The Gospels: The Resurrected Jesus!
John 20
(v.2) My kids love it when I read from this gospel...it seems that John likes to have fun with Peter! John likes to mention that he is the disciple whom Jesus loved.
(v.4) My kids laugh again as we see that John likes to mention that he runs faster than Peter!
(v.6) Here we see how the personalities are here...John is hesitant to go into the tomb, and Peter just comes barreling in!
(v.12) Don't let skeptics trip you up with how many angels are at the tomb...it's all about timing and perspective. We know that two people can see the same event and remember different things. The facts are the same, but the details are remembered differently. This is not an example of Scripture contradicting itself.
(v.14) Why didn't Mary recognize Jesus? There are three possibilities, and I believe all three are true:
1. Mary was so sad, her eyesight and focus could have been blurred, thus, she didn't recognize Him.
2. Remember, Jesus was brutally beaten and whipped, and they plucked out His beard from His face. Isaiah 50:6 He didn't have a normal looking beard, and looked scarred.
3. Jesus was in His resurrected body, that is different than our earthly bodies. He must have looked similar, but through human eyes, it was different enough to not recognize Him right away.
(v.16) However Jesus looked, when He said, Mary, she recognized it was Him! Remember, the sheep hear the voice of their Good Shepherd! John 10:27
Matthew 28
(v.15) The Jews didn't want the people to believe that Jesus was resurrected, so they had the guards lie and make up a story. Unfortunately, many people didn't come to faith because of this lie.
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