't experience persecution from the world, then we must be a part of it, and not separated in Spirit by God.
(v.9) I believe this verse supports the theory that hell is the agony of knowing their foolish pride, and being eternally tormented by being separated from God.
2 Thessalonians 2
(v.3) There are some things that have to happen BEFORE Christ returns in wrath:
1. A great falling away...people who called themselves Christian, but were never really born again, will leave the church and follow cults and false prophets. We are seeing this in abundance today.
2. During the tribulation, the Antichrist will reveal himself, by striking the peace treaty between Israel and the Muslim world, and then go back on it in three and one half years.
3. The Holy Spirit (the Restrainer) will be removed. This means that there will be no born again people on earth...they will be raptured.
(v.13) I like to remind my kids that they didn't really choose God...He chose them. He has been planning their birth and rebirth since before the universe was created! That always blows them away!
2 Thessalonians 3
(v.3) If we are His, we will experience persecution, but like Job, we won't be killed by Satan.
(v.10) God is clear about welfare and loafing...if you don't work, you don't eat. Of course, there are people who can't physically work, or are mentally inhibited to work, and it is up to the Church to care for those people. But being lazy and wanting the government to care for us is not godly or Biblical.
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